Royal Naval Air Service Rnas Kingsnorth Coastal C-Class ?Royal Naval Air Service Rnas Kingsnorth Coastal C-Class Non-Rigid Airship Flying During WW1 Date: 1910s
Barrage Balloon with an Underslung Capule Used for Parac?Barrage Balloon with an Underslung Capule Used for Parachute Training During WW2 Date: 1941
Zeppelin LZ-9 Schwaben Airship Flying in 1911 Date: 1911
Barrage Balloon Used for Parachute Training During WW2 Date: 1941
Hma R33 British Rigid Airship Built for the Royal Naval ?Hma R33 British Rigid Airship Built for the Royal Naval Air Service in 1919 Parked Attached to its Mast Date: 1919
Zeppelin LZ-11 Viktoria Luise Airship in 1912 Date: 1912
Zeppelin LZ-6 Airship Entering its Hangar by Lake Constance
The First Successful Airship - Constructed by Henri Giff?The First Successful Airship - Constructed by Henri Giffard in 1852 Steam Powered Airship Captioned in French Aerostat a Vapeur de Henri Giffard Date: 1852
Zeppelin LZ-1 Flying over Lake Constance with Three Boys Watching it Flying Date: 2000
3D Stereoscopic Image, Balloon Corps Transport with Lord?3D Stereoscopic Image, Balloon Corps Transport with Lord Roberts Army, Advance on Pretoria, South Africa, Cattle Pulling a Cart and Soldiers on Horses During the Boer War Date: 1900
Allied Observation Gas-Filled Caquot Type R Kite Gas-Bal?Allied Observation Gas-Filled Caquot Type R Kite Gas-Balloon Flying During WW1 Date: 1910s
Soldiers Preparing an Allied Observation Gas-Filled Caqu?Soldiers Preparing an Allied Observation Gas-Filled Caquot Type R Kite Balloon for Take-Off to Watch Enemy Movements During WW1 on the Western Front
Royal Naval Air Service Rnas S. S. Z. 59 Ssz Sea Scout Ze?Royal Naval Air Service Rnas S.S.Z. 59 Ssz Sea Scout Zero Class Non-Rigid Airship Flying over Hms Furious Ship During WW1 on 27 May 1918 Date: 1918
Royal Naval Air Service Rnas S. S. T. 2 Sst Sea Scout Twin?Royal Naval Air Service Rnas S.S.T. 2 Sst Sea Scout Twin Class Non-Rigid Airship During WW1 Flying at Kerlicky Date: 1910s
Rnas Kingsnorth N. S. Ii / 2 British Ns North Sea Non-Rigi?Rnas Kingsnorth N.S.Ii / 2 British Ns North Sea Non-Rigid Class Airship During WW1 Date: 1910s
Rnas Kingsnorth British Ns North Sea Class Non-Rigid Air?Rnas Kingsnorth British Ns North Sea Class Non-Rigid Airship During WW1 in May 1917 Date: 1917
Zeppelin LZ-3 Airship Flying over Lake Konstance in 1907 Date: 1907
Zeppelin Z-4 Schwaben Airship at Luneville, France May 1913 Date: 1913
Stereoscopic View of an Allied Observation Gas-Filled Ca?Stereoscopic View of an Allied Observation Gas-Filled Caquot Type R Kite Balloon Launching To Spot for the Artillery During WW1 Date: 1910s
Royal Naval Air Service Rnas ? Class Non-Rigid Airship F?Royal Naval Air Service Rnas ? Class Non-Rigid Airship Flying During WW1 on 16 January 1918 Date: 1918
Rnas Kingsnorth N. S. I / 1 British Ns North Sea Class Non?Rnas Kingsnorth N.S.I / 1 British Ns North Sea Class Non-Rigid Airship During WW1 Date: 1910s
GRAF ZeppelinDiners and Waiters in the Dining Room on Board the GRAF Zeppelin Date: 1930s
British AirshipWreckage of British Airship Zr-2 with a Gentleman Standing Next to the Propellers Date: 1921
Royal Airship Works R-38 ZR-2British Airship R-38 in the Hangar at Howden Date: 1921
Engraving of Vincent de Groof (A Belgian) Ornithopter De?Engraving of Vincent de Groof (A Belgian) Ornithopter Design, Released from a Free Balloon after Ascending from Gemorne Gardens, London, UK. He Plunged to His Death. Date: 1874
Flying Machine Inventor Unknown 1877 1877
3D Stereoscopic Image, Titled A Balloon Ascent Date: 1890s
Ville de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. 63me conference de la bibliotheque populaire dans la salle du theatre, le mercredi 13 avril 1881... par M. Gaston Tissandier
Atelier de Mr. Lachambre fabricant de ballons de baudruche, aerostats, etc. 24 passage des favorites, Paris, Vaugirard, aout 1883
Appareil propre e la direction des aerostats plans annexes e la demande d un brevet pour une duree de 15 ans