The Admission by H. M. BatemanA courtroom erupts into laughter as a defendant in a witness box admits the truth. Date: 1931
Mutoscope at GravesendNew Road, Gravesend (Kent) - notice the premises of The Wonderful Mutoscope (a forerunner of the cinema) - Admission Free !
Salvation Army Womens Night Shelter, East LondonInside the entrance of the Salvation Army night shelter for women, opened in 1889 at 194 Hanbury Street, Whitechapel in the East End of London
Hastings / Photo of PierThe Pier (admission 2d) with announcements of Robinson Crusoe, Judas Maccabeus, excursions on the Seagull for the Easter holiday
ENGLAND / GRAVESENDNew Road, Gravesend (Kent) - notice the premises of The Wonderful Mutoscope (a forerunner of the cinema) - Admission Free ! Date: 1906
Queen Victoria, Diamond Jubilee admission ticketQueen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, London, 22 June 1897 - Admission Ticket for Parliament Square Gardens Stand Date: 1897
Royal Caledonian Orphan Asylum, Bushey - Candidate ListDetails of boy candidates being proposed for election for admission to the Royal Caledonian Orphan Asylum, Bushey, Hertfordshire. Date: 1908
Old Clothes Exchange, Phils Buildings, Houndsditch 1882The court of Phils buildings was found directly opposite St Mary Axe. A barrier was placed across steps leading up to the court, as there was an admission fee of one penny
VETS / ANIMAL DISPENSARYQueues waiting for admission at the animal dispensary for the poor: Our Dumb Friends League at Victoria, London. (Later named The Blue Cross) Date: circa 1912
CASUAL WARD, LONDONAdmission - by ticket - to a London casual ward. Date: 1870
Salvation Army Shelter, Blackfriars Road, LondonA crowd of vagrants awaiting admission to the Salvation Army shelter for men (known as The Embankment) at 115B Blackfriars Road, London
WW2 poster, Britains Aircraft Exhibition, LondonWW2 Ministry of Information poster, Britains Aircraft Exhibition, on the John Lewis bombed site, Oxford Street, London W1. Admission free
River baptism at Fishguard, WalesThe Reverend Dan Davies standing alone with his arms outstretched in the river in Fishguard, Wales, at the conclusion of a public baptismal service
Invitation to Coronation of King George IVAn elegant admission card to the splendid and costly coronation of King George IV, signed by the Deputy Earl Marshal
Downpatrick Workhouse Admission TicketAn admission ticket for the workhouse at Downpatrick in County Down, Northern Ireland
Joyce Green Hospital, Dartford, KentCentral administration block of the Joyce Green Hospital at Long Reach near Dartford, Kent
VAD Hospital stores, Quex HouseThe Billiard Room of Quex House was used as the Hospital Stores during the War. Two VAD nurses are seated either side of a table. One is sewing, the other is writing
Frederick Augustus Porter BarnardFREDERICK AUGUSTUS PORTER BARNARD (1809 - 1889), American professor of mathematics, natural history, best known as an educator : he favored admission of women to Columbia university. Date: circa 1880
Lodging House, WaitingLondon : waiting for admission to a casual ward for overnight lodging Date: 1869
Admission to Casual WardWaiting in a queue for admission to the Casual Ward Date: 1874
Wandsworth Reformatory Admission Form Page 3
Wandsworth Reformatory Admission Form Page 1
Wandsworth Reformatory Admission Form Page 2
Cecil House, Harrow Road, London - Waiting for AdmissionWomen, one carrying a baby, waiting for admission to Cecil House, Harrow Road, London - a public lodging house for women. Date: circa 1932
British Orphan Asylum Admission PetitionA printed petition on behalf of orphan John Russell seeking support for his admission to the British Orphan Asylum Admission at Clapham Rise, south-west London
WW1 poster, Canadian War Photographs, Grafton Galleries, London. Date: 1914-1918
Suffragette-Proof House of Commons. A suffragette-proof palisade or bunker guarded by a policeman is erected at the House of Commons
London Houseless Poor AsylumA queue of men wait for admission to the London Houseless Poor Asylum in Cripplegate. Date: 1908
Exhibition of Airports and Airways PosterPoster, Exhibition of Airports and Airways, arranged by the Royal Institute of British Architects, admission free. 20th century
Hero land! Grand Central Palace, Nov. 24 - Dec. 12. Admission 50 cents. Translation of title: Marianne wearing a Phrygian cap and holding a shield and sword. Date 1917
Entrance gate with waiting visitors, Newgate PrisonEntrance gate with visitors awaiting admission at Newgate Prison, London. Date: 1862
Salvation Army, Thames Embankment, LondonSalvation Army officers in conversation with a group of vagrants spending the night on a bench on the Thames Embankment in Central London
Church Army meal for applicants to a London workhouseA number of elderly men and women awaiting admission to one of Londons workhouses are provided with a meal by the Church Army
London County Council Night Office, Charing Cross BridgeApplicants waiting outside the London County Councils Night Office at Charing Cross Bridge, Central London
Whitechapel Workhouse Casual Ward, East LondonA line of men gathers near the Whitechapel Workhouse casual ward (vagrants ward) on Thomas Street, East London, waiting for its opening time
Prison babiesWeighing a baby on its admission to Holloway prison
Refused Immigrants on a ship; London Docks, 1911Illustration showing some would-be immigrants who had been refused admission to Britain, standing on the deck of a merchant ship, talking to some compatriots on the dockside, 1911
The East London Hospital for childrenFive pictures of the interior of the hospital in 1878. 1, top image shows the Princess Mary Ward. 2, middle left, applicants awaiting admission. 3, middle right, the serving of breakfast
Bryan Campaigns PhonoA political candidate can t be everywhere : William Jennings Bryan records his speeches on the phonograph (gramophone) and they are broadcast in theatres, admission free
University AdmissionLatin document given by the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University, testifying that Chandos Hodgkyns has been admitted as a student
Coup: Deputies ExpelledThe Chambre des Deputes is closed : members are refused admission by troops loyal to Napoleon
Advertisement for the Empire Cinema, Derby -- The House that is Different. Proprietor Edgar Duckworth, General Manager Jos. Ferguson. Continuous performance daily from 2.30 to 10.30
British Association TktAdmission Ticket for the 1843 meeting of the British Association at Cambridge, with a view of the Fitzwilliam Museum
PENNY GAFF / DORE / 1870Audience and actors at a Penny Gaff, a music hall to which the admission was a penny, of which there were many in the East End of London
New York PoorhouseNew York : men waiting for admission to the poor-house on Blackwells Island
Waiting for Casual WardWaiting for admission to Marylebone Casual Ward, for a nights lodging
KATE FOXCATHERINE (KATE) FOX [Mrs Jencken] pioneer spiritualist who later admitted cheating, then withdrew her admission