Franz Schubert / AdlardFRANZ SCHUBERT Austrian musician
HADES & DOG / ADLARD HADES & DOG / ADLARDHades, seated in profile with Cerberus his three-headed dog
Disabled Dance ClassDisabled children are taught to dance by teacher Miss Betsy Adlard, using the special methods invented by Miss Margaret Morris. It is difficult for them, but fun. Date: 1930s
John Ericsson (Adlard)JOHN ERICSSON Swedish-American inventor whose achievements ranged from telephones to warships. with his autograph, 1865 Date: 1803 - 1889
Cj Fox / Adlard / ProfileCHARLES JAMES FOX British statesman in profile Date: 1749 - 1806
Fenelon / AdlardFRANCOIS DE SALIGNAC DE FENELON French divine and writer Date: 1651 - 1715
Alonso Cano / AdlardALONSO CANO Spanish painter, sculptor and architect Date: 1601 - 1667
Fg Klopstock / Adlard &jFRIEDRICH GOTTLIEB KLOPSTOCK German writer, with a reference to his popular epic religious poem Der Messias below Date: 1724 - 1803
Cobbett (Adlard)WILLIAM COBBETT social commentator and, it seems, an admirer of Oliver Cromwell
Samuel Johnson / AdlardDR SAMUEL JOHNSON English writer, lexicographer, critic and conversationalist
Sterne AdlardLAURENCE STERNE the novelist and clergyman
Purcell AdlardHENRY PURCELL the English composer