Antilochus takes news to Achilles - Rafael TegeoRafael Tegeo (1798-1856). Spanish painter. Antilochus takes to Achilles the news of the fight on the body of Patroclus. Oil on canvas, 1831. Detail. Private collection. Date: 2019
Warrior head. Mycenaean artIvory Head of a Warrior. 13th c. BC. Mycenaean art. Sculpture on ivory. GREECE. ATTICA. Athens. National Museum of Archaeology. Proc: GREECE. PELOPONNESE. ARCADIA. Mycenae
Diomedes. Roman sculpture after original of about 430 BC. GlGreek art. Diomedes. Roman sculpture after original of about 430 BC. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany
Diomedes, Greek HeroDIOMEDES, son of Tydeus and Deipyle, Achaean leader in the siege of Troy and hero of many notable actions in the Iliad. Date: BCE
Aratus of Sicyon (Burg)ARATUS OF SICYON Achaean general, statesman and historian Date: flourished 245-215 BC
Death of PhiloedemonPhilopoemon, general of the Achaean League, is captured by the Messenians : knowing he would prefer death to dishonour, they offer him poison, which he drinks
Aratus of SicyonARATUS OF SICYON Greek statesman, leader of the Achaean League