Letter from Abraham Lincoln to Mrs. Bixby, with bust-length portrait of Lincoln. Print showing a portrait of Lincoln with a letter that he is thought to have written to Mrs
CRESQUES, Jafuda (1350-1410); CRESQUES, Abraham ( -1381). Catalan Atlas. 1375. Third and Fourth Leaves. Map of the world known in the 14th c. (Finisterre and the Mediterranean)
Lincoln Assass. / PlaybillThe playbill found in President Abraham Lincolns box after his assassination by John Wilkes Booth at Fords Theatre
Abraham-Louis BreguetABRAHAM-LOUIS BREGUET French watchmaker, known for instruments of great accuracy
Abraham LincolnThe last formal photograph of Abraham Lincoln, taken on the day the Confederacy surrendered, 5 days before his death
Golden sayings of Abraham Lincoln
Masjid Al Haram, MeccaTraditionally inaugurated by Abraham, the Masjid al-Haram at Mecca, for Moslems the holiest place on Earth, houses the Ka aba containing a black meteorite venerated by Islam. Date: BCE - present
Portrait of Roman Emperor MajorianRoman Emperor Majorian, 420-461. Flavius Julius Valerius Majorianus, Western Roman Emperor
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (Theatre of the World) by Abraham OrTheatrum Orbis Terrarum (Theatre of the World). Is considered to be the first true modern atlas. Written by Abraham Ortelius and originally printed on May 20, 1570, in Antwerp. World Map
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln shaking hands
CRESQUES, Jafuda (1350-1410); CRESQUES, Abraham ( -1381). Catalan Atlas. 1375. Fifth Leaf. Map of Delli. Detail. Camel caravan in the Silk Road to Catai crossing the mountains of Tian Shan
Spirit Photo MumlerPhoto by William Mumler, showing Mrs Lincoln with the spirit of her husband, Abraham Lincoln
Portrait of Roman Emperor AurelianRoman Emperor Aurelian, 214-275. Lucius Domitius Aurelianus Augustus. Copperplate engraving from Abraham Bogaerts De Roomsche Monarchy, The Roman Monarchy, Francois Salma, Utrecht, 1697
Portrait of Roman Emperor VespasianRoman Emperor Vespasian, 9AD-70AD, Titus Flavius Vespasianus. Copperplate engraving from Abraham Bogaerts De Roomsche Monarchy, The Roman Monarchy, Francois Salma, Utrecht, 1697
Abraham EdmondsABRAHAM EDMONDS Not only do we have a portrait of this gent, we have a facsimile of his autograph. What we don t have, however, is any information about him. Date: 1780 - 1833
Barbers shop with Monkeys and Cats. Teniers, Abraham (1629-1670). Oil on copper
Portrait of Roman Emperor DomitianRoman Emperor Domitian, 51AD-96AD, Titus Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus. Copperplate engraving from Abraham Bogaerts De Roomsche Monarchy, The Roman Monarchy, Francois Salma, Utrecht, 1697
Abraham Lincoln Statue, Westminster, LondonStatue of US President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), Parliament Square, Westminster
Map of Germany and current Netherlands. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598). First Edition. Antwerp, 1574. Library of Catalonia. Barcelona. Spain
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865). American politician. Elected president in 1860. Monumental statue (1920) by Daniel Chester French. Lincoln Memorial. Washington D.C. United States
Abraham Lincolns address at Gettysburg. Date: 1863
Abraham Lincoln, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front. Date 1863 Nov. 8
Mr. Lincoln. Residence and horse. In Springfield, Illinois, as they appeared on his return at the close of the campaign with Senator Douglas. Date c1865 July 15
The Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D. C. Date: circa early 1930s
Genealogy of JesusThe principal figures in the genealogy of Jesus - Abraham, David and Mary
Portrait of Roman Emperor PupienusRoman Emperor Pupienus, 170-238. Marcus Clodius Pupienus Maximus Augustus or Pupienus Maximus
John Brown and Co. sink British Revenue Cutter GaspeeThe Burning of the " Gaspee"
Abraham purchasing cave for a burial placeAbraham purchasing the Cave of Machpelah for a burial place - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 23.16. 1787
Abraham Newland - 2ABRAHAM NEWLAND financial whizz, chief cashier of the Bank of England. Date: 1730 - 1807
Abraham WhippleABRAHAM WHIPPLE American n aval commander with his autograph
Whist Party at AthenaeumAnthony Trollope, Abraham Hayward, W E Forster and Sir George Jessel play whist at the Athenaeum Club, London
Lincoln InaugurationInauguration of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States at Washington, in front of the partly completed Capitol building
Assassination of LincolnJohn Wilkes Booth prepares to shoot the US President Abraham Lincoln at Fords Theatre, Washington. Lincoln died of the gunshot wound on the morning of 15 April
Waiting for the Verdict by Abraham Solomon, exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1857. A family wait nervously outside a court room to hear the verdict. Date: 1857
All 46 US Presidents from 1789-2021All 46 Presidents of the United States of America from George Washington (top left), who was inaugurated in 1789 to the current encumbent, Joe Biden (bottom right) in 2021
ENGLAND/MATLOCKMatlock, Derbyshire, from the Heights of Abraham Date: 1879
Adam with his male descendants, 13th centuryThe children of Adam from Noah to Abraham to Ismael. Les Enfants d'Adam. Men dressed in mantle and robe, wearing crowns and conical hats
Portrait of Roman Emperor Romulus AugustulusRoman Emperor Flavius Romulus Augustus, died 476. Romulus Augustulus, last Western Roman Emperor
Coach suspension machinery for horse-drawn carriagesCoach suspension: view of the fore wheels of a crane-necked carriage and Mr. Jacobs contrivance for the forewheels of a coach. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J. Farey Jr
Ancient altars, characters, and John Napiers bonesAncient altars, ark of the covenant, Chinese musical instrument Ching and King, John Napiers calculating bones, and ancient arithmetical characters
Ancient water clocks or clepsydrae
Ismidt (Izmit), TurkeyIzmit, Turkey - houses a harbour 87 km southeast of Istanbul. The Eastern and most senior capital city of the Roman Empire between 286-324 AD
The Cave of the Patriarchs or Tomb of the Patriarchs, West BankVintage 19th century photograph: The Cave of the Patriarchs or Tomb of the Patriarchs, known to Jews as the Cave of Machpelah and to Muslims as the Sanctuary of Abraham
Portrait of Roman Emperor OlybriusRoman Emperor Olybrius, died 472. Anicius Olybrius Augustus, Western Roman Emperor. Copperplate engraving from Abraham Bogaerts De Roomsche Monarchy, The Roman Monarchy, Francois Salma, Utrecht, 1697
Portrait of Roman Emperor MarcianRoman Emperor Marcian, 392-457. Flavius Marcianus Augustus, Eastern Roman Emperor, Byzantine Emperor
Portrait of Roman Emperor AvitusRoman Emperor Avitus, 395-456. Marcus Maecilius Flavius Eparchius Avitus, Western Roman Emperor
Portrait of Roman Emperor Constantine the GreatRoman Emperor Constantine the Great, 272-337. Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus also known as Constantine I
Portrait of Roman Emperor DiocletianRoman Emperor Diocletian, 244-311. Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus Augustus or Diocles
Portrait of Roman Emperor Gaius Iulius Verus MaximusRoman Emperor Gaius Iulius Verus Maximus, 220-238. Gaius Iulius Verus Maximinus or Maximinus the Younger
Portrait of Roman Emperor ElagabalusRoman Emperor Elagabalus or Heliogabalus, 204-222. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus
Portrait of Roman Emperor MacrinusRoman Emperor Macrinus, 165-218. Marcus Opellius Severus Macrinus Augustus. Copperplate engraving from Abraham Bogaerts De Roomsche Monarchy, The Roman Monarchy, Francois Salma, Utrecht, 1697
Portrait of Roman Emperor NeroRoman Emperor Nero, 37AD-68AD, Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. Copperplate engraving from Abraham Bogaerts De Roomsche Monarchy, The Roman Monarchy, Francois Salma, Utrecht, 1697
Byzantine Empress Irene and Constantine VIByzantine Empress Irene and Emperor Constantine VI. Irene of Athens, Irene Sarantapechaina, 752-803, and son Constantinus, Konstantinus, 771-805
Portrait of Roman Emperor MauriceRoman Emperor Maurice, 539-602. Mauricius, Mauritius, Flavius Mauricius Tiberius, Byzantine Emperor
Portrait of Roman Emperor Julius NeposRoman Emperor Julius Nepos, 430-480. Flavius Julius Nepos Augustus, Western Roman Emperor
Bust of the goddess Isis Magna Mater, from the collection of Charles Towney. Copperplate engraving by C. Knight from a drawing by H
Face-turning lathe and riveting hammer, 18th centuryFace-turning lathe and riveting hammer, Block Machinery at Portsmouth naval harbour, 18th century. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by John Farey Jr
Cutting engines, 18th century, including a rose engine lathe or figure lathe made by Holtzapffell Deyerlien. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by John Farey Jr
Electrical dischargers and doublers, 18th centuryElectrical dischargers and doublers, including Tiberius Cavallos multiplier, 18th century
Diagrams of magnets, magnetic fields, iron filings, etc
Henry Maudslays revolutionary screw-cutting lathe, 1800. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J
John Isaac Hawkins upright pianoJohn Isaac Hawkins claviole or finger-keyed viol, an upright piano. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J
US President Abraham Lincoln and Star & StripesPortrait of American President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1965) before the Star & Stripes flag of the united States of America - showing 36 stars
Abraham Ortelius
Abraham Gotth Kaestner - Mathematician and Physicist
Abraham Wivell's Improved Fire Escape Date: 1860
Wrought Ironwork Grilles George CrawleyA pair of photographs showing some decorative wrought ironwork grilles designed by George Abraham Crawley. Date: early 1900s
Aldford House, Park Lane, Staircase SkylightA photograph which shows the top of the staircase and skylight of Aldford House, a grand mansion in Park Lane, built between 1894-1897 for diamond magnate Alfred Beit
Mr. Heath's House, Park LaneAn architectural photograph which shows the entrance of the home of Mr. C. E. Heath, designed by architect George Abraham Crawley. Date: early 1900s
George Crawley, House In Park LaneAn architectural drawing which shows the design for a house to be erected in Park Lane, for C. E. Heath Esq. by amateur architect George Abraham Crawley. Date: early 1900s
Thornhaugh Hall, PeterboroughA photograph of Thornhaugh Hall, Peterborough, the house was built circa 1911, designed by George Abraham Crawley. Date: early 1900s
Crowhurst Place, Surrey, Ornamental GateA photograph of an ornamental gate designed by George Abraham Crawley, for use at Crowhurst Place, Surrey. Date: early 1900s
Brackets, Westbury House, Long IslandThree photographs showing some scrollwork brackets, ornately designed by George Abraham Crawley, used on the terrace of Westbury House, Long Island
Mantelpiece, Westbury House, Long IslandThese photographs show the impressive decorative features of a mantelpiece at Westbury House, Long Island, designed by George Abraham Crawley. Date: circa 1904
Staircase At Westbury House, Long IslandA photograph of a staircase designed by George Abraham Crawley, for use at Westbury House, Long Island. Date: circa 1904
Westbury House, Long IslandA photograph showing the exterior of Westbury House (Old Westbury Gardens), a Carolean revival mansion which was heavily designed by George Abraham Crawley
George Crawley Silver Locks And HandlesA series of photographs showing some silver locks and handles, ornately designed by British artist George Abraham Crawley, for the decoration of a formal dining room at 1063 Fifth Avenue, New York
George Crawley Console TableA photograph of a highly decorative console table designed by George Abraham Crawley, for the formal dining room of 1063 Fifth Avenue, New York, owned by steel magnate Henry Phipps. Date: circa 1904
1063 Fifth Avenue Dining Room, New YorkA photograph of a formal dining room at 1063 Fifth Avenue, New York, belonging to steel magnate Henry Phipps
George Abraham Crawley, CambridgeA portrait photograph of British artist and designer, George Abraham Crawley, 1864-1926. He is seen here, in his Cambridge days as a younger man. Date: circa 1880s
George Abraham CrawleyA portrait photograph of British artist and designer, George Abraham Crawley, 1864-1926. He is seen here, wearing the uniform of an officer of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Date: early 1900s
Coaching up Buttermere Hause, Lake District, CumbriaCoaching up Buttermere Hause. Postcard published by George Perry Abraham (1844-1923), a photographer, postcard publisher, and mountaineer. Date: 1922
The Steep Bit of Honister Pass, Lake District, Cumbria. Postcard published by George Perry Abraham (1844-1923), a photographer, postcard publisher, and mountaineer. Date: circa 1910s
Hill Climbers, Keswick, Lake District, Cumbria, EnglandHill Climbers (Abraham Brothers - George and Ashley), climbing near Keswick, Lake District, Cumbria, England