Izvestia announcing the abdication of Tsar Nicholas IIIzvestia Newspaper announcing the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II - March, 1917. Date: 1917
The Year of the Three British Kings - 1936The Year of Three British Kings in 1936 - King George V (1865-1936), King Edward VIII (1894-1972) and finally King George VI (1895-1952). Date: 1936
Illustrated London News Accession of George VI, 1936 coverFront cover of the Illustrated London News, Accession Number reporting on the abdication of King Edward VIII and the accession of his younger brother, Albert
King George VI in Coronation Robes by Albert CollingsPortrait of King George VI by the portrait painter Albert Collings. Collings originally painted the picture for the Coronation of King Edward VIII but, after the Abdication, repainted the face
Blucher and NapoleonBlucher the Brave extracting the Groan of Abdication from the Corsican Bloodhound
Edward VIII in his Coronation robesA triptych of paintings by Fortunino Matania of King Edward VIII dressed in his ceremonial Coronation robes
His Majesty Edward VIII (1894-1972) - in a highly unusual imagined portrait (published early in 1936), illustrating a scene which was never to take place as the King abdicated on 11th December 1936
Napoleon on BellerophonNapoleon, after his second abdication, on the deck of the Bellerophon before being exiled to St Helena
Amadeo I of Spain (1845-1890). King of Spain from January 2, 1871 to February 11, 1873. First Duke of Aosta. Portrait. Engraving by J. Furno. Historia General de Espana by Modesto Lafuente
Amadeo I of Spain (1845-1890). King of Spain from January 2, 1871 to February 11, 1873. First Duke of Aosta. Portrait. Engraving by J. Furno. Detail. Historia General de Espana by Modesto Lafuente
Amadeo I of Spain (1845-1890). King of Spain from January 2, 1871 to February 11, 1873. First Duke of Aosta. Portrait. Engraving
Profile portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587), queen from 1542 until her forced abdication in 1567. In wimple with long veil, dress with ruff collar, Mary, Queen of Scotland
King Edward II forced to abdicate by the Earl of Lancaster, 1327King Edward II forced to abdicate by Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, bishops, and lords in Kenilworth castle, 1327. Resignation of King Edward II. Copperplate engraving from M. A
Herman and Katherine Rogers, friends of Wallis SimpsonHerman and Katherine Rogers, close friends of King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson (later Duke and Duchess of Windsor)
Wallis Simpson with Mr and Mrs Herman RogersWallis Simpson, later Duchess of Windsor, pictured with close friends, Herman and Katherine Rogers, her hosts at the Villa Lou Viei in Cannes during the abdication crisis
King Edward VIII & Mrs Simpson at Royal Ascot, 1936King Edward VIII, later Duke of Windsor, pictured with his future wife, Wallis Simpson, at Royal Ascot in June 1936. Date: 1936
Mr Ernest Simpson, 2nd husband of Duchess of WindsorErnest Aldrich Simpson, the second husband of Wallis Warfield Spencer, who became better known by her married name, Mrs Wallis Simpson
Abdication crisis, Herman Rogers talking to a journalistHerman Rogers, close friends of Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII, pictured talking to a journalist across the gate at the Villa Lou Viei, Cannes
1st day Cover - Wedding of Duke of Windsor to Wallis SimpsonCommemorative First day Cover - 3rd June, 1937 - The wedding of Duke of Windsor to Wallis Simpson in France at the Chateau de Cande at Monts. Date: 1937
King Edward VIII with Wallis SimpsonKing Edward VIII, later Duke of Windsor (1894-1972), (king from 20 January to 11 December 1936), pictured with his wife Wallis Simpson (1896-1986) on board a boat waving circa 1960s
Charles IV abdicates in favour of his son FerdinandPeninsular War (1808-1814). Charles IV abdicates in favour of his son Ferdinand (Aranjuez, March 19, 1808). Etching and engraving on paper, circa 1814
Emperor of ChinaXuantong, Emperor of China (1906 -1967) Emperor of China as the eleventh and final Emperor of the Qing dynasty, China's last imperial dynasty
France. 1848, 23 to 25 February Revolution. EngravingFrance. 1848, 22-24 February Revolution, uprising of students, workers and National Guard to force the abdication of the king and proclaim the Second Republic. Engraving
Marriage of Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor to Wallace SimpsonJune 37d 1937 - marriage of Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor to Wallace Simpson in France, following his abdication from the British throne
Napoleon Bonaparte forced to abdicate by Marshal Michel Ney who holds pistols to his head, while a Turk sharpens a scimitar outside
France. Liberal Revolution, 1848. National Assembly invadedFrance. Liberal Revolution, 1848. Popular uprising to force the abdication of King Louis Philippe of Orleans and proclaim the Second Republic (Days 22 to 24 February)
Coronation of King Edward VIII 1937An impression of the supreme moment, when the King is crowned during the Coronation of King Edward VIII, scheduled for May 1937 but never carried out due to the Kings abdication in December 1936
King Edward VIII at his CoronationAn impression of King Edward VIII, later Duke of Windsor (1894-1972), pictured in full regalia at his Coronation in May 1937
Edward VIII Coronation handkerchiefA silk handkerchief commemorating the Coronation of King Edward VIII, planned for 15 May 1937 but in fact, never staged due to the Kings Abdication in December 1936. Date: 1936
The Duchess of Windsor in the BahamasThe Duchess of Windsor (Wallis Simpson) in the Bahamas in c. 1940. The Duke was stationed there as governor during the Second World War. Date: c. 1940
Family tree of Peter the Great and Catherine I, with circular portraits of their early 20th century descendants, including Nicholas II, who is described as having abdicated
France. Paris. July Revolution. 1830. The Duke of Orleans goFrance. Paris. July Revolution.1830. Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orleans going from the Royal Palace to the town hall, July 31, 1830. Engraving
Allegory of the Abdication of Emperor Charles V in BrusselsFrans Francken the Younger (1581-1642). Flemish painter. Allegory of the Abdication of Emperor Charles V in Brussels, c.1630-1640. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
Duke of Windsor marries Wallis Simpson in FranceWallis Simpson and Edward formerly King Edward VIII, married on 3 June 1937 at the Chⴥ au de Cand鬠 France. Edward abdicated the throne in order to marry her. 3 June 1937
Edward VIII abdication message read in ParliamentKing Edward VIII s, final and irrevocable decision to abdicate, his message being read in Parliament. " I, Edward the Eighth
Ambassador of Empire who has become King Edward VIIIHis Majesty King Edward VIII (1894 - 1972), who succeeded his Father, the late King George V, on 20 January 1936, the first bachelor King to ascend the British throne for 176 years
Abdication of King Edward VIII in 1936King Edward VIII of Britain (1894 - 1972), who resigned from 20 January to 11 December 1936, when he abdicated
King George VI in his ceremonial robes by MataniaA triptych of paintings by Fortunino Matania of King George VI dressed in his ceremonial Coronation robes. These paintings were adapted from three done of King Edward VIII for his Coronation
Wallis Simpson at Quaglinos, April 1936Wallis Simpson (Mrs Ernest Simpson), later Duchess of Windsor, pictured with (from left), Lieutenant Colonel M. F
The Duke and Duchess of Windsor on their wedding dayWedding day of the Duke of Windsor (formerly King Edward VIII) to Mrs Wallis Simpson on the 3rd June 1937 at the Chateau de Cande, near Tours in France
George II and Elizaveta of GreeceKing George II of the Hellenes (1890-1947) and his wife, Elisabetha (1894-1956) in the early 1920s
Abdication crisis: front cover of the Daily MirrorFront cover from the Daily Mirror, 11th December 1936 depicting the new king, George VI arriving at his home at 145, Piccadilly, London
The Kings sailor sonA portrait of Prince Albert (1895-1952), second son of King George V and father of Queen Elizabeth II, taken during his service in the Royal Navy in the First World War
Cavalry Sedan 1870The decisive battle of SEDAN : a cavalry engagement in the course of the fighting, which ends in defeat for the French and leads to the abdication of Napoleon III
Abdication of King Edward II, who was forced to give up his crown to his son, Edward III. 1327
Sacking the Tuileries Palace, Paris, France, at the time of the abdication of King Louis-Philippe. 1848
Abdication of Isabella II of Spain (1830-1904). Engraving. CIsabella II of Spain (1830-1904). Queen of Spain. Abdication of Isabella of Bourbon in favour of her son Alphonse XII. June 25, 1870. Paris, France. Engraving by Capuz
Charles I of Spain (1500-1558) at Yuste, Engraving. ColoredCharles I (1500-1558). King of Spain and Emperor of Germany. Charles V at Yuste. Engraving by C. Penoso. The Spanish and American Illustration, 1879. Colored
First Spanish Republic (1873-1874). Amadeo I of Savoy with hFirst Spanish Republic (1873-1874). Amadeo I of Savoy (1871-1873) reaching Elba, Portugal, with Queen Maria Victoria and her children (12 February 1873) after his abdication. Colored engraving
Spain. Madrid. Proclamation of First Spanish Republic (1873-1874). Colored engraving
Charles I of Spain and V of Germany (1500-1558). AbdicationCharles I of Spain and V of Germany (1500-1558). King of Spain (1517-1556) and Emperor of Germany (1519-1556). First Spanish monarch of the House of Austria
Charles I of Spain and V of Germany (1500-1558). Portrait oCharles I of Spain and V of Germany (1500-1558). King of Spain (1517-1556) and Emperor of Germany (1519-1556). First Spanish monarch of the House of Austria
Emperor Carl V abdicatesThe emperor Carl V abdicates Date: 1556
Prince of Wales during a march 1913Prince of Wales later Edward VIII (1894 1972), during a march, while he is attending national service. Date: 1913
Prince of Wales 1920Front cover of The Graphic, showing Prince of Wales ((later King Edward VIII and then Duke of Windsor) (1894 - 1972)
Mary, Queen of Scots, forced to abdicateMary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587), forced to abdicate in favour of her one-year-old son James, while imprisoned at Loch Leven Castle. Date: 24 July 1567
Proclamation of King George VIs accessionScene at the Royal Exchange, London, on Saturday 12th December 1936
Mrs Ernest A. SimpsonMrs Ernest A. (Wallis) Simpson. She had recently obtained a divorce, and her name was increasingly being connected with King Edward VIII
The Duke and Duchess of Windsor in the Bahamas in c. 1940. The Duke was stationed there as governor during the Second World War. Date: c. 1940
Hasburgs Empire. Abdication of Charles V in Brussels (1555-1556). He gave the imperial throne to his brother Ferdinand I and the crown of Aragon, Burgundy and Castilla to his son Philip II. Engraving
Spain (1873). Abdication of Amadeo I. The king" Spain (1873). Abdication of Amadeo I. The king Amadeo and the queen Maric Victoria leaving the Royal Palace. Published in " L Illustration. Journal Universel". Etching."
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1759). Abdication of Charles VII (future Charles III of Spain) in favour of his son Fernando. Work attributed to Antonio Joli. Oil on canvas
Napoleon after his Abdication. Hippolyte Delaroche (1797-1856). Oil on canvas. Date: 1814
Carlos IV abdicationCelebrations at the Aranjuez Palace, following the abdication of the King of Spain, Charles IV in favour of his son Ferdinand VII. Coloured engraving by D. Manuel Alegre from picture by D
GALLAIT, Louis (1810-1887). The Abdication of Charles V. Saln del trono del Palacio Real de Bruselas (1556). Abdicacin
Crowds listening to a broadcast of the abdication speechCrowds listening to radios installed by His Masters Voice outside their offices in Clerkenwell in December 1936 for King Edward VIIIs abdication speech. Date: 01/12/1936
Portrait of George VI by Albert Collings with invoicePortrait of King George VI by the portrait painter, Albert Collings taken from the editorial
The Duke of Kent visits Duke of Windsor in ViennaPrince George, Duke of Kent visiting his brother, the Duke of Windsor (formerly King Edward VIII), in Vienna, Austria in February 1937
Abdication crisis: front cover of the Saturday ReviewFront cover of the Saturday Review from December 1936, referring to the abdication of King Edward VIII
Abdcation crisis: sloganed carSloganed car in support of King Edward VIII during the Abdication crisis of December 1936. The kings desire to marry the American divorcee Wallis Simpson split the government
Kazimierz PulaskiKAZIMIERZ PULASKI PONIATOWSKI - sometime lover of Catherine the Great, but her devious foreign policy led to his abdication and the destruction of his country. Date: 1748 - 1779
Stanislaw PoniatowskiSTANISLAW II AUGUST PONIATOWSKI - sometime lover of Catherine the Great, but her devious foreign policy led to his abdication and the destruction of his country. Date: 1732 - 1798
Abdication Demanded 2Angered by Louis attempt to quit the country, the people of Paris at a meeting on the Champ de Mars demand that he abdicate. Lafayette quells the riot with a fusillade. Date: 17 July 1791
Diocletians PalaceThe peristyle of Diocletians Palace, at Split (Spalatum) Croatia (former Yugoslavia). Roman Emperor Diocletian had this massive palace built after his abdication 305 A.D. Date: 1930s
Kaiser Wilhelm II crossing Dutch frontier, WW1Kaiser Wilhelm II (1859-1941), German Emperor, crossing the Dutch frontier from Germany on the day his abdication was announced, two days before the end of the First World War. Date: 9 November 1918
Abdication of NapoleonA facsimile of the abdication note of Napoleon Bonaparte
Afghanistan - Prince Inayutullah Khan of KabulInayatullah Khan Seraj (1888 - 1946) (pictures here as Prince) became King of the Emirate of Afghanistan on 14th January 1929, but only reigned for 3 days until 17th January 1929
A scene in Downing Street during the Abdication crisisA cyclist sympathetic to the dilemma of King Edward VIII in December 1936, talks to a policeman in Downing Street, London
Abdication front cover headlinesFront cover headlines from the Daily Mirror announcing that King Edward VIII had chosen to marry Mrs Wallis Simpson in December 1936
News of the AbdicationNewspaper bills proclaiming the abdication crisis of the Prince of Wales
The Prince of Wales, serving with Sir John Frenchs staff asabdication World War I WWI Great War First World War
Volunteers at TuileriesDeparture of the volunteers who have been occupying the palais des Tuileries since the abdication of Louis-Philippe
Girondins in PalaisroyalCelebrating the abdication of Louis Philippe, the Girondins stage a concert in the Palais Royal, Paris : but their jubilation is somewhat premature