74th Regiment Armory, Buffalo, New York State, USA. circa 1900s
Priscilla Bibesco and Herbert Henry AsquithPriscilla Bibesco (1920-2004) with her grandfather, Herbert Henry Asquith (1852-1928), former British Prime Minister, on his 74th birthday, 12 September 1926. 1926
Amatola Mountains, by Thomas BainesThe 74th Highlanders with the Beaufort and Port Elizabeth Fingoe Levies, Storming the Stronghold of the Rebel Chief Sandilli, in the Amatola Mountains, 24th June 1851, by Thomas Baines (1820-1875)
Balloon event, Charles Green, MacclesfieldCharles Green ballooning poster advertising his 74th ascent, under the patronage of the Mayor and Magistrates, from the Gas Works near Waters Green, Macclesfield
Louis Philippe TeachesLOUIS-PHILIPPE, while in exile in the United States, teaches school in Somerindyke House, 74th St and Bloomingdale Road, New York : the story may well be a myth, though
George Iii / RosenbergGEORGE III OF ENGLAND His Most Excellent Majesty George The Third, In the 74th Year of his Age & the 52nd of his Reign