The Kinecar by William Heath RobinsonDouble page illustration by William Heath Robinson (1872-1944) showing a well-equipped omnibus transporting passengers while they watch a film
Claude Monet (1840 1926). Impression, Sunrise (ImpressionClaude Monet (1840 1926). Founder of French impressionist painting. Impression, Sunrise (Impression, soleil levant). 1872. Oil on canvas. Museum of Marmottan Monet. Paris. France
Vaughan WilliamsRalph Vaughan Williams Composer
Map of WessexA map of the Wessex of the novels
Ralph Vaughan Williams - Musician
Colour / Walrus / CarpenterThe Walrus and the Carpenter
GURDJIEFF (1872-1949)Georgei Ivanovitch Gurdjieff Russian spiritual leader
Grigori Rasputin in 1912GRIGORI RASPUTIN Russian mystic and court favourite in 1912
A Garden Guide - Extracting a Weed from a LawnIllustration by William Heath Robinson (1872-1944) showing a typically convoluted method of weeding a garden lawn
GURDJIEFFGeorgei Ivanovitch Gurdjieff Russian spiritual leader
Scriabin / Hull 1914ALEKSANDR SCRIABIN Aka Skryabin Russian composer
Vaughan Williams PhotoRALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS musical composer
Rasputin CaricatureGRIGORI RASPUTIN caricatured as the sinister leader of Russias ruling house, looming over the puppet-like figures of Nicolas II and Alexandra
Grigori Rasputin in 1908GRIGORI RASPUTIN Russian mystic and court favourite in 1908
Jabberwock Colour" The jabberwock, with eye of flame, came whiffling through the tulgey wood"
Alice and Humpty Dumpty" If he smiled much more the ends of his mouth might meet behind, " she thought
Scotland vs. England Football Match, 1872Illustrations from the Scotland vs. England Friendly of 30th November 1872, played at West of Scotland Cricket Club Ground, Partick, near Glasgow
Roald Amundsen (1872-1928)Photograph of Captain Roald Engelbreth Gravning Amundsen, the Norwegian explorer, in his cold weather clothing and skis, Antarctica, 1912
Folklore / Wild HuntAsgaardsreiden, Norwegian myth of the Wild Hunt
EMILY DAVISON Died after throwing herself in front of the King's horse at the Derby in June 1913, She is wearing a prisoner's brooch & another medal. 1872 - 1913
A Game of Bowls, England, c. 1872Engraving showing a close game of bowls on a bowling lawn somewhere in England, c.1872. Four players appear to be vigorously contesting the result
Wedding Feast by William Heath RobinsonFinely detailed colour illustration by William Heath Robinson (1872-1944) showing a wedding feast amid a rural setting
Carthusian monks process to matins at 2 amCarthusian monks in cowls and habits process to matins at 2 am
Nikolai GrundtvigNIKOLAI Fs GRUNDTVIG Danish theologian and poet with his autograph Date: 1783 - 1872
Rasputin, Grigory Yefimovich (1872-1916). Siberian monk, Tsar Nicholas IIs councillor. Portrait of Rasputin. Photography. RUSSIA
Bertrand RussellBERTRAND RUSSELL, 3rd Earl Russell - British philospher and author, smoking a pipe whilst sitting at his desk in the study of his home, Plas Pendryn, Wales. Date: 1872 - 1970
Roald Amundsen (1872-1928)Photographic portrait of Roald Engelbreth Gravning Amundsen, the Norwegian explorer who was the first man to navigate the Northwest Passage and reach the South Pole
GURDJIEFF (1872-1949)Georgei Ivanovitch Gurdjieff Russian spiritual leader (in 1935)
Between Berlin and Rome - Otto von Bismarck and Pope Leo XIII play a straegic game of chess. Cartoon from Kladderadatsch, 1875
Birds eye view of the city of Charleston South Carolina 1872
Archbishop Manning on Clerkenwell Green, London, 1872Engraving showing Archbishop Manning administering the pledge, before a large audience on Clerkenwell Green, London, 1872
The West London Jewish Synagogue, 1872Engraving showing the interior of the West London Jewish Synagogue in Upper Berkeley Street, near Edgware Road, London, 1872
Rasputin in HospitalGRIGORI RASPUTIN Russian priest and intriguer in hospital after Khina Gussevas attempt on his life
Ranjitsinhji / Spy / V. FairRanjitsinhji Vibhaji Rajput nobleman and English cricketer who played for Sussex
St Vincents Industrial School, Dartford, KentThe main building of St Vincents Industrial School, Dartford, Kent
Bertrand RussellBERTRAND RUSSELL, 3rd Earl Russell - British philospher and author, lying down smoking a pipe during one of his hikes into the Welsh countryside. Date: 1872 - 1970
Bertrand Russell / C 1924BERTRAND RUSSELL 3rd EARL RUSSELL English mathematician and philosopher
John Cowper PowysJOHN COWPER POWYS English Author of novels such as Owen Glendower (1940), poetry, philosophical and critical works
Alice / Walrus & CarpenterWalrus & Carpenter address the oysters
Alice: lion and UnicornLION AND UNICORN Alice with the Lion and the Unicorn - and a plum cake
Tenniel / Alice & Glass / BwAlice looking through the looking glass 1 of 2 : this side
Law / Police / BritainDuty and Pleasure A policeman on duty on a snowy night in a fashionable London square, while some of the residents set off for an evening of leisure
Exotic dancer by Rene BullA stylised illustration by Rene Bull (1872-1942) showing a scantily clad exotic dancer in a beautiful garden hanging with fruits
Kentucky Railroad SharesKentucky and Great Eastern Railway Company - thousand collar share certificate
Boat Race HammersmithThe boat race, as viewed from Hammersmith Bridge
Mazzini / PerrinGIUSEPPE MAZZINI Italian patriot
John King / ExplorerJOHN KING Explorer; part of the Burke and Wills expedition to Australia
Emily DavisonThe Late Miss E.W Davison Postcard published in commemoration of EMILY DAVISON showing her in academic garb
Cartoon, Bottoms Dream (Republicanism)Cartoon, BOTTOMS DREAM -- Nick Bottom (the working-man): I have a dream
Mary Celeste 1872The ship as it was encountered by the Dei Gratia
Christopher Columbus at La Rabida, 1872. By F. AdamChristopher Columbus (1451-1506). Genoese navigator. Columbus at the Convent of La Rabida, 1872. Copy by F. Adam of the homonimous painting by Eduardo Cano de la Pena. Maritime Museum. Barcelona
Sir Francis Crossley, businessman, philanthropist and MPSir Francis Crossley (1817-1872), 1st Baronet of Halifax, British carpet manufacturer, philanthropist and Liberal Party politician. Date: 1860s
Bramley Workhouse, Armley, LeedsThe porter stands in front of the Bramley Union Workhouse on Green Hill Road, Armley near Leeds. The building, opened in 1872, was designed by CS and AJ Nelson. C.1910s
Severn Tunnel DiverThe brave diver Alexander Lambert descending the shaft into the flooded tunnel. In Fleuss diving gear, he closed the headwall door and prevented further flooding
Leeds Rail ExcursionFlyer issued by the Midland Railway announcing a Cheap Excursion Train from Sheffield to Leeds for the Leeds Horticultural Show Date: 1872
Birkenhead / Fe Smith / 1919FREDERICK EDWIN SMITH 1st EARL of BIRKENHEAD Lawyer and statesman, depicted with a copy of Samuel Smiless Self Help Date: 1872 - 1930
On board the Indus emigrant shipThe cover of The Graphic, 29 June 1872, including five illustrations of life on board the Indus emigrant ship, one of the London Line of Queensland Packets, which set sail from Gravesend
ROBERT i YARZABAL, Bartomeu (1842-1902). Catalan physician and politician. MESTRES I BORRELL, F鬩 x (1872-1933). Painting. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Barcelona. Gallery of Famous Catalans
String quartet, 1872Mr.L.Ries, Madame Norman-Neruda, Herr Straus and Signore Piatti performing at one of the Monday popular concerts at St Jamess Hall. Date: 1872
Entrance to Ashford Residential School, SurreyLocated on Woodthorpe Road, at Ashford, near Staines, Surrey, and opened in 1872 as the West London District School
Princesses of Schleswig-HolsteinPrincess Marie-Louise and Princess Helena Victoria (Thora) of Schleswig-Holstein, the daughters of Princess Helena and Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein
The Latest Spelling Test by William Heath RobinsonA desperate effort to instil good luck into a five-franc plaque before returning to the Casino. Illustration by William Heath Robinson (1872-1944)
Clara Butt / BassanoCLARA BUTT Opera singer (contralto)
Election Returns, USAA crowd gathers outside the office of the New York Herald newspaper to read the election returns; they have to be kept in order by police officers
Oscar Ii / Sweden / 1901OSCAR II King of Sweden (1872-1907) and of Norway (1872-1905)
Sport / Football / SpecificENGLAND Vs SCOTLAND. Played at the West of Scotland Cricket Club, near Glasgow. England beat Scotland 5 - 2
Mary Celeste / Crew AboardThe crew of the Dei Gratia board the abandoned vessel
Roald AmundsenROALD AMUNDSEN Norwegian polar explorer
Golden spangled Hamburgh cock and hen, Gallus gallus domesticus, Henry Beldons pair, cock cup at Birmingham 1870, hen cup at Kendal, Whitehouse and Spalding 1871
Views of Golden Lane, London 1872Views of Golden Lane, near Smithfield Market, in London, 1872
Salmon-pink hyacinth hybrid, Hyacinthus Excelsior.. Handcolored botanical drawn and lithographed by W.G. Smith from H.H. Dombrains Floral Magazine 1872. Worthington G
Yellow and brown and crimson pelargonium geranium hybrids: Mareschal and McMahon.. Hand-colored illustration drawn and lithographed by Worthington Smith from H.H. Dombrains Floral Magazine 1872
Alice with Two QueensTWO QUEENS Alice with the two Queens
William Henry SewardWILLIAM HENRY SEWARD American statesman Date: 1801 - 1872
National Childrens Home, Edgworth, LancashireA birds eye view of the National Childrens Home at Edgworth, near Bolton, Lancashire
The London poor at their Christmas shoppingThe poor of London doing their Christmas shopping. This was sketched in the New Cut
Cricketer, F. E. SmithF.E. Smith Cricketer - Surrey
Harry Tate / Vfair 1912HARRY TATE (Ronald Macdonald Hutchison) English music hall comedian, best known for sketches on golfing, motoring and fishing
Irish Contry PostmanIrish country postman delivering the mail
Gordon Craig / Sepia PhotoGORDON CRAIG Stage designer in 1890
Jack in the Green 1872Jack-in-the-Green is performed outside Montagu House, Portman Square, London. The house was originally built in 1782 for Elizabeth Montagu, a noted social figure
Diaghilev Photo SachaSERGEY PAVLOVICH DIAGHILEV Russian Art critic and impresario. A key figure in producing the Ballet Russes
Picnicking at AscotFashionable racegoers are served by their menservants with lobster and champagne as they picnic behind the grandstand at Ascot Races
Bishopsgate St / Dore 1872Bishopsgate Street, in the City of London