Frederic Chopin / EtudeFREDERIC CHOPIN Polish musician composing his C minor Etude
Edgar Allan Poe (Cole)EDGAR ALLAN POE American writer
Karl Marx in his StudyKARL MARX German political theorist - working in his study in London in 1849
Liverpool Philharmonic Hall interior, 1849The interior of the then-new Liverpool Philharmonic Concert Hall, at the time of the Liverpool Music Festival, 1849
The Enterprise and Investigator surrounded by ice, BarroEngraving showing the Enterprise and Investigator surrounded by pack ice in Barrows Straits, September 1849
Dickens / D. CopperfieldDavid arrives at the home of his aunt, Betsy Trotwood
Frederic Chopin / PreludesFREDERIC CHOPIN Polish musician composing his preludes
The fancy fair, Princes Park, Liverpool, August, 1849
Balloon event, Charles Green, StowmarketCharles Green ballooning poster, advertising his 413rd ascent, from the Vicarage Grounds, Stowmarket in his Royal Victoria Balloon
Liverpool Philharmonic Hall exterior, 1849The exterior of the then-new Liverpool Philharmonic Concert Hall, at the time of the Liverpool Music Festival, 1849
General Von MackensenGENERAL AUGUST VON MACKENSEN German military commander wearing the famous Deaths Head headgear
Whaling Ship / 1849The Samuel Enderby, a whaling ship depicted departing for the Auckland Islands
HARRODS 1953A large expensive car approaches the Knightsbridge store, which is now somewhat larger than the original grocers shop of 1849
Chopin [Anon]FREDERIC CHOPIN Polish musician
James Clarence Mangan Irish Writer
Ivan Petrovich PavlovIVAN PETROVICH PAVLOV Russian physiologist
Ancient Greek GameAncient Greece: game of Mora
Blunt / Cygnus & Lyra / Pl32The constellation of Cygnus - a flying swan - and Lyra - that of an ancient Greek lyre
POE, Edgar Allan (1809-1849). American writer. Historias Extraordinarias (Extraordinary Tales). Spanish edition
Harbour / Belfast OpeningOpening of the New Channel, Belfast Harbour - the start of the procession
The Wolverton Mechanics Institute soireeThe anniversary meeting of the Wolverton Mechanics Institute in the large engine room of Wolverton Station.1, 500 people attended the soiree
George Eliot (Durade)GEORGE ELIOT nee Mary Ann Cross, later Evans. Writer, painted in 1849 - her most appealing portrait
India / Sikh War / MultanBritish forces capture 2 Sikh standards during hand-to-hand fighting in Mooltan (Multan)
Blunt / Full Moon / Plate 13The Moon at the full
Madame RecamierJEANNE-FRANCOISE-JULIE- ADELAIDE RECAMIER nee BERNARD Also known as MADAME RECAMIER, influential French social and political hostess
David Copperfield / PhizDavid Copperfield frontispiece
City of London Union Infirmary, Mile End RoadSituated where Mile End Road continues as Bow Road, the City of London Union Infirmary (now St Clement's Hospital) opened in 1849 as the City of London Union workhouse
View of Providence R. I. from the south. 1849View of Providence R.I. from the south. 1849
Blunt / Pisces / Plate 49The constellation of Pisces, the fish
India / Sikh War / MultanBombay European Fusiliers storm the fort at Mooltan (Multan) at the Khoonee Boorj
Queen Victoria's departure from Kingstown Harbour, Dublin, 10 August 1849 Date: 1849
Union Workhouse, Ashton-under-Lyne, LancashireThe Union workhouse erected in 1849-50 at Chamber Hills, Ashton under Lyne, Lancashire, on what is now Fountain Street. The site is now Tameside Hospital
Sketch for Le Peintre, by Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier (1815-1891). The artist leans back to view his work, resting his head on a womans shoulder
Winson Green Prison, BirminghamThe castle-like entrance to Winson Green Prison, Birmingham, built in 1849 as a local gaol for adult male offenders
Blunt / Ophiucus / Plate 36The constellation of Ophiucus - the figure is that of a man wrestling with a serpent
Frederic Chopin / DeathbedFREDERIC CHOPIN Polish musician on his deathbed
Frederic Chopin / KrzeszFREDERIC CHOPIN Polish musician the last notes
Miners Dancing TogetherA miners ball in California Date: 1849
Middlesex Pauper Lunatic Asylum, 1849The Italianate exterior of the New Middlesex Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Colney Hatch, near Friern Barnet, Middlesex (North London). The foundation stone was laid in 1849 by Prince Albert
The Illuminations in Sackville Street, DublinThe illuminations in Sackville Street, Dublin with an electric light shining on the Nelson Column during the visit of Queen Victoria to Ireland in 1849
Passenger Canal Boats at Paddington Basin, London, 1849Engraving showing some of the canal boats, offering rides on the Grand Union Canal, at Paddington Basin, London, 1849
Village of Moveen during the 1840 sA landscape view of the village of Moveen during the forced evictions of the 1840 s
Passengers on the deck of an Emigrant Ship, 1849Engraving showing emigrants on the deck of their ship, at sea, 1849. A group of children are being taught their lessons by a school master whilst a small crowd gathers around the ships galley
Edmund Pendleton GainesEDMUND PENDLETON GAINES American military commander who served in the 1812 war, the Seminole war, the Mexican war, the Black Hawk war etc
Mme Recamier / Cig CardJEANNE-FRANCOISE-JULIE- ADELAIDE RECAMIER nee BERNARD French society beauty and wit
Charlotte Bronte / ShirleyShirley Keeldare sits pensively at the window
Blunt / Planet / ParallaxA diagram showing the parallax of the planets
Monoceros Etc ConstellThe constellation of Monoceros - a unicorn - and Canis Minor - a small dog
Blunt / Jupiter & Moons / 10A view of Jupiter showing its moons and satellites
Cartoon, Disraeli Measuring the British LionCartoon, The State of the Nation, Disraeli Measuring the British Lion
Queen Victoria and her family, WindsorQueen Victoria, Prince Albert and their children in the grounds of Windsor Castle. 1849
Maria Edgeworth / LibraryMARIA EDGEWORTH The novelist writing in her library at her home in Edgeworthstown, near Dublin
City of London Workhouse, Bow Road, East LondonSituated where Mile End Road continues as Bow Road in East London, the City of London Union Workhouse opened in 1849
City of London Infirmary, Bow Road, East LondonSituated where Mile End Road continues as Bow Road, the City of London Union Infirmary (now St Clement's Hospital) opened in 1849 as the City of London Union workhouse
Giants Ring, Ballylesson, Co. Down (1849). Moore, James 1819 - 1883. Date: 1849
David & the MicawbersA young David Copperfield is presented by Mr Micawber to Mrs Micawber who clutches a baby Date: First published: 1849-50
Lady Blessingtons TombThe pyramid-shaped tomb of Marguerite, countess of Blessington, Irish writer, photographed by her lover, the count d Orsay. Date: 1849
Bay of San Francisco, Upper CaliforniaSan Francisco was the scene of a gold rush in 1849, men made their way to California from all over the world
HARRY KELLAR 1849 - 1922American magician who presented large stage shows during the late 1800s and early 1900s - the predecessor of Harry Houdini and successor to Robert Heller
Micawber & CopperfieldYoung David Copperfield with swaggering Mr. Micawber, twirling his walking stick!
Houdin LevitationHoudins son, supported only by one elbow, reclines in space
William Ernest Henley / VfWILLIAM ERNEST HENLEY English man of letters, editor of the Magazine of Art and other journals
Churchill / Randolph / Vf 80LORD RANDOLPH SPENCER CHURCHILL MP speaking in Parliament while Wolff, Balfour and Gorst listen (or fall asleep, more like)
Copperfield / Mr MicawberThe inimitable Mr Micawber
Copperfield / MicawberThe inimitable Mr Micawber standing jauntily in a street with Georgian houses behind him
Mania / Hudson BlamedRailway financier George Hudson, formerly known as the Railway King, is depicted as The Railway Clown and blamed by those who invested in his stocks
Mania / Hudson Off RailsOFF THE RAIL The speculations of railway financier George King Hudson (1800-1871), start to collapse
Star ClustersA diagram showing various clusters of stars
BLUNT / CAPRICORN / 47 / 1849The constellation of Capricorn, this version has the head, shoulders and fore- legs of a goat and the hind body and tail of a fish
Blunt / Scorpio / Plate 45The constellation of Scorpio, the scorpion
Blunt / Virgo / Plate 43The constellation of Virgo
BLUNT / ORION / 52 / 1849The constellation of Orion, one of the most brilliant in the heavens
Blunt / Moons Phases / Pl15The moons phases
James Polk PresidentJAMES K POLK 11th American President (1845-49)
John Ambrose FlemingJOHN AMBROSE FLEMING English electrical engineer; contributed to development of telephony, electric lighting and wireless telegraphy
Chopin / Wills Cig CardFREDERIC CHOPIN Polish musician
A collection of examples of Sevres porcelain on display in an exhibition of French manufacturing at 13 Hanover Square in London in December 1849. Date: 1849
Nice, France: general view, including town and port. Date: 1849
Etienne Bouchardy (1797-1849). French draftsman and engraver. Profile portrait, after 1811. Physionotrace on wove paper, 8, 2 x 6, 5 cm. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
Victor Emmanuel II (1820-1878). Last King of the Kingdom of Sardinia (1849-1861) and the first King of Italy (1861-1878). Portrait as King of Sardinia. Drawing by B. Blanco. Lithography by J. Donon
Adelaide of Austria (1822-1855). Queen consortAdelaide of Austria (1822-1855). Austrian Archduchess. Queen consort of Sardinia (1849-1855) by her marriage to King Victor Emmanuel II (1820-1878). Portrait. Drawing by C. Legrand. Lithography by J