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1811 Collection

Background image1811 Collection: Saartje Baartman, also known as The Hottentot Venus

Saartje Baartman, also known as The Hottentot Venus
Saartje ( Sarah ) Baartman (1789-1815)

Background image1811 Collection: Poster advertising Blandy Freres madeira wine

Poster advertising Blandy Freres madeira wine. The company was founded in 1811 by John Blandy

Background image1811 Collection: Steady the Drums and Fifes

Steady the Drums and Fifes, 1811. Colour photolithograph after Lady Butler, published 1960 (c)

Background image1811 Collection: Manus Mcfadden of Dooey, Rossguill (Born 1811)

Manus Mcfadden of Dooey, Rossguill (Born 1811) - a photo of an old man sitting on a rock with a walking stick, in a field beside a young boy

Background image1811 Collection: Bell Rock Lighthouse, near Arbroath, Scotland

Bell Rock Lighthouse, near Arbroath, Scotland
View of Bell Rock Lighthouse, near Arbroath, Scotland. Bell Rock is also known as the Inchcape Rock (made famous by a poem by Robert Southey)

Background image1811 Collection: Sophie Blanchard in balloon ascent, Milan

Sophie Blanchard in balloon ascent, Milan
Sophie Blanchard (1778-1819), famous French aeronaut, in a night-time balloon ascent performed in Milan, Italy, in the presence of Napoleon, to mark his 42nd birthday. 15 August 1811

Background image1811 Collection: Haiti Royal Palace

Haiti Royal Palace
Citadelle Laferrire, the palace of Henri Christophe, ruler from 1807, king 1811-1818, committed suicide 1820

Background image1811 Collection: Photo, Liszt in Old Age

Photo, Liszt in Old Age
Hungarian composer and musician, photographed in old age

Background image1811 Collection: Austen / Brandon & Dashwoo

Austen / Brandon & Dashwoo
Colonel Brandon visits Marianne Dashwood

Background image1811 Collection: Wordsworth / Old Rectory

Wordsworth / Old Rectory
WILLIAM WORDSWORTH English poets home from 1811 to 1813, The Old Rectory, which was demolished in the 1890s Date: 1770 - 1850

Background image1811 Collection: Winchester Comet of 1811

Winchester Comet of 1811
A comet of 1811 as seen at daybreak on October 15th from Otterbourne Hill, Winchester Date: 1811

Background image1811 Collection: Private - 83rd Regiment of Foot

Private - 83rd Regiment of Foot. The regiment became the Royal Irish Rifles in 1881

Background image1811 Collection: Orson Pratt

Orson Pratt
ORSON PRATT Mormon churchman Date: 1811 - 1881

Background image1811 Collection: Austen / Sense & Sensibilt

Austen / Sense & Sensibilt
Lucy Steele shows the portrait of Edward Ferrars to Elinor. Date: First published: 1811

Background image1811 Collection: Women of Hampshire vs. Women of Surrey Cricket Match, Newing

Women of Hampshire vs. Women of Surrey Cricket Match, Newing
Engraving of a cricket match between the Hamshire and Surrey Lasses for 500 guineas, played at Newington Green, near Balls Pond, Middlesex, 2nd October 1811. The Hampshire team won by 14 notches

Background image1811 Collection: Copper Works

Copper Works
The Bristol Company copper works, near Swansea, Wales

Background image1811 Collection: Austen / S&s / Mrs. Ferrars

Austen / S&s / Mrs. Ferrars
Mrs. Ferrars instructs her lawyer

Background image1811 Collection: BULLOCKs MUSEUM 1811

Housed in the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, William Bullocks miscellaneous collection is a popular attraction at a period when official museums hardly exist

Background image1811 Collection: LISZT (1811-1886) PHOTO

LISZT (1811-1886) PHOTO
FRANZ LISZT in old age, at the keyboard

Background image1811 Collection: Sense & Sensibility

Sense & Sensibility
Colonel Brandon has some explaining to do with Elinor

Background image1811 Collection: Label, Grande Champagne Sazerac, de Forge & Fils

Label, Grande Champagne Sazerac, de Forge & Fils
Label, Grande Champagne, Sazerac de Forge & Fils. 1811

Background image1811 Collection: Curlew, Scolopax arquata, Numenius arquata

Curlew, Scolopax arquata, Numenius arquata.. Handcolored copperplate drawn and engraved by George Graves from his own British Ornithology, Walworth, 1821

Background image1811 Collection: Engraving of Newshams fire engine

Engraving of Newshams fire engine, patented in 1725. Date: 1725

Background image1811 Collection: Arthur Henry Hallam

Arthur Henry Hallam
ARTHUR HENRY HALLAM Friend of Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Background image1811 Collection: Liszt / Barabas Miklos

Liszt / Barabas Miklos
FRANZ LISZT Hungarian musician and composer

Background image1811 Collection: Balloon descending into Bristol Channel

Balloon descending into Bristol Channel
A balloon descending into the water of the Bristol Channel, near Watermouth. The passengers were Sadler and Clayfield, who ascended from Bristol. 24 September 1810

Background image1811 Collection: Marianne Dashwood / Austen

Marianne Dashwood / Austen
Marianne Dashwood blushes. Date: First published: 1811

Background image1811 Collection: Austen / S&s / Palmers

Austen / S&s / Palmers
Mr. & Mrs. Palmer. Date: First published: 1811

Background image1811 Collection: Willoughby / Dashwoods / S&s

Willoughby / Dashwoods / S&s
Willoughby takes leave of the Dashwoods. Date: First published: 1811

Background image1811 Collection: Robert William Bunsen 2

Robert William Bunsen 2
ROBERT WILHELM BUNSEN German scientist, famed for his invention of the Bunsen burner

Background image1811 Collection: Robert Blair

Robert Blair
ROBERT BLAIR Edinburgh advocate, depicted making a point in court

Background image1811 Collection: John Bright / Mayall Cdv

John Bright / Mayall Cdv
John Bright Liberal Mp

Background image1811 Collection: Liszt Postcard

Liszt Postcard
Hungarian composer and performer

Background image1811 Collection: CATTLE / YAK 1911


Background image1811 Collection: Theophile Gautier

Theophile Gautier
THEOPHILE GAUTIER French writer, advocate of art for arts sake

Background image1811 Collection: Etienne Bouchardy (1797-1849). French draftsman

Etienne Bouchardy (1797-1849). French draftsman and engraver. Profile portrait, after 1811. Physionotrace on wove paper, 8, 2 x 6, 5 cm. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain

Background image1811 Collection: War ship which carried King Henry VIII (1491-1547)

War ship which carried King Henry VIII (1491-1547) from Dover, (England) to France, for his meeting with King Francis I on the Field of the Cloth of Gold, on 7 June 1520

Background image1811 Collection: Francois Achille Bazaine (1811-1888). Marshal

Francois Achille Bazaine (1811-1888). Marshal of France. He took part in the Algerian War, the Crimean War, the Second French Intervention in Mexico and the Franco-Prussian War. Portrait. Engraving

Background image1811 Collection: Emmanuel Felix de Wimpffen (1811-1884). French

Emmanuel Felix de Wimpffen (1811-1884). French general. Portrait. Engraving by Cremer. Historia de la Guerra Franco-Alemana de 1870-1871. Published in Barcelona, 1891

Background image1811 Collection: Maximilian II of Bavaria (1811-1864). King of

Maximilian II of Bavaria (1811-1864). King of Bavaria (1848-1864). Portrait. Drawing by B. Blanco. Lithography by J. Donon. Detail. Reyes Contemporaneos (Contemporary Kings). Volume III

Background image1811 Collection: Maximilian II of Bavaria (1811-1864). King of

Maximilian II of Bavaria (1811-1864). King of Bavaria (1848-1864). Portrait. Drawing by B. Blanco. Lithography by J. Donon. Reyes Contemporaneos (Contemporary Kings). Volume III

Background image1811 Collection: Polar bear, Ursus maritimus, on an ice floe

Polar bear, Ursus maritimus, on an ice floe. Copperplate engraving by J

Background image1811 Collection: American black bear, glutton and badger

American black bear, glutton and badger
American black bear, Ursus americanus 1, glutton, Gulo gulo 3, and European badger, Meles meles 4. Copperplate engraving by J

Background image1811 Collection: American black bear, polar bear, glutton and badger

American black bear, polar bear, glutton and badger
American black bear, Ursus americanus 1, polar bear, Ursus maritimus 2, glutton, Gulo gulo 3, and European badger, Meles meles 4. Copperplate engraving by J

Background image1811 Collection: Harlequin beetle, long-horn beetle, etc

Harlequin beetle, long-horn beetle, etc
Cerambyx imperialis, Retrachydes thoracicus (Cerambyx thoracicus), harlequin beetle, Acrocinus longimanus (Prionus longimanus), Prionus unidentatus, longhorn beetle

Background image1811 Collection: Greater weever, Atlantic stargazer and dragonet fish

Greater weever, Atlantic stargazer and dragonet fish
Greater weever, Trachinus draco 1, 2, Atlantic stargazer, Uranoscopus scaber 3, and common dragonet, Callionymus lyra 4, 5

Background image1811 Collection: Species of trumpetfish, garfish, ballyhoo, etc

Species of trumpetfish, garfish, ballyhoo, etc
Chinese trumpetfish, Aulostomus chinensis 1, cornetfish, Fistularia tabacaria 2, longnose gar, Lepisosteus osseus 3, garfish, Belone belone 4, ballyhoo, Hemiramphus brasiliensis 5, ladyfish

Background image1811 Collection: Species of piranha, leporinus, lizardfish, etc

Species of piranha, leporinus, lizardfish, etc
Tetra, Astyanax bimaculatus 1, banded leporinus, Leporinus fasciatus 2, greater lizardfish, Saurida tumbil 3, African pike characin, Hepsetus odoe 4, river hatchetfish, Gasteropelecus sternicla 5

Background image1811 Collection: Parrotfish, seabass and shi drum species

Parrotfish, seabass and shi drum species
Mediterranean parrotfish, Sparisoma cretense 1, European bass, Dicentrarchus labrax 2, 5, shi drum, Umbrina cirrosa 3, and spotted seabass, Dicentrarchus punctatus 4

Background image1811 Collection: Species of wrasse, gourami, leaffish, etc

Species of wrasse, gourami, leaffish, etc
Cuckoo wrasse, Labrus mixtus 1, three-spot gourami, Trichopodus trichopterus 2, black-eye thicklip wrasse, Hemigymnus melapterus 3, ballan wrasse, Labrus bergylta 4, Guyana leaffish

Background image1811 Collection: Topknot, angelfish, butterflyfish, batfish, etc

Topknot, angelfish, butterflyfish, batfish, etc
Common topknot, Zeugopterus punctatus 1, emperor angelfish, Pomacanthus imperator 2, sergeant major, Abudefduf saxatilis 3, gray angelfish, Pomacanthus arcuatus 4, copperband butterflyfish

Background image1811 Collection: Greater siren and olm

Greater siren and olm
Greater siren or eel-shaped siren, Siren lacertina 1, and olm or anguina siren, Proteus anguinus, vulnerable

Background image1811 Collection: Species of tarsier, lemur and loris

Species of tarsier, lemur and loris
Spectral tarsier, Tarsius tarsier 1, endangered red slender loris, Loris tardigradus 2, 5, gray mouse lemur, Microcebus murinus 3, endangered ring-tailed lemur, Lemur catta 4

Background image1811 Collection: Royal antelope, bush duiker and white-tailed gnu

Royal antelope, bush duiker and white-tailed gnu
Royal antelope, Neotragus pygmaeus 3, bush duiker, Capra grimmia 4, and black wildebeest or white-tailed gnu, Connochaetes gnou 5. Copperplate engraving by J

Background image1811 Collection: Chamois and blackbuck

Chamois and blackbuck
Chamois, Rupicapra rupicapra 1, and blackbuck, Capra cervicapra 2. Copperplate engraving by J

Background image1811 Collection: Species of chamois, blackbuck, antelope, gnu, etc

Species of chamois, blackbuck, antelope, gnu, etc
Chamois, Rupicapra rupicapra 1, blackbuck, Capra cervicapra 2, royal antelope, Neotragus pygmaeus 3, bush duiker, Capra grimmia 4, and black wildebeest or white-tailed gnu, Connochaetes gnou 5

Background image1811 Collection: Species of mole, shrew and hedgehog

Species of mole, shrew and hedgehog
Cape golden mole, Chrysochloris asiatica 1, star-nosed mole, Condylura cristata 2, common mole, Talpa europaea 3, Eurasian pygmy shrew, Sorex minutus 4, Russian desman, Desmana moschata 5

Background image1811 Collection: Common starling, Sturnus vulgaris

Common starling, Sturnus vulgaris. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by George Graves from British Ornithology, 1812

Background image1811 Collection: Sofa writing table and Trafalgar chair, 1811

Sofa writing table and Trafalgar chair, 1811
Metamorphic sofa writing table and Trafalgar chair, 1811. The small card-table transforms into a writing table with two sloped writing boards, each with its own drawer for paper, pen and ink

Background image1811 Collection: View of the town of Reykjavik, Iceland, 1811

View of the town of Reykjavik, Iceland, 1811. Small village of 500 inhabitants with church, prison, storehouses, cottages and tavern

Background image1811 Collection: Regency woman reading a letter wearing a carriage dress

Regency woman reading a letter wearing a carriage dress. Morning dress in India muslin with needlework border a la Grecque, French wrapping coat of grey silk, trimmed with swansdown

Background image1811 Collection: Regency woman in promenade dress, 1811

Regency woman in promenade dress, 1811
Regency woman in promenade dress of jaconot muslin, green capuchin mantle in shot sarsnet with Chinese silk fringe, matching parasol, satin Spanish hat. Roman shoes of green morocco leather

Background image1811 Collection: Regency woman in mourning dress of iron-grey velvet

Regency woman in mourning dress of iron-grey velvet trimmed with chenille fur, antique scalloped ruff collar, Hungarian mantle, Eastern turban with willow feathers

Background image1811 Collection: Regency woman strolling on a beach, 1811

Regency woman strolling on a beach, 1811. Dress of fine jaconot muslin, needlework crescent borders, short Roman coat, trimmed with French lace, mountain hat over a foundling cap

Background image1811 Collection: Regency woman and child walking on a beach, 1811

Regency woman and child walking on a beach, 1811. Walking dress with Vandyke lace cuffs and Tuscan border, short capuchin cloak of buff sarsnet with Chinese silk fringe

Background image1811 Collection: Regency woman dancing in a ball gown, 1811

Regency woman dancing in a ball gown, 1811
Regency woman dancing a cotillon in a ball gown, 1811. Amber crepe gown embroidered with lilies and Persian roses in chenille, worn over a white satin slip. French kid gloves, satin sandal-slippers

Background image1811 Collection: Regency woman in ball gown or full dress

Regency woman in ball gown or full dress leaning on an urn. Roman robe of pink crepe worn over white gossamer satin, antique cuffs, net quilling at the bosom

Background image1811 Collection: Regency woman in promenade costume

Regency woman in promenade costume
Regency woman in promenade or carriage costume. Military coat or pelisse of amber velvet trimmed with Astracan fur, Spanish cuffs, high fluted collar, matching ridicule. Algerine helmet cap

Background image1811 Collection: Regency woman in carriage dress, 1811

Regency woman in carriage dress, 1811
Regency woman in carriage dress in sprigged jaconot muslin, robe pelisse of Pomona green Spanish lambswool, regency cap of white satin and lace. black lace veil. Plate 17, March 1 1811

Background image1811 Collection: Russia, Saint Petersburg, Kazan Cathedral

Russia, Saint Petersburg, Kazan Cathedral or Kazanskiy Kafedralniy Sobor. It was constructed between 1801 and 1811 by the architect Andrei Voronikhin. Engraving by Lemaitre, Dumouza and Gibert

Background image1811 Collection: Glorious Gallantry of the Middlesex Regiment at Albuhera

Glorious Gallantry of the Middlesex Regiment at Albuhera
The Glorious Gallantry of the Middlesex Regiment, the Die Hards, at the Battle of Albuhera, Peninsular War, 16 May 1811 Date: 1811

Background image1811 Collection: Peninsular War, six French drums, spoils of war

Peninsular War, six French drums, spoils of war
Peninsular War, six French drums and a silver-mounted drum major's staff

Background image1811 Collection: The Royal and Military Order of Saint Ferdinand

The Royal and Military Order of Saint Ferdinand
Knight in ceremonial dress and wearing the Grand Cross of the Royal and Military Order of Saint Ferdinand, also known as the Laureate Cross of Saint Ferdinand

Background image1811 Collection: Sheriffs of London, Samuel Birch and William Heygate

Sheriffs of London, Samuel Birch and William Heygate, in the Court of the Exchequer on Michaelmas Day. Date: 1811

Background image1811 Collection: WARWICK HOUSE 1811

The house facing us is Warwick House, residence of the ill- fated Princess Charlotte of Wales, who will sadly die in childbirth in a few years time. Date: 1811

Background image1811 Collection: MOURNING/DRESS - 1811

Discreetly elegant, reverently fashionable... Date: 1811

Background image1811 Collection: Battle of Albuera, Extremadura, Spain, 16 May 1811, fought by the French Empire

Battle of Albuera, Extremadura, Spain, 16 May 1811, fought by the French Empire and the Duchy of Warsaw against the United Kingdom, Portugal and Spain, part of the Peninsular War (1807-1814)

Background image1811 Collection: Albuera Monument, Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain, in memory of those who fell in the Battle

Albuera Monument, Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain, in memory of those who fell in the Battle of Albuera, 16 May 1811, part of the Peninsular War (1807-1814). The monument was completed in 1854. Date: 1811

Background image1811 Collection: French enemy ships stranded off the Point of Grao (or Grau, the port of Valencia, Spain)

French enemy ships stranded off the Point of Grao (or Grau, the port of Valencia, Spain), during the Peninsular War (1807-1814). Date: 1811-1812

Background image1811 Collection: Surprise of the French under Marshal Soult near Badajoz, Spain, by William Beresford

Surprise of the French under Marshal Soult near Badajoz, Spain, by William Beresford, 1st Viscount Beresford, leading the Anglo-Portuguese and Spanish armies in May 1811 during the Peninsular War

Background image1811 Collection: Emmanuel Felix de Wimpffen, army officer

Emmanuel Felix de Wimpffen, army officer
Vintage 19th century photograph: Emmanuel Felix de Wimpffen (Freiherr von Wimpffen) (13 September 1811, in Laon - 26 February 1884) was a French soldier and general of Austrian descent

Background image1811 Collection: Queens Head and Artichoke

Queens Head and Artichoke
The original Queens Head pub was in what is now Regents Park. It re-located to Albany Street in 1811 and the name was extended to Queens Head & Artichoke by 1825

Background image1811 Collection: Arthurs Club & Brooks Club

Arthurs Club & Brooks Club
Arthurs was a London gentlemens club, now dissolved, which was established in 1811 and was disbanded in 1940. Between 1827 and 1940 it was based at 69 St Jamess Street

Background image1811 Collection: Woman at the horse races on the Champ de Mars, 1811

Woman at the horse races on the Champ de Mars, 1811
Fashionable woman at the horse races on the Champ de Mars, 1811. She wears a bonnet, high-waisted walking dress and carries a shawl and large feather

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