Constitution of Usa / 1787CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES Drawn up by 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia
England / Blenheim PalaceView from the north, with a gentleman and lady walking by the lake
Goethe / Window / TischbeinJOHANN WOLFGANG von GOETHE German writer in Rome in 1787, looking out of the window in a relaxed mood
West Wycombe Park, BucksThe home of the Dashwood family. The notorious activities of Sir Francis Dashwood and the Hellfire club took place in the West Wycombe Caves
First Gas Balloon 1787The first manned flight in a gas balloon, over Paris
Edmund Kean / Richard IIIEDMUND KEAN English actor in the role of Shakespeares Richard III
Edmund Kean / As BrutusEDMUND KEAN Actor, as Brutus in Julius Caesar
Geranium ReichardiDWARF GERANIUM Date: 1787
Wilton House / Metz 1787WILTON HOUSE, WILTSHIRE The seat of the Earl of Pembroke
Lady NelsonLADY FRANCES NELSON Originally Frances Woolward, she met Horatio Nelson in 1785 and married him in 1787
Abraham purchasing cave for a burial placeAbraham purchasing the Cave of Machpelah for a burial place - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 23.16. 1787
Jos. Robertson MacgregorJOSEPH ROBERTSON MACGREGOR Scottish churchman Date: circa 1787
John BouvierJOHN BOUVIER Italian born American lawyer of French parentage : he compiled a Law Dictionary. with his autograph Date: 1787 - 1851
Angel commanding Hagar to return to SarahThe Angel of the Lord commanding Hagar to return to her mistress Sarah - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 16.9. 1787
Medmenham Abbey 1The prudently secluded Buckinghamshire abbey where Francis Dashwoods Hellfire Club held their depraved and dissolute debaucheries
Georgiana, Duchess of DevonshireEngraving of Thomas Gainsborough's portrait of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
Boeing 737-300 D-ABXX Bad Homburg v.d. HöheBoeing 737-330 D-ABXX Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe (msn 24562 / 1787), of Lufthansa Date: ca2000
King Louis XVI of France giving the Edict of Versailles, 1787King Louis XVI of France giving the Edict of Versailles, civil rights to the Protestants, 1787. Ludwig der XVI Konig von Frankreich ertheilt den Protestanten Burger Richte
Original marine steam engine invented by SymingtonThe original marine steam engine invented by William Symington, 1787, placed on the deck of a pleasure boat, producing a speed of five miles per hour. Date: 1787
Antropomorphic head. Head of the sacrificed. PalenqueAntropomorphic head. Head of the sacrificed. Drawn on the VIII sheet of the Excavation Memory. It was collected in 1787 by captain Antonio del Rio in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico. Maya culture
Fragment of relief. It depicts the leg of the priest, wearing sandal. Drawn on the XI sheet of the Excavation Memory, was collected in 1787 by captain Antonio del Rio in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico
Edmund Law, Bishop of CarlisleA portrait painting of Edmund Law, a priest in the Church of England, who ultimately became bishop of Carlisle from 1768, to his death in 1787
Abraham buried in the Cave of Machpelah by his sons - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 25.9. 1787
DUKE RUTLAND LIES STATEThe body of Charles Manners, fourth duke of Rutland, lord- lieutenant of Ireland, lies in state in the House of Lords, London. Date: 1787
Tartar Tombs St Lucia Death Cemeteries Castriestartar, tombs, st, lucia, death, cemeteries, castries, bay, 1787, discovered, la, perouse, west, indies, caribbean, history, historical, 10058661
Admiral of the Fleet Sir George Francis SeymourVintage 19th century photograph: Admiral of the Fleet Sir George Francis Seymour GCB, GCH, PC (17 September 1787 - 20 January 1870) was a Royal Navy officer
Public library of Sultan Abdul Hamid I, 1787Public library of Abdul Hamid I, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, 1773-1789. Scholars in turbans reading books and scrolls in a carpeted libary surrounded by bookcases. Biblioteca di Abdul-Hamid
America - Convention At Philadeliphia in 1787Convention At Philadeliphia Drafts The US Constitution After The American War of Independence Date: 1787
Ladies dress for 1787. 1787
One of the main galleries for the Royal Academy Exhibition of 1787 in London. This image shows a large crowd admiring the paintings, which cover nearly every inch of the walls. Date: 1787
Marie Antoinette and her children by Vigee Le BrunReproduction of a painting of Marie-Antoinette de Lorraine-Habsbourg, queen of France (1755-1793), and her children by Elisabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun (17551842)
Womens French fashion 1787Three fashionable women of the late 18th century. Date: 1787
EDWARD MOORE playwright, in 1787 Date: 1712 - 1757
EDMUND KEAN / TWO ROLESEDMUND KEAN Actor, as Shylock, and as Othello. Date: 1787 - 1833
EDMUND KEAN / BLOODEDMUND KEAN Actor, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane Date: 1787 - 1833
Temple Bar & Devil TavernThe Devil Tavern Devil and St Dunstan or The Devil and the Saint. The taverns origins date back to at least 16th century
Blenheim Palace, 1787Distant view from the north, with deer in the foreground. Date: 1787
NIEPCE, Joseph-Nicephore (1765-1833). French inventor, most noted as one of the inventors of photography. Engraving
Prince Nguyen Phuc Canh of Cochin China (Vietnam). At the age of seven he visited France to sign an alliance between France and Vietnam (the Treaty of Versailles, 1787)
Levi, Old Testament patriarch, in Thomas Bankes Bible, Plate III. 1787
Reuben, Old Testament patriarch, in Thomas Bankes Bible, Plate I. 1787
Silver cup of Joseph found in Benjamins sackSilver cup of Joseph found in his brother Benjamins sack - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 44.12. 1787
Joseph dreams of the wheatsheaf, the sun, moon and eleven stars - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 37.9. 1787
Isaac cleaning the wells made by Abraham to water his flocks - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 26.18. 1787
The first interview by John Kay 1787The first interview. Captain Dalrymple of Fordel and Cleland, by John Kay. An Edinburgh gentleman (landowner and industrialist Marten Dalrymple) talking to a lady wearing an extremely large hat
Speech of Louis XVI to the Assembly of Notables at Versailles on February 22, 1787. Assembly proposed by Charles Alexandre de Calonne to approve a new land tax that also affect the nobles and clergy
BELGRANO, Manuel (1770-1820). Argentine economist, lawyer, politician, and military leader. 1815
Aeneas and His Family Fleeing Troy
Costume: Lunardi HatMasculine influenced double- breasted jacket with large lapels; large gauze & wire framed hat (balloon or Lunardi hat); simple white muslin dress with sash... Date: 1787 - 1792
Prison reformer John Howard visiting a prisonAn engraving of Francis Wheatleys 1787 painting of John Howard Visiting and Relieving the Miseries of a Prison
Cricket at White ConduitRepresentation of the Noble Game of Cricket, as played in the celebrated Cricket Field near White Conduit House
Marguerite GeorgesMARGUERITE GEORGES WEYMER French actress, made her Paris debut in 1802 and was briefly the mistress of Napoleon
Gad, Old Testament patriarch, in Thomas Bankes Bible, Plate VIII. 1787
Naphtali, Old Testament patriarch, in Thomas Bankes Bible, Plate X. 1787
Issachar, Old Testament patriarch, in Thomas Bankes Bible, Plate VI. 1787
Zebulun, Old Testament patriarch, in Thomas Bankes Bible, Plate V. 1787
Dan, Old Testament patriarch, in Thomas Bankes Bible, Plate VII. 1787
Asher, Old Testament patriarch, in Thomas Bankes Bible, Plate IX. 1787
Judah, Old Testament patriarch, in Thomas Bankes bible, Plate IV. 1787
Simeon, Old Testament patriarch, in Thomas Bankes Bible, Plate II. 1787
Melchizedek bringing forth bread and wineMelchizedek, King of Salem, bringing forth bread and wine and blessing Abram (Abraham) - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 14.19. 1787
Noah entering the Ark with his family and the living creatures agreeable to the divine command - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 7.7. 1787
Noah offering up sacrifices to God as a grateful acknowledgement for his deliverance from the Deluge - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 8.20. 1787
Jacob requiring an oath from his son Joseph to bury him in Canaan - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 47.31. 1787
Jacob blessing Joseph and his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 48.20. 1787
Joseph introducing Jacob to PharaohJoseph introducing his father Jacob to Pharaoh, King of Egypt - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 47.7. 1787
First meeting of Joseph and his brothers in Egypt - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 42.6. 1787
Joseph made Governor and honoured by order of Pharaoh, King of Egypt - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 41.43. 1787
The expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 3.24. 1787
Pharaoah has his dreams interpreted by JosephPharaoah, King of Egypt, hearing the interpretation of his two dreams from Joseph - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 41.26. 1787
Joseph cast into prisonJoseph after being falsely accused by Potiphars wife cast into prison - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 39.20. 1787
Jacobs heavenly vision of the ladder and angels at Bethel - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 28.12. 1787
Jacob and the flocks of LabanJacob setting rods of poplar and hazel before the flocks of Laban - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 30.38. 1787
Jacob obtaining the blessing of his father IsaacJacob by the instructions of Rebekah obtaining the blessing of his father Isaac - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 27.27. 1787
Rebekah giving drink to Abrahams servant and drawing water for his camels - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 24.18. 1787
Abrahams faith displayed by offering his son Isaac for a sacrifice - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 22.15. 1787
Abimelech restoring Sarah to AbrahamAbimelech, King of Gerar, restoring Sarah to her husband Abraham - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 20.14. 1787
Lot and his two daughters on their journey from Sodom to Zoar - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 19.15. 1787
Hagar in distress with her son, comforted by an angel in the wilderness - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 21.17. 1787
The Glory of the Lord and Abrams sacrificesThe Glory of the Lord passing between the sacrifices offered up by Abram (Abraham) - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 15.17. 1787
Lot parting from his uncle to dwell in the Plain of JordanLot parting from his uncle Abram (Abraham) to dwell in the Plain of Jordan - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 13.2. 1787
Eve presenting the forbidden fruit to Adam - Thomas Bankes Bible, Genesis 3.6. 1787
Diario Pinciano. Spanish newspaper. Published between 1787-1788. Founded by Jose Mariano Beristain. Number 1. 7th february of 1787. Valladolid. Spain
George Washington (1732-1799). Militar and american politician. First President of the United States (1789-1797). Monument in Boston Common Parks. Boston. Massachusetts. United States