Robert Burns & CreationsROBERT BURNS Scottish national poet Portrait surrounded by his creations
Four of the Eddystone LighthousesEngraving of the four Eddystone Lighthouses. From left to right: the first lighthouse (1699) built by Henry Winstanley; the second lighthouse (1708) built by John Rudyerd; the third lighthouse (1759)
Mary WollstonecraftMARY WOLLSTONECRAFT GODWIN writer, wife of William Godwin, mother of Mary Shelley
Robert Burns / NasmythROBERT BURNS Scottish national poet Portrait
DR. PANGLOSS / CANDIDEDr. Pangloss, played by Mr. Harley in the stage version
Handel as a ChildGEORGE FREDERIC HANDEL Young Georg Friedrich is found by his parents at the keyboard in the middle of the night... Date: 1685 - 1759
Mary Wollstonecraft / OpieMARY WOLLSTONECRAFT GODWIN writer, wife of William Godwin, mother of Mary Shelley
Charles SimeonCHARLES SIMEON Divine and author
Rasselas and Imlac digging a tunnelRasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, together with his companion, the wise man Imlac, digging a tunnel in order to escape the Happy Valley and see what life is like beyond it
William Kirby (Howard)WILLIAM KIRBY entomologist, rector of Barham, Suffolk Date: 1759 - 1850
3rd Eddystone LighthouseSmeatons third Eddystone lighthouse, near Plymouth
W Wilberforce / FindenWILLIAM WILBERFORCE English philanthropist and politician at age 73
Marquis De MontcalmLOUIS-JOSEPH, marquis de MONTCALM-GOZON French commander in Canada
Burns Mausoleum EdinburgROBERT BURNS Monument to Scotlands national poet at Calton Hill, Edinburgh
Charles Simeon (Kay)CHARLES SIMEON Divine and author
SCHILLER (1759 - 1805)FRIEDRICH VON SCHILLER Statue of the German writer, poet and historian, in his hometown Marbach (Southern Germany)
Handels London HomeGEORGE FREDERIC HANDEL his London home, 57 Brooke Street
Militia or Marine Pattern. 78 in flintlock musket, 1759Militia or Marine Pattern.78 in flintlock musket, 1759; 42 in barrel, iron ramrod, no escutcheon or tail-pipe. Date: 1759
Battle of Quiberon Bay (Bataille des Cardineaux), near Saint Nazaire, France, a naval battle fought between the British and the French on 20 November 1759, during the Seven Years War (1756-1763)
The Taking of Fort Louis, Guadeloupe, West Indies, by British forces against the French, 14 February 1759, during the Seven Years War (1756-1763). Date: 1759
United States Navy - McDonnell F-4J Phantom 153773United States Navy - McDonnell F-4J-28-MC Phantom 153773 (msn 1759, base code AC, call-sign 110 ) of VF-31 from USS Saratoga, visiting USS Nimitz
Monsieur de La Live de Jully by Jean-Baptiste Greuze (1725-1805) - painting on canvas. Date: 1759
Death of General Wolfe 1759NORTH AMERICAN CAMPAIGN James Wolfe successfully takes Quebec from the French but is fatally wounded during the battle. Date: 13th September 1759
CARLOS III / SPAIN / DUBOURGCARLOS III OF SPAIN 5th son of Felipe V duke of Parma, king of Naples before becoming king of Spain in 1759; an enlightened and benevolent ruler Date: 1716 - 1788
ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTA man and woman experimenting with an electrical machine Date: 1759
Hogarth, The Cockpit - a satirical illustration showing the blindness of a man drawn into betting on the match, and other forms of debauchery. Date: 1759
Holbein GatewayThe Holbein Gate was a monumental gateway across Whitehall in Westminster, constructed in 1531-32 in the English Gothic style. It was demolished in 1759
SCHILLERJOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH SCHILLER German poet and playwright Date: 1759 - 1805
Teresa BlountTERESA BLOUNT sister of Martha Blount friend of Alexander Pope Date: 1688 - 1759
Schiller (Melcher)JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH SCHILLER German writer Date: 1759 - 1805
Johann Fried. SchleusnerJOHANN FRIEDRICH SCHLEUSNER German theologian Date: 1759 - 1831
Schiller SilhouetteJOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH SCHILLER German poet and playwright Date: 1759 - 1805
Pierre PhilippeauxPIERRE PHILIPPEAUX French revolutionary statesman who antagonised Robespierre, was accused of treason and guillotined. Date: 1759 - 1794
Sir Robert BrownriggSIR ROBERT BROWNRIGG British general, Governor of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) from 1811 to 1820. Date: 1759 - 1833
Eddystone Lighthouse cross-section, 1759Engraving, showing the rooms of John Smeatons Eddystone Lighthouse (built 1759). This lighthouse operated between 1759 and 1882, being replaced due to erosion of its foundations
Candide and CunegondeCunegonde : Please pick up my garter. Candide : With all my heart. Cunegonde : Now please put it on me
Ali Ii, Bey of Tunis ?ALI II IBN HUSSEIN (?) Bey of Tunis (Tunisia) from 1759 - 1777. A de-facto regent or provincial governor during the French Protectorate. Muley Hassen Roi de Tunis
Handel (Cig Card)GEORGE FREDERIC HANDEL German-English musician
Comedies by Titus Maccius Plautus. Engraving. Paris, 1759. CTitus Maccius Plautus (250-184). Latin playwright. Engraving of his Comedies. Paris, 1759. Colored
King Ferdinand VI and his wife Barbara of Braganza and his cFerdinand VI of Spain (1713-1759). The Learned. King of Spain. Ferdinand VI and his wife Barbara of Braganza and his court. Engraving, 18th century
William Lord GrenvilleWILLIAM WYNDHAM, baron GRENVILLE statesman Date: 1759-1834
Friedrich Wilhelm GleimFRIEDRICH WILHELM GLEIM German artist Date: CIRCA 1759
William Thos. FitzgeraldWILLIAM THOMAS FITZGERALD Civil servant who wrote verses during the moments of leisure his duties as a clerk in the Navy Office allowed him. Date: 1759 - 1829
Giacomo Got. FerrariGIACOMO GOTIFREDO FERRARI Italian musician from Roveredo, composer of operas. Date: 1759 - 1842
Frances Countess EssexFRANCES countess of ESSEX (nee Williams) first wife of William Holles- Capell, fourth earl. Date: ? - 1759
Elizabeth Ds. DevonshireELIZABETH duchess of DEVONSHIRE nee Hervey, daughter of the earl of Bristol, second wife of William Cavendish, 5th duke. Date: 1759 - 1824
Comtesse D escarsMadame la comtesse D ESCARS French aristocrat, presumably the wife of Francois-Nicolas Rene, comte d Escars (1759- 1822) but we aren t sure. Date: circa 1790
Elizabeth Countess DerbyELIZABETH FARREN, countess of DERBY : actress who became the second wife of Edward Stanley, 12th earl of Derby. Before her marriage, as Emeline in Arthur and Emeline, 1786. Date: 1759 - 1829
Maria Louisa CoswayMARIA LOUISA CATHERINE CECILIA COSWAY (nee Hadfield) wife and model of the artist Richard Cosway. Date: 1759 - 1838
Thomas CooperTHOMAS COOPER Lawyer and scientist Date: 1759 - 1840
William Collins MonumentWILLIAM COLLINS Writer of odes and so on, friend of Johnson and other notables of the day. Date: 1721 - 1759
Theodore ColocotronisTHEODORE COLOCOTRONIS Greek patriot, commander in chief of the troops in the Morea. Date: 1759 - 1843
Alexander ChalmersALEXANDER CHALMERS Antiquary and historian. with his autograph Date: 1759 - 1834
Auguste Guillaume BoscL AUGUSTE GUILLAUME BOSC French botanist, zoologist and agronomist, member of the Academie des Sciences, professeur de Culture au Jardin du Roi. Date: 1759 - 1828
J C V Bette D etienvilleJEAN CHARLES VINCENT BETTE D ETIENVILLE French writer. Date: 1759 - 1830
Charles AtmoreCHARLES ATMORE Wesleyan Methodist churchman with his autograph Date: 1759 - 1826
Eustache BruixEUSTACHE BRUIX French naval commander Date: 1759 - 1805
Rjc De Garangeot / EngRENE-JACQUES-CROISSANT DE GARANGEOT French medical Date: 1688 - 1759
Ec Von Kleist / FritzschEWALD CHRISTIAN VON KLEIST German poet and soldier Date: 1715 - 1759
Ec Von Kleist / Anon EngEWALD CHRISTIAN VON KLEIST German poet and soldier Date: 1715 - 1759
Ec Von Kleist / BernigerotEWALD CHRISTIAN VON KLEIST German poet and soldier Date: 1715 - 1759
Danton / Home / Arcis-S-AubeGEORGES JACQUES DANTON French Revolutionary leaders home at Arcis-sur-Aube Date: 1759 - 1794
Danton / J-L DavidGEORGES JACQUES DANTON French Revolutionary leader Date: 1759 - 1794
William Kirby / YoungWILLIAM KIRBY entomologist, at age 19, later rector of Barham Date: 1759 - 1850
Burns Monument Brig DoonROBERT BURNS Monument to Scotlands national poet at Brig of Doon Date: 1759 - 1796
Burns Tam O shanter GravROBERT BURNS Kirkoswald and the grave of Tam O Shanter, the subject of a famous comic poem by Burns Date: 1759 - 1796
Burns Mausoleum DumfriesROBERT BURNS Mausoleum to Scotlands national poet at Dumfries Date: 1759 - 1796
Burns with Muse / BurneyROBERT BURNS Scottish national poet: his muse interrupts him as he ploughs; based on a design for a monument Date: 1759 - 1796
Robert Burns / WattROBERT BURNS the Scottish national poet, surrounded by angels and agricultural implements, with a scene of his home below Date: 1759 - 1796
Robert Burns / CookROBERT BURNS the Scottish national poet: his statue, sculpted by John Flaxman Date: 1759 - 1796
Robert Burns / FryROBERT BURNS the Scottish national poet Date: 1759 - 1796
Robert Burns / PayneROBERT BURNS the Scottish national poet, surrounded by scenes from his poems, including Tam O Shanter running away from the fairies Date: 1759 - 1796
Robert Burns / WarrenROBERT BURNS the Scottish national poet Date: 1759 - 1796
Robert Burns / Holl OvalROBERT BURNS the Scottish national poet Date: 1759 - 1796
Jacques CathelineauJACQUES CATHELINEAU French Vendeen commander (royalist opposing the Revolution) Date: 1759 - 1793
Pitt / Younger / Holl / BromlyWILLIAM PITT THE YOUNGER English politician Second son of 1st Earl of Chatham Date: 1759 - 1806
Pitt / Younger / Sasso / StandWILLIAM PITT THE YOUNGER English politician Second son of 1st Earl of Chatham Date: 1759 - 1806
Pitt / Younger / StatueWILLIAM PITT THE YOUNGER English politician A statue Date: 1759 - 1806
Pitt / Younger / White BustWILLIAM PITT THE YOUNGER English politician A bust in profile Date: 1759 - 1806
Pitt / Younger / John KayWILLIAM PITT THE YOUNGER English politician Second son of 1st Earl of Chatham Date: 1759 - 1806
Pitt / Younger / Lightfoot / DWILLIAM PITT THE YOUNGER English politician Second son of 1st Earl of Chatham Date: 1759 - 1806
Pitt / Younger / BocquetWILLIAM PITT THE YOUNGER English politician Second son of 1st Earl of Chatham Date: 1759 - 1806
Pitt / Younger / AnonWILLIAM PITT THE YOUNGER English politician Second son of 1st Earl of Chatham Date: 1759 - 1806