Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette in wedding costumesLouis XVI, King of France (1754-1793, reigned 1774-1792) with his wife Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) in their wedding costumes at the ages of 15 and 14 respectively
Banastre Tarleton (1782)SIR BANASTRE TARLETON British soldier in the Revolutionary Wars in America (depicted here as Lieutenant Colonel)
Talleyrand / BoillyPRINCE CHARLES-MAURICE TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD Prince de Benevent French statesman
The output of the Duke of Choiseul (1719-1785) of St. PeterGiovanni Paolo Panini (1691-1765). Italian painter. The output of the Duke of Choiseul (1719-1785) of St. Peters Square in Rome, 1754. Gemaldegalerie. Berlin. Germany
Talleyrand (Sasso)CHARLES MAURICE, prince TALLEYRAND French statesman
Talleyrand / FreemanPRINCE C.M. DE TALLEYRAND French statesman
George Crabbe / PhillipsGEORGE CRABBE English poet
Sir John StrangeSIR JOHN STRANGE lawyer and statesman, Master of the Rolls
Roman mosaic pavement found at Blackfriars, Leicester. 2nd century
Hiller OH-23G Raven 615245Hiller OH-23G Raven 64-15245 (msn 1754), at Wheeler Air Force Base, in Hawaii Date: circa 1980
JEANNE-MARIE ROLAND French revolutionary who, having the misfortune to be the wrong kind of revolutionary, dies by the guillotine Date: 1754 - 1793
NOLLET LECTURES 1754JEAN-ANTOINE (abbe) NOLLET gives a course in physics at the College de Navarre, Paris, where he is professor Date: 1754
LOUIS XV IN PARISLOUIS XV inaugurates the Place Louis XV, later the place de la Concorde, 1754 - 1763; street children scramble for the coins he throws Date: 1710-1774
LOUIS XVI / CALLET / NARGEOTLOUIS XVI king of France, depicted in all his finery Date: 1754 - 1793
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette in wedding costumesLouis XVI, King of France (1754-1793, reigned 1774-1792) with his wife Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) in their wedding costumes at the ages of 15 and 14 respectively. Date: 1770
Malaspina expedition (1789-1794). Tonga islands. Native men dancing. Drawing by Juan Ravenet. Drawing. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Navy Museum
Expedition of Malaspina. Philippines. ZamboangaMalaspina Expedition. Philippines (1792). Village of Zamboanga. Drawing by Fernando Brambila. Drawing. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Navy Museum
Christian Wolff - 2CHRISTIAN VON WOLFF German professor of mathematics and philosophy at Marburg. Date: 1679 - 1754
Christian Wolff - 1CHRISTIAN VON WOLFF German professor of mathematics and philosophy at Marburg. Date: 1679 - 1754
Johann NolteJOHANN FRIEDRICH NOLTE (Noltenius) German philologist Date: 1694 - 1754
Philippe Merlin De DouaiPHILIPPE ANTOINE MERLIN DE DOUAI French statesman during the Revolution and after. Date: 1754 - 1838
Bohemian Court Chancery. 18th century. Facade. ViennaAustria. Vienna. Bohemian Court Chancery. 1709-1714. Built by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach (1656-1723) and extended by Matthias Gerl between 1751 and 1754
Apotheosis of Saint Louis, 1754-1756, by Charles-Joseph NatoCharles-Joseph Natoire (1700-1777). French painter. Apotheosis of Saint Louis, 1754-1756. Ceiling of the Church of St Louis of the French. Rome. Italy
Pierre BeccardPIERRE FRANCOIS JOSEPH BECCARD French servant, noted for his devotion to his employers. Date: 1754 - ?
Antonio De AraujoANTONIO DE ARAUJO de Azevedo, conde da Barca, Portuguese statesman. Date: 1754 - 1817
Carre De MontgeronLouis Basile Carre de MONTGERON French magistrate, chronicler of the convulsionnaires de Saint-Medard, depicted in prison at Valence where he was confined for his opinions Date: 1686 - 1754
Malaspina expedition. Tonga islands (1793). Sepulcher of Paulajo, a ruler of the islands. Drawing by Fernando Brambila. Drawing. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Americas Museum
MARK NOBLE Churchman, rector of Barming, Kent, biographer and antiquary. Date: 1754 - 1827
Peter BelinskiPETER BELINSKI Polish statesman
Samuel FavellSAMUEL FAVELL Common councillor of London and political reformer. with his autograph Date: 1754 - 1830
Duport-DutertreMARGUERITE LOUIS FRANCOIS DUPORT-DUTERTRE French revolutionary states- man who belonged to the wrong party which of course meant he had to be guillotined. Date: 1754 - 1793
Samuel DunsterSAMUEL DUNSTER Writer and translator Date: 1675 - 1754
Sir William DomettSIR WILLIAM DOMETT British naval commander, rear- admiral of the White Squadron during the Napoleonic Wars. Date: 1754 - 1828
David Dickson 1797DAVID DICKSON Scottish churchman, depicted reading to his congregation from the Guid Buik. Date: 1754 - 1820
Philippe NericaultPHILIPPE NERICAULT DESTOUCHES French writer Date: 1680 - 1754
Robert Charles DallasROBERT CHARLES DALLAS Jamaica-born writer, best known for his association with Byron, about whom he wrote a volume of reminiscences. He lived mostly abroad. Date: 1754 - 1824
Crabbes BirthplaceCRABBEs birthplace at Aldeburgh, Suffolk. Date: 1754
Edward Cave, PrinterEDWARD CAVE Printer, founder of the Gentlemans Magazine. Date: 1691 - 1754
Leopold Herzog ArembergLEOPOLD PHILIPP CARL, herzog von AREMBERG German military, Feld- Marschall in the Imperial army. Date: 1690 - 1754
Marchioness TownshendANNE (MONTGOMERY) MARCHIONESS OF TOWNSHEND 2nd wife of George, 4th Viscount, 1st Marquis Townshend, in full court dress Date: 1754 - 1819
Louis XVI (Duval)LOUIS XVI - in his smartest but weightiest court dress Date: 1754 - 1793
Augustin De LestrangeDom Augustin Louis Henry de LESTRANGE French Trappist abbe, clutching his crosier Date: 1754 - 1827
Perignon / Dominique-CathDOMINIQUE-CATHERINE MARQUIS DE PERIGNON French general Date: 1754 - 1818
George Crabbe / PickersgilGEORGE CRABBE English poet Date: 1754 - 1832
George Crabbe / ThomsonGEORGE CRABBE English poet Date: 1754 - 1832
Jacopo, Conte RiccatiJACOPO, CONTE RICCATI Italian mathematician Date: 1676 - 1754
Glasgow / Trongate / 1754Trongate Date: circa 1754
Frederick I WurttembergFREDERICK I KING OF WURTTEMBERG Duke of Wurttemberg 1797 to 1805; king from 1806 to 1816 Date: 1754 - 1816
Society of Art / PughThe Society of Arts, founded in 1754, distributing its premiums Date: 1804
Louis Xvi / CollingnonLOUIS XVI The Dauphin of France, later Louis XVI, weds Marie Antoinette Date: 1754 - 1793
Fielding / Roberts / 1812HENRY FIELDING English novelist and magistrate Date: 1707 - 1754
English Novelist Henry FieldingHenry Fielding - English novelist. Date: circa 1750s
Louis XVI, King of France, informal portraitLouis XVI, King of France (1754-1793, reigned 1774-1792). An informal portrait. Date: 1754 - 1793
Louis XVI, King of France (1754-1793, reigned 1774-1792). Seen here as a young man. Date: circa 1770s
J P Brissot De WarvilleJ P BRISSOT DE WARVILLE French revolutionary and political writer Date: 1754 - 1793
Fort Western, Augusta, Maine, USA. It was the oldest log fort in America, a British colonial outpost built in 1754. Date: circa 1905
America. Malaspina Expedition (1789-1794). Port of Nutka. Pen and Chinese ink drawing by Jos頃 ardero. Drawing. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Americas Museum
Malaspina expedition. Philipines (1792). Manila river. View from the fortress. Drawing by Fernando Brambila. Drawing. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Americas Museum
North America. Canada. Malaspina Expedition (1789-1794). Depicting some indigenous people in Mulgraves port. Drawing. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Americas Museum
Theodor von Reding (1754-1809). Swiss militar who fought for Spain during the War of Spanish Independence. APARICIO INGLADA, Jos頨 1773-1838). Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. SPAIN
PERRIN, Jean Charles-Nicaise (1754-1831). Jean Lannes, Duke of Montebello. 1805-1810. Neoclassicism. Oil on canvas. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. YVELINES. Versailles. Palace of Versailles
Speech of Louis XVI to the Assembly of Notables at Versailles on February 22, 1787. Assembly proposed by Charles Alexandre de Calonne to approve a new land tax that also affect the nobles and clergy
LOUIS XVI of France (1754-1793). King of France (1774-1792). Coronation of Louis XVI. Arrival of the King to Reims for the consecration ceremony on June 11, 1775. Engraving. FRANCE
Apparatus triremium Procurement of food and water in galleys. 18th c. Copper engraving by Martin Engelbrecht (1684-1756) after drawing of Jacques Rigaud (1680-1754). Early Modern Era. Engraving
ALCALA GALIANO Y DE ALCALA, Dionisio (1760-1805). Spanish naval officer, cartographer, and explorer. Litography
Royal banquet to celebrate the birth of Dauphin Louis XVII, 1729. Engraving
RIGAUD, Jacques (1681 - 1754). View of the Bastille and the Porte Saint-Antoine. Engraving. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris. Mus饠 Carnavalet (Carnavalet Museum)
Assemblee des Notables Presided over by Louis XVI, 22/02/1787. Engraving. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
MOREAU, Jean Michel, called the Younger (1741-1814). Assemblee des Notables Presided over by Louis XVI, 1787. Engraving. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. YVELINES. Versailles. Palace of Versailles
Panama (18th c. )America (18th c.). Panama. View of the city from the island of Naos. Drawing by Fernando Brambila illustrating the scientific expedition of Alejandro Malaspina (1789-1794). Litography. SPAIN
Malaspinas expeditionAmerica. Viceroyalty of Mexico. Expedition of Malaspina (1789-1794). Lady from Panamᠯ n a sun lounger. Drawing by Juan Ravenet. Drawing. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid
Expedition of Malaspina. Acapulco. Cock fightingsAmerica. Expedition of Malaspina (1789-1794). Viceroyalty of Mexico. Cock fightings in Acapulco. Drawing by Tom᳠ de Sur Drawing. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid
Edward ThornboroughSir EDWARD THORNBOROUGH British naval commander, admiral of the Blue and commander-in-chief. Date: 1754 - 1834
TALLEYRANDCHARLES MAURICE, prince TALLEYRAND French statesman Date: 1754 - 1838
Talleyrand in ReposePRINCE C.M. DE TALLEYRAND TALLEYRAND French statesman in repose by his fireside with his autograph Date: 1754 - 1838
Talleyrand OldCharles Maurice prince Talleyrand (1754 - 1838) French statesman towards the end of his life
Benjamin TallmadgeBENJAMIN TALLMADGE American soldier : officer during the revolutionary war and director of Washingtons secret service. with his autograph Date: 1754 - 1835
Sir John SinclairSIR JOHN SINCLAIR statesman etc Date: 1754 - 1835
Thomas ShillitoeTHOMAS SHILLITOE Quaker and traveler Date: 1754 - 1836
Elizabeth SheridanELIZABETH ANN SHERIDAN (nee Linley) singer, wife of Richard Brinsley Sheridan Date: 1754 - 1792
Thomas SadlerTHOMAS SADLER antiquary Date: ? - 1754
Edward Earl of PowisEDWARD earl of POWIS son of Robert lord Clive : Scottish military. depicted with major Skey standing beside him. Date: 1754 - ?
Marquis De Perignon - 2DOMINIQUE-CATHERINE marquis et comte de PERIGNON French military commander, marechal de France Date: 1754 - 1818
Pierre Francois PercyPIERRE FRANCOIS PERCY French military surgeon Date: 1754 - 1825