Hogarth, Beer Street. A political print supporting a ministerial measure against the unlimited sale of gin
Hogarth, Gin Lane. A political print supporting a ministerial measure against the unlimited sale of gin (which later became the Gin Act)
Rev. George Whitefield, Preaching in the Timber Yard at LurgRev. George Whitefield 1714-70, Preaching in the Timber Yard at Lurgan, 12 July 1751. Miller, William d.1779. Date: 1751
Diderot / Title Page / 1751The title page
Pompeii Excavation, 1751Carlo III di Borbone visits the first excavations at Pompeii
Britain / 18th CenturyA poem based on fact: a haughty lady in her carriage will not let a gentleman pass so he (and the rest on the street) walk through her carriage Date: 1751
John Earl of EldonJOHN SCOTT, first earl of ELDON, judge, lord chancellor. Date: 1751 - 1838
Coram / Hogarth / HollTHOMAS CORAM philanthropist and founder of the Foundling Hospital
Hartley as ImoindaELIZABETH HARTLEY, actress, as Imoinda in Aphra Behns extremely popular Oroonoko
Julien Offroy LA MettrieJULIEN OFFROY LA METTRIE French physician and philosopher
United States of America. Pennsylvania Hospital. Philadelphia. Founded in 1751 by Benjamin Franklin and Dr. Thomas Bond. It became one of the leading public hospitals in the country. Engraving
CHARLES VALAZECHARLES ELEONORE DUFRICHE VALAZE - French revolutionary statesman, condemned to the guillotine for his moderate views, stabbed himself to death in view of the court. Date: 1751 - 1793
GRAY/ELEGY/CHURCHYARDThe funeral: "The next with dirges due in sad array, slow thro the church-way path we saw him borne." Date: First published: 1751
1751 Local Act St Margaret and St John, WestminsterThe front page of 1751 Local Act obtained by the joint parishes of St Margaret and St John, Westminster for the better relief and employment of the poor Date: 1751
Vauxhall Gardens 1751Bandstand playimg music with people socialising. Date: 1751
PRISCILLA WAKEFIELD - Writer & philanthropist. Date: 1751 - 1832
DUNMOW FLITCH COUPLETHE DUNMOW FLITCH Thomas and Ann Shakeshaft win a gammon of bacon, when their claim to be a happily married couple is honoured Date: 20 June 1751
Syria. Damascus. Khan As ad Pasha, old caravanserai built 1751. Ottoman style. Interior. Near East. Photo before Syrian civil war
The Betting Book at Whites clubA record of historic wagers, the famous betting book at Whites club in 1751
Johann Hein. VossJOHANN HEINRICH VOSS German writer Date: 1751 - 1826
Pierre Louis ManuelPIERRE LOUIS MANUEL French writer who supported the revolution but favoured Louis XVI : retired to the country, he was brought back to Paris and guillotined. Date: 1751 - 1793
Franz Rudolf WeissFRANZ RUDOLF WEISS Swiss soldier and author, active in America
Bohemian Court Chancery. 18th century. Facade. ViennaAustria. Vienna. Bohemian Court Chancery. 1709-1714. Built by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach (1656-1723) and extended by Matthias Gerl between 1751 and 1754
PUYSEGURAMAND-MARIE-JACQUES DE CHASTENET, marquis de PUYSEGUR French pioneer of animal magnetism /hypnotism Date: 1751 - 1825
Richard Brin. SheridanRICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN Playwright, whose The rivals and The school for scandal have proved enduring classics. Date: 1751 - 1816
Christian SchwarzCHRISTIAN GOTTLIEB SCHWARZ German philologist Date: 1675 - 1751
Friedrich Von KlingerFRIEDRICH MAXIMILIAN von KLINGER German writer Date: 1751 - 1831
John Ives, AntiquaryJOHN IVES antiquary, Suffolk Herald Extraordinary Date: 1751 - 1776
Nathaniel HalhedNATHANIEL BRASSEY HALHED Orientalist and member of parliament for Lymington. Date: 1751 - 1830
Mrs Hartley & childFrom a painting by an artist of the Sir Joshua Reynolds school Date: circa 1751
Italy. Rome. Church of the Most Holy Name of Mary. 18th century. Built by Antoine Derizet (1697-1768)
Italy. Rome. Fontana di Trevi. 18th century. Sea horseItaly. Rome. Fontana di Trevi. 1732-1751. By Nicola Salvi (1697-1751) for order of Pope Clement XII. Depicts the kingdom of the seas. Statue of an sea horse by Pietro Bracci (1700-1773)
George GaskinGEORGE GASKIN English churchman : rector of Stoke Newington, prebendary of Ely, secretary of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. Date: 1751 - 1829
Fourth Earl GainsboroughBAPTIST NOEL, fourth earl of GAINSBOROUGH in his peers robes Date: 1708 - 1751
John FarquharJOHN FARQUHAR Scottish millionaire who purchased the ruins of Fonthill from William Beckford; in a fanciful surround, seemingly mocking. Date: 1751 - 1826
3rd Earl of Egremont - 4GEORGE O BRIEN WYNDHAM, third earl of EGREMONT, whose name has been linked with a lady from the theatre, signora Bettini. Date: 1751 - 1837
3rd Earl of Egremont - 2GEORGE O BRIEN WYNDHAM, third earl of EGREMONT Date: 1751 - 1837
3rd Earl of Egremont - 3GEORGE O BRIEN WYNDHAM, third earl of EGREMONT, with his dog. Date: 1751 - 1837
Gervais De LA RueGERVAIS DE LA RUE French abbe and historian Date: 1751 - 1833
George Baron ColeraineGEORGE HANGER, fourth baron COLERAINE Eccentric Irish military, captured during the American War. Date: 1751 - 1824
Jean Victor ColchenJEAN VICTOR comte COLCHEN Statesman, pair de France Date: 1751 - 1830
Henri Francois DaguessauHENRI FRANCOIS D AGUESSAU French jurist, cleric and recipient of medals. Date: 1668 - 1751
William Adam, LawyerWILLIAM ADAM Scottish lawyer and statesman Date: 1751 - 1839
Abu Thaleb Khan - 2MIRZA ABU THALEB KHAN Indian traveller and poet. Date: 1751 - 1806
Abu Thaleb KhanMIRZA ABU THALEB KHAN Indian traveller and poet. Date: 1751 - 1806
William RoxburghWILLIAM ROXBURGH Naturalist, Superintendent of the East India Companys Botanical Garden at Calcutta Date: 1751 - 1815
Robert 9th Earl KinnoullRobert Auriol Hay-Drummond, ninth earl of KINNOULL aristocrat, depicted in all his glory - knee-breeches, cape, insignia, sword, coronets, staff, medallions Date: 1751 - 1804
Hy St John BolingbrokeHENRY ST JOHN BOLINGBROKE Ist Viscount Bolingbroke, English politician, writer and notorious libertine. Date: 1678 - 1751
Henry St JohnHENRY ST JOHN BOLINGBROKE 1st Viscount Bolingbroke, politician, conversationalist & notorious libertine. Date: 1678 - 1751
H F D aguesseauHENRI FRANCOIS D AGUESSEAU Chancelier de France Date: 1668 - 1751
H F D aguesseau (Mono)HENRI FRANCOIS D AGUESSEAU Chancelier de France Date: 1668 - 1751
Clive Defends Arcot / 1751Clive defends Arcot against Chandra Sahib. Date: 25th November 1751
Bortnyansky / IllustrationDMITRY STEPANOVICH BORTNYANSKY Russian composer Date: 1751 - 1825
Lrd George Gordon / KirbyLORD GEORGE GORDON Anti-Catholic fanatic and President of the Protestant Association, who led the Gordon Riots Date: 1751 - 1793
George Gordon / De FleurLORD GEORGE GORDON Anti-Catholic fanatic and President of the Protestant Association, who led the Gordon Riots Date: 1751 - 1793
Lrd George Gordon / HintonLORD GEORGE GORDON Anti-Catholic fanatic who led the Gordon Riots Date: 1751 - 1793
Doddridge / WorthingtonPHILIP DODDRIDGE nonconformist divine Date: 1702 - 1751
Coram / Hogarth / CookTHOMAS CORAM philanthropist and founder of the Foundling Hospital Date: 1668-1751
Coram / Hogarth / DutilloisTHOMAS CORAM philanthropist and founder of the Foundling Hospital Date: 1668-1751
Doddridge / Rob. CooperPHILIP DODDRIDGE nonconformist divine Date: 1702 - 1751
Louis Jurine / Anon EngLOUIS JURINE Swiss physician and naturalist Date: 1751 - 1819
Diderot / Page from IndexA page from the index Date: first published 1751
Henry St John BolingbrokHENRY ST JOHN 1st Viscount Bolingbroke English politician and writer Date: 1678 - 1751
Louisa Queen of DenmarkLOUISA QUEEN OF DENMARK 5th Daughter of King George III of England. Date: 1724 - 1751
Lord George Gordon / 1780LORD GEORGE GORDON Anti-Catholic fanatic who led the Gordon Riots Date: 1751 - 1793
Niagara Falls, America / CanadaView of the Niagara Falls between America and Canada. 1751
WILLIAM IV (1711-1751). First hereditary stadtholder of the Netherlands. Engraving
TORRES VILLARROEL, Diego de (1693-1770). Spanish writer, poet, dramatist, astrologer, doctor, mathematician, priest and professor of the University of Salamanca
Encyclopedia. ForgesEncyclop餩 e by Denis Diderot and Jean D Alembert (1751). Mineral extraction and transport. Etching. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Barcelona. Biblioteca de Catalunya (National Library of Catalonia)
Admiralty 1751The Admiralty Date: 1751
Francois WestermannFRANCOIS-JOSEPH WESTERMANN unscrupulous soldier and thief, who acted without pity to suppress the Vendee resistance, but was guillotined along with Danton. Date: 1751 - 1794
James Wood - 2JAMES WOOD methodist churchman with his autograph Date: 1751 - 1840
James Wood - 1JAMES WOOD methodist churchman with his autograph Date: 1751 - 1840
James WathenJAMES WATHEN traveler who wrote under the nom-de-plume Jemmy Sketch. Date: 1751 - 1828
Ennio Quirino ViscontiENNIO QUIRINO VISCONTI Italian archeologist Date: 1751 - 1818
Jeanne De MontolieuJEANNE ISABELLE PAULINE POLIER de BOTTENS, baronne de MONTOLIEU Swiss writer, best known as Isabelle de Montolieu. Date: 1751 - 1832
Marmaduke TrattleMARMADUKE TRATTLE numismatist with his autograph Date: 1751 - 1831
Charles SonniniCHARLES SONNINI de Manoncourt French traveler and naturalist Date: 1751 - 1812
John Baron TeignmouthJOHN SHORE, first baron TEIGNMOUTH Statesman, governor-general of India with his autograph Date: 1751 - 1834
Charles RunningtonCHARLES RUNNINGTON legal writer Date: 1751 - 1821
James Murray PulteneyJAMES, baron MURRAY PULTENEY British military commander Date: 1751 - 1811
George Baron RiversGEORGE PITT. second baron RIVERS with his dog and his autograph Date: 1751 - 1828