Edmund Burke Wearing WigEDMUND BURKE Statesman, depicted wearing a wig, which he generally didn t. Date: 1729 - 1797
Edmund Burke (Chapman)EDMUND BURKE Statesman Date: 1729 - 1797
Edmund Burke ProfileEDMUND BURKE Statesman, depicted in profile. Date: 1729 - 1797
Burke, British CiceroEDMUND BURKE Statesman, described here as the British CICERO Date: 1729 - 1797
Johann Franz BuddaeusJOHANN FRANZ BUDDAEUS German churchman and theologian. Date: 1667 - 1729
Catherine Ii / HopwoodCATHERINE THE GREAT Empress of Russia 1762-96 Date: 1729 - 1796
John Law (Card)JOHN LAW Scottish financier in France, where he promoted the Mississippi scheme. His initial funding came from success at the gaming table. Date: 1671 - 1729
Suvorov (Holl)ALEXANDER VASILYEVICH SUVOROV Russian soldier (fought with some success during the Revolutionary Wars) Date: 1729 - 1800
Suvorov (Hampe)ALEXANDER VASILYEVICH SUVOROV Russian soldier Date: 1729 - 1800
Suvorov (Bosio)ALEXANDER VASILYEVICH SUVOROV Russian soldier Date: 1729 - 1800
Suvorov (Oval)ALEXANDER VASILYEVICH SUVOROV Russian military commander during the Revolutionary Wars Date: 1729 - 1800
Suvorov (Lienard)ALEXANDER VASILYEVICH SUVOROV Russian military commander Date: 1729 - 1800
Suvorov (Eng. Ridley)ALEXANDER VASILYEVICH SUVOROV Russian military commander (here at the age of 69) Date: 1729 - 1800
Louis, Son of Louis XVLOUIS, DAUPHIN Family tree of Louis of France, son of Louis XV and father of Louis XVI.He died before his father did and therefore, was never king. Date: 1729 - 1765
Moses Mendelssohn / GraffMOSES MENDELSSOHN German philosopher (grandfather of Felix Mendelssohn, the composer)
William Buchan, MedicalWILLIAM BUCHAN Medical, author of Domestic Medicine
Sir Richard BlackmoreSIR RICHARD BLACKMORE English physician and writer
Catherine Ii / Cig CardCATHERINE THE GREAT Empress of Russia (1762-96)
Edmund BurkeEDMUND BURKE statesman and writer, author of Reflections on the Revolution in France with his autograph
Burke (Bretherton)EDMUND BURKE statesman, depicted speechmaking in 1782
Burke (Jones)EDMUND BURKE statesman
Catherine Ii / FurstenCATHERINE THE GREAT Empress of Russia (reigned 1762-96)
Samuel SeaburySAMUEL SEABURY American churchman, bishop of Connecticut and first bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America
Ladies in Panier DressesLadies at the court of Louis XV, in the fashionable panier dresses which required great skill on the wearers part
Harrisons FirstJohn Harrisons FIRST marine chronometer
Congreve / GuchtWILLIAM CONGREVE Restoration playwright
Lessing / Gotthold / EilersGOTTHOLD EPHRAIM LESSING German dramatist and critic
Edmund Burke / ReynoldsEDMUND BURKE statesman
Lazzaro SpallanzaniLAZZARO SPALLANZANI Italian naturalist
John Law (Schenk)JOHN LAW Scottish financier in France, promoter of the Mississippi Scheme
Johann & Georg ForsterJOHANN REINHOLD FORSTER and GEORG FORSTER (1754 - 1794) Father and son travellers and writers, who accompanied Cook on his second world voyage
Moses Mendelssohn / BookMOSES MENDELSSOHN German philosopher (grandfather of Felix Mendelssohn, the composer)
Edmund Burke (Reynolds1)EDMUND BURKE statesman
Bougainville on RiverLOUIS-ANTOINE DE BOUGAINVILLE French naval, navigator, geographer, shown crossing the river of Santa Lucia in a canoe drawn by horses
L-A De BougainvilleLOUIS-ANTOINE DE BOUGAINVILLE French naval, navigator, geographer
Edmund Burke SpeaksEDMUND BURKE speaks out against Governor-General of India, Warren Hastings
Sir Richard SteeleSIR RICHARD STEELE writer, editor of the Tatler
William Duke DevonshireWILLIAM CAVENDISH, second duke of DEVONSHIRE soldier and statesman, noted for opposing the South Sea scheme which he looked upon as a nefarious trick
Catherine Ii / SchoffCATHERINE THE GREAT Empress of Russia 1762-96
John Law GraveJOHN LAW Scottish financier in France, promoter of the Mississippi Scheme
Menshikov / Aleksandr / AnonALEKSANDR DANILOVICH MENSHIKOV Russian soldier and statesman