James PaineJAMES PAINE Industrious British architect who was responsible for many stately homes, bridges and other works commissioned by the nobility and gentry. Date: 1725 - 1789
British Coats of ArmsRoyal coats of arms of Britain Henry VIII 1518, 1535; Elizabeth I 1576, 1578; Charles I; William & Mary 1689 Anne 1713; George I 1725; George II 1749; George III 1785
Portrait bust of Casanova, adventurer and authorPortrait bust of Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), Italian adventurer and author
Engraving of Newshams fire engine, patented in 1725. Date: 1725
Fouga T24 FAB 1725Forca Aerea Brasileira - Fouga T24 FAB 1725 (msn 570, CM.170 Magister), of the Esquadrilha da Fumaca (Smoke Squadron) formation aerobatic team
Terrestrial sphere, furniture for a hall or library, RouenTerrestrial sphere, furniture for a hall or library. Decorated with lions, angels, allegorical figures of Ceres for Summer, Bacchus for Autumn. Painted by Pierre Chapelle, 1725
Celestial sphere for a hall or library, Rouen, 1725Celestial sphere, furniture for a hall or library. Decorated with zodiac constellations, allegorical figures of the Four Elements, Junon for the Air, Painted by Pierre Chapelle, Rouen, 1725
PRODIGY : HEINECKENCHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH HEINECKEN (1721 - 1725), known as The Infant of Lubeck, had mathematical and memory gifts, wide knowledge of history and geography, and predicted his own death at 4
PETER I OF RUSSIAPETER I known as the Great ruthless reformer who set the style for equally ruthless successors. with his autograph Date: 1682-1725
LOUIS DUC DE PENTHIEVRELOUIS JEAN MARIE de BOURBON, duc de PENTHIEVRE French military commander, aristocrat renowned for his virtues and charities, and encouragement of the arts. Date: 1725 - 1793
PETER I / MACLISE / DEPTFORDPETER I the Great In 1697/8 he toured western Europe picking up ideas : here he is studying shipbuilding at Deptford, on the Thames east of London Date: 1682 - 1725
Great Sled of Catherine I Catherine I of Rusia (1684-1727)Catherine I of Rusia (1684-1727). Second wife of Peter I of Russia, reigned as Empress of Russia from 1725-1727. Great Sled of Catherine I. Engraving 18th c. Colored
Robert Lord CliveROBERT CLIVE, first baron of PLASSEY British military commander in India, Governor of Bengal. Date: 1725-1774
Johann Peter MillerJOHANN PETER MILLER German churchman, theologian and philologist. Date: 1725 - 1789
Friedrich Anton HeinitzFRIEDRICH ANTON, freiherr von HEINITZ Prussian statesman Date: 1725 - 1802
Col. Henry OHara dCol. Henry O Hara d.1745 (c.1725-35). Bindon, Francis c. 1690-1765 (attributed to). Date: 1725-35 (circa)
Casanova fights a duel with BraneckiGiacomo Casanova (1725-1798) fights a duel with Branecki
Statue of Archangel Michael, 1725, by Lorenzo Mattielli (167Austria. Vienna. Saint Michaels Church. Statue of Archangel Michael, 1725, by Lorenzo Mattielli (1678/88-1748)
Jean Baptiste Greuze - 1JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE French artist Date: 1725 - 1805
Bamber Gascoyne & FriendBAMBER GASCOYNE Statesman : Lord of the Admiralty etc. Here he is coupled with a Miss C-m. Date: 1725 - 1791
Bamber GascoyneBAMBER GASCOYNE Statesman : Lord of the Admiralty etc. Date: 1725 - 1791
Frere FlorenceFrere FLORENCE French churchman and educator Date: 1725 - 1800
Dru Drury, NaturalistDRU DRURY naturalist Date: 1725 - 1803
Rachel Duchess DevonshirRACHEL duchess of DEVONSHIRE nee Russell wife of William Cavendish, second duke. Date: 1674 - 1725
Charles De LA RueCHARLES DE LA RUE French Jesuit churchman Date: 1643 - 1725
Florent Carton DancourtFLORENT CARTON, sieur DANCOURT French playwright and actor Date: 1661 - 1725
Brass Crosby, MayorBRASS CROSBY - MP for Honiton, Devon, Lord Mayor of London, quarreled with Parliament re publication of debates, for which he was sent to the Tower but became a public hero. Date: 1725 - 1793
Brass Crosby & R OliverBRASS CROSBY, Lord Mayor of London, with Alderman Richard Oliver : quarreling with Parliament re publication of debates, they were sent to the Tower but became public heroes Date: 1725 - 1793
Joseph CloverJOSEPH CLOVER Vet of Norwich, known as the Father of the Veterinary Art. Date: 1725 - 1811
Robert Lord Clive Et AlROBERT CLIVE, first baron of PLASSEY British military commander in India, Governor of Bengal, here associated with a lady not his wife... Date: 1725-1774
Louis CheronLOUIS CHERON French artist Date: 1655 - 1725
Etienne ChauvinETIENNE CHAUVIN French-German protestant churchman Date: 1640 - 1725
Giovanni BorsieriGIOVANNI BATTISTA BORSIERI de Kanifeld Italian physician associated with the University of Pavia. Date: 1725 - 1785
General RumiantsevPETR RUMIANTSEV Prominent Russian military commander during the Russo- Turkish war Date: (1725 - 1796)
Pascal Paoli (Etching)PASCAL PAOLI Corsican patriot Date: 1725 - 1807
Pascal Paoli (W. L. )The Illustrious Pascal Paoli, general of the Corsicans, in the Military Habit of his Country. Date: 1725 - 1807
Henry Cardinal YorkHenry Benedict Maria Clement, Cardinal York, styled by the Jacobites Henry IX, king of England brother of Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender Date: 1725 - 1807
Peter I / Maclise / DeptfordPETER I The Great Studying shipbuilding at Deptford during his tour of western Europe, 1697-8 Date: 1682 - 1725
Peter I / Rear ViewA rear view of the Russian tsar such as his followers might see as he led them on a riding trip in rocky country Date: 1682 - 1725
Alessandro ScarlattiPIETRO ALESSANDRO GASPARE SCARLATTI Italian composer Date: 1660 - 1725
L M-A Caldani / Anon EngLEOPOLDO MARC-ANTONIO CALDANI Italian medical Date: 1725 - 1813
Augustus Keppel / RomneyAUGUSTUS, VISCOUNT KEPPEL 1st Viscount Keppel Naval officer Date: 1725 - 1786
Augustus Keppel / RyallAUGUSTUS, VISCOUNT KEPPEL 1st Viscount Keppel Naval officer Date: 1725 - 1786
Augustus Keppel / Lond MagAUGUSTUS, VISCOUNT KEPPEL 1st Viscount Keppel Naval officer Date: 1725 - 1786
Augustus Keppel / HintonAUGUSTUS, VISCOUNT KEPPEL 1st Viscount Keppel Naval officer, with a vignette of a sea battle below Date: 1725 - 1786
Augustus Keppel / Anon EngAUGUSTUS, VISCOUNT KEPPEL 1st Viscount Keppel Naval officer Date: 1725 - 1786
Augustus Keppel / ReynoldsAUGUSTUS, VISCOUNT KEPPEL 1st Viscount Keppel Naval officer Date: 1725 - 1786
Peter I / Anon EngPETER I the Great Date: 1682 - 1725
Peter I / Kneller / SmithPETER I the Great wearing armour Date: 1682 - 1725
Peter I / Barbier / NeePETER I (the Great) crowned by fame, and depicted with attributes testifying to his devotion to the arts sciences and military matters Date: 1682-1725
Historian Richard FiddesRichard Fiddes - Historian. Date: circa 1700s
SCARLATTI, Alessandro (1660-1725). Italian Baroque composer. Italian anonymous portrait of the 18th c. Oil on canvas. ITALY. EMILIA-ROMAGNA. Bologna. Musical Bibliographical Museum
CLEMENS AUGUST of Cologne (1700-1761). Archbishop and Prince Elector of Cologne. Member of the Wittelsbach family. He ordered to build the palaces of Augustusburg and Falkenlust in 1725. Rococo
Alexander WoodALEXANDER WOOD Scottish medical practitioner Date: 1725 - 1807
Charles Godfrey WoideCHARLES GODFREY WOIDE classical scholar Date: 1725 - 1790
Wilkes WritingJOHN WILKES alderman and radical statesman Date: 1725 - 1797
WILKESJOHN WILKES alderman and radical statesman Date: 1725 - 1797
Robert WarrenROBERT WARREN churchman, rector of Saint Mary s, Stratford-atte-Bow and author of discourses. Date: CIRCA 1725
Sir William Staines - 2SIR WILLIAM STAINES mayor of London 1801 Date: 1725 - 1807
Sir William Staines - 1SIR WILLIAM STAINES mayor of London 1801 Date: 1725 - 1807
Charles TownshendCHARLES TOWNSHEND statesman Date: 1725 - 1767
John WatsonJOHN WATSON churchman, rector of Stockport, and antiquary : a very unusual engraving not at all characteristic of the period. Date: 1725 - 1783
Sir Philip StephensSIR PHILIP STEPHENS British naval commander Date: 1725 - 1809
Walter ShirleyWALTER SHIRLEY churchman, rector of Loughrea in Ireland, chaplain to the countess dowager of Huntingdon. Date: 1725 - 1786
Paul Sandby - 4PAUL SANDBY artist Date: 1725 - 1809
Paul Sandby - 3PAUL SANDBY artist Date: 1725 - 1809
Paul Sandby - 2PAUL SANDBY artist in a hat Date: 1725 - 1809
Paul Sandby - 1PAUL SANDBY artist with his autograph Date: 1725 - 1809
Denis De Sainte-MartheDENIS DE SAINTE-MARTHE French churchman, superieur- general des Benedictins de la congregation de St Maur. Date: 1650 - 1725
Charles Christian ReisenCHARLES CHRISTIAN REISEN seal engraver Date: 1680 - 1725
Paul De Rapin ThoyrasPAUL DE RAPIN THOYRAS French historian from the Languedoc. Date: 1661 - 1725
Karl Wilhelm Ramler - 1KARL WILHELM RAMLER German writer Date: 1725 - 1798
Karl Wilhelm Ramler - 2KARL WILHELM RAMLER German writer Date: 1725 - 1798
Karl Wilhelm Ramler - 3KARL WILHELM RAMLER German writer, inspired by his Muse. Date: 1725 - 1798
Charles Francois PoersonCHARLES FRANCOIS POERSON French artist Date: 1652 - 1725
Paoli BirthplaceBIRTHPLACE OF PASCAL PAOLI Corsica Date: 1725
Pascal PaoliPASCAL PAOLI Corsican soldier and statesman Date: 1725 - 1807
James Otis - 2JAMES OTIS American statesman of the revolutionary era Date: 1725 - 1783
John NewtonJOHN NEWTON Churchman, rector of St Mary Woolnoth, London, hymn writer and friend of the poet William Cowper. Date: 1725-1807
William Mason - 4WILLIAM MASON English churchman, prebendary of York, poet and composer of church music. Date: 1725 - 1797
William Mason - 3WILLIAM MASON English churchman, prebendary of York, poet and composer of church music. Date: 1725 - 1797
George MasonGEORGE MASON American statesman Date: 1725 - 1792
Francois LeschassierFRANCOIS LESCHASSIER French churchman, superior of the seminary of Saint-Sulpice, defender of orthodoxy against those dreadful Jansenist heretics. Date: ? - 1725
Francois Comte LacyFRANCOIS MAURICE comte LACY Irish - French field-marshal in the Austrian service. Date: 1725 - 1801