Mandragora officinarum, mandrakeIllustration of the male and female mandrake, from The herbal of generall historie of plantes (1636) by John Gerard (1545-1612), edited by Thomas Johnson
Common tern, Sterna hirundo. Laro nigro, Brandvogel, Brandfuchs, Brandhirss
Conrad Gessner (1516-1565)Conradus Gesnerus, Medeus & Philosophus. Plate 4, Isis 22
Witches Sabbath as reported in a judgment delivered by the court of Arras in 1460
Louis de Mallet (1438-1516). Lord of GravilleLouis de Mallet (Louis Malet de Graville) (1438-1516). Lord of Graville and Admiral of France. Portrait in costume of war and tournament. Facsimile from a 16th-century engraving
Eva Vliegen, the woman who lived on the smell of flowersEva Vliegen, woman who lived on the smell of flowers, 16th century Germany. The miraculous maid of Moers who lived without food for 17 years. From a curious and scarce print. Heva Vliegen Tot Meurs
Thomas Hill, English writer, astrologer and translatorThomas Hill, English writer, astrologer, gardener and translator, aka Didymus Mountain, c.1528-1574. In cap, collar and doublet, within an oval wreath. Aetatis Svae TH 28. From a rare woodcut
Costume of an ancient Roman velites and lanciatori. Light infantryman or skirmisher with leather helmet, tunic, short trousers or sagulum gregale, , armed with lance, sword and shield
Costume of an ancient Roman infantryman. The centurion wears a leather helmet and breastplate, cape, sword and sandals. Within a decorative frame engraved by H. Catenacci and Fellmann
Costume of an ancient Roman cavalryman. In leather helmet and breastplate, sword and shield, tunic and short trousers or sagulum gregale. Taken from an ancient sculpture
Italian soldier or man of arms, 13th century. Portrait of a certain Giorgio, in helmet with plume, suit of plate armor over a fine chainmail tunic. After a painting from life by Luigi Vivarini
Soldier in armor of the era of Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, 16Soldier in armor of the era of Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor. He wears a helmet, suit of plate armor, breastplate cuirass, tunic, cuisses, greaves, and gauntlets. He is armed with sword and lance
Costume of an ancient Roman patrician. Senators wore long toga and capes, and were clean shaven. Within a decorative frame engraved by H. Catenacci and Fellmann
Costumes of the women of Nicaqua province, Mexico (Nicaragua?)Costumes of the women of Nicaqua province (Nicaragua?). They wear tunics and skirts in striped cotton. Costumes des femmes du Nicaque, Mexique. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Venetian man wearing a dogalina cloak. Noblemen of Venice and other Italian cities wore these high hats and wide-sleeved, fur-lined mantles called a Dogalina to indicate high rank
Noble Mexican man in long striped cloak knotted at the shoulderNoble Mexican man. He wears a long striped cloak or mantle knotted at the shoulder, over a tunic decorated with flowers. They worship the sun and the moon. Noble Mexicain. 16th century
Costume of an ancient Roman tribune of the people. He wears a cloak over a short tunic, short trousers or sagulum gregale, and carries a short baton. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Venetian in armor of the 12th century. He wears a suit of chainmail armor, armorial tunic, belt with sword and scabbard, plate armor greaves with spurs. He holds a lance and helm with plume
Costume of a young Mexican man, 16th century. He wears a cotton vest under a tunic decorated with flowers, birds and feathers. He holds a hand mirror and a bouquet of flowers. Jeune Mexicain
Quechua women of Peru, 16th century. The woman spinning yarn with a spindle wears a striped cotton dress and wide belt. Another woman wears a cloak fastened with a brooch at the chest
Native American soldier from Peru, 16th century. Holding a shield, spear with hardened palm-wood tip, and wearing in quilted cotton helmet and vest over a tunic, wooden axe
Native American soldier of Peru, 16th century. He wears a quilted cotton bonnet and vest, colorful tunic, and carries slingshot and stones, wooden dagger with copper tip. Soldat du Perou en guerre
Native American nobleman from Cusco, Peru, 16th century. He wears a feather headdress and hacola cloak. Noble de Cusco. Within a decorative frame engraved by H. Catenacci and Fellmann
Native American man of Peru, 16th century. He wears a headband, tunic decorated with flowers and birds and checkered design, holds a flask and palm-wood farming tool. Hommes de Perou
Young African girl of the Indies, 16th century. A young Native American woman in feather headdress, necklaces, gold bracelets and anklets. She wears cotton drawers or calecon
Noble woman of China, 16th century. She wears a bonnet with pearls and gems in her hair, a long silk robe with wide sleeves, and holds a carnation. Femme noble de Chine
Noble woman of China, 16th century. Her black hair is decorated with pearls and gems. She wears an embroidered velvet coat over a brocade tunic and silk skirts. Noble matrone de la Chine
Costume of a woman of Tripoli, 16th centuryCostume of a woman of Tripoli, Libya, Ottoman Empire, 16th century
Young man of Japan, 16th century. He wears wide silk braies or trousers, velvet robe and is armed with scimitar and dagger. Jeune Japonais. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Costume of an ancient noblewoman of Caramania, Ottoman Empire (Karman Province, Turkey). In a decorated mantle of fine cloth over a velvet robe, pearl collar, velvet headdress with veil
Costume of a woman of Caramania, Ottoman Empire, 16th century
Warrior of the Swahili Coast, 16th century (Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Somalia, Comoros). He wears a loincloth, animal skin with tail, and carries assegai lance, bow and arrows, cutlass
Costume of an African woman of the Kingdom of Tlemcen, 16th centCostume of an African or Berber woman of the Kingdom of Tlemcen, Ottoman Empire (Algeria), 16th century. Cape over a robe with large sleeves, attached with a buckle of gold or silver, gold earrings
Warrior of the African kingdom of Djebel or Giabea. He carries a targe or round shield and a poisoned lance or assegai. Costume de Djebel, Royaume d'Afrique
Costume of an African man, 16th century. Arab or Berber inhabitant of the desert of North Africa. In animal skin robe, with bow and arrows. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
North African (Berber) man of Cefala (Ras El Djebel, Tunisia), 16th century. Armed with lance and bow and arrows, he wears a hat decorated with gold and fine stones, and robes of cotton or silk
Costume of a lower-class African woman, 16th century. Cape of black toile worn over a robe, gold earrings, necklace of precious stones. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Costume of a man of the Kingdom of Tlemcen (Algeria), 16th centuCostume of a man of the Kingdom of Tlemcen, Ottoman Empire (Algeria) 16th century
Costume of a black Moor of Africa, 16th century. Hooded cape of coarse fabric or cotton over a robe, leather slippers, large scimitar hanging from his belt. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Costume of a noble African woman, 16th century. Blue or black cape over a colourful robe, gold necklace and bracelets with precious stones. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Costume of a Moor of quality, 16th centuryCostume of a Moorish man of quality, 16th century. In wide-sleeved chemise with striped belt, large turban, slippers, gold earrings, with dagger, scimitar and bow and arrows
Costume of a Moorish virgin, 16th century. In headdress, white cotton robe with belt, gold earrings with precious gems. Within a decorative frame engraved by H. Catenacci and Fellmann
Costume of an Ethiopian soldier, 16th centuryCostume of an Ethiopian soldier under Christian patriarch Prester John. Large turban, silk chemise, cassock of lion skin buttoned at the front, long culottes. Armed with scimitar, dagger and bow
Costume of a priest of legendary Christian patriarch Prester John, Emperor of Ethiopia. In hooded animal-skin cape, necklace, silk chemise, holding a silver cross
Costume of an Ethiopian virgin, 16th century. In silk cape over long robe of silk or cotton, headdress of red or blue veil, pearl earrings. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Costume of an Ethiopian noble, 16th century. In large turban, white linen cape and robe, cotton chemise, striped belt with scimitar and dagger. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Costume of a page of legendary Christian patriarch Prester John, Emperor of Ethiopia. Embroidered tunic, silk chemise, gold and silver onaments at his neck. With sword and silver cross
Costume of legendary Christian patriarch Prester John, Emperor of Ethiopia. In gold mantle, silk chemise, gold apron, crown of gold and silver, holding a cross
Woman of Slavonia or Dalmatia, 16th century. She wears a long pleated robe with silk bands at the hem, short-sleeved jacket in damask or satin called a ghellero. Femme Dalmate ou Esclavonne
Man of Slavonia or Dalmatia, 16th century. He wears a red felt hat, damask tunic, green or red breeches, felt shoes with leather soles. He carries a mace and scimitar. Esclavon ou Desclave
Hunting costume of a baron of Venice, circa 1000. He wears a suit of gold cloth, covered with silver or gold plumes that shimmer in the sun, large harness and wide belt. He holds a falcon in a hood
Turkish funeral rites, Ottoman Empire, 16th century. Muslim Imans carry the body out of town in a coffin with a turban. Turc Mort. Within a decorative frame engraved by H. Catenacci and Fellmann
Battle costume of an ancient Roman consul or tribune. He wears a purple paludamentum cloak, armor breastplate, sword in a velvet scabbard, short trousers or sagulum gregale, sandals with lion heads
Costume of a Dervish, Ottoman Empire, 16th century. He wears a blue or red cap, coarse tunic, sheepskin cape, wooden bowl hanging from a leather belt. Derviches
Costume of a Turkish pirate, Ottoman Empire, 16th century. He wears a red cap and coat, jacket with belt, pantaloons and slippers with iron heels. Costume de pirate Turc
Military Beglerbeg of Anatolia, Ottoman Empire, 16th century. In white armour and helmet, lance, quiver of arrows, on horseback. Provincial governor
Topçu gunner of the Ottoman Empire, 16th century. In distinctive red hat, buttoned dolman coat, with dagger and scimitar. Jopegs, Bombardiers. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Azap or Azab, galley archer of the Ottoman Empire, 16th century. In short-sleeved dolman coat and matching cap, with scimitar, bow and quiver of arrows. Azapes, Archers de Galere
Turkish wife riding under a baldachin, 16th century. She is protected from other men's eyes by four male servants in turbans holding a curtained baldaquin around her. Epousee Turque
Military Beglerbeg of Greece, Ottoman Empire, 16th century. In helmet with noseguard, cuirass, shield, lance, scimitar, on horseback. Provincial governor. Beglerbegs de la Grece, Hommes d'Armes
Turkish woman of lower status, Ottoman Empire, 16th century. She wears a velvet hat with veil, coat buttoned up to the neck, fine pantalons. Femme Turque de condition inferieure
A Turkish's man method of riding in the rain, 16th centuryA Turkish's man method of riding a horse in the rain, 16th century. He wears a kind of hood that opens like an umbrella over his turban. and a heavy felt coat over his clothes
Costume of a Polish King, 16th century. He wears a crown, brocade cape, doublet and hose. The collar, sleeves and shoes decorated with precious stones. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Costume of a German waggoner, 16th century. He wears a fur cap with plume, jacket of coarse cloth or organsin, leather vest or burichetto, large leather bag, culottes and high boots
Costume of a Holy Roman Emperor, 16th century. He wears a crown, cape and surplice with order of the golden fleece, adorned with precious stones. He hold an orb and sceptre
Carriages (sledges) for travel in the Far North, 16th century. Finns and Lapps riding sleighs drawn by horse or reindeer. A Fenni man on long wooden shoes like skis in the background
Costume of a Laplander bride (now Finland), 16th century. She wears a dress of ermine and sable skins, a headdress of skins cut into leaf forms, and wears long wooden shoes like skis
Christian woman of the North (now Finland), 16th century. She carries her chilldren in a basket on her back, unusual hat, animal-skin dress, lond wooden shoes like skis. Femme Chretienne du Nord
Costume of a Laplander or man of Lapland, 16th centuryCostume of a Laplander or man of Lapland, (now Finland), 16th century. He wears hat, coat and leggings of fine animal-skins, and carries a bow and arrow. Costume de Lapon
Man of the Fenni people or Screrefennae (skiing Finns). He wears clothes of bear and wolf skin, carries a bow and arrow, and long wooden shoes like skis. Homme et femme de Scrifinnie
Man of the Fenni people or Screrefennae (skiing Finns). He wears clothes of animal skin, deer-skin sleeves, carries a bow, arrows and spear, and long wooden shoes like skis. Costume de la Scrifinnie
Costume of a woman hunter of Bjarmaland (now Arkhangelsk Oblast)Costume of a woman hunter of Bjarmaland (now Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia). She wears an outfit of ermine skins, fur hat decorated with horns, long curved shoes. She hunts with bow and arrow
Costume of a man of Bjarmaland (now Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia). His clothes are made of ermine skins, and he carries a sabre, crossbow and lance
Travel costume of a Scandinavian man, 16th century. He wears clothes of deerskin and coarse cloth, fur cap with a long peak, and carries a crossbow, quiver or arrows and axe
Costume of ancient Roman and Trojan men. He wears a long chlamys cloak tied at the shoulder over armored breastplate, with sword and sandals. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Woman of Scandinavia, 16th century. She holds a lit taper in her mouth to use as a candle
Costume of a Norwegian man, 16th century. A hunter in clothes of deerskin and chamois, fur cap, armed with crossbow, arrows and sword. Within a decorative frame engraved by H. Catenacci and Fellmann
Costume of a woman of Lolland or Gotland, 16th centuryCostume of a woman of Lolland (Denmark) or Gotland (Sweden), 16th century. She wears a short cape over a cassock-style robe, skirt with small colourful square
Costume of a Goth woman, 16th centuryCostume of a noble woman of Gothia, 16th century. She wears a crown, long hair, tunic and robes of very fine wavy fabric. The lower-class woman behind her wears a bonnet and fur-lined cape
Costume of a young woman of Lolland, 16th centuryCostume of a young woman of Laaland (Lolland, Denmark), 16th century
Costume of a bride of Lolland, 16th centuryCostume of a bride of Laaland (Lolland, Denmark), 16th century. She wears a gold crown, long curly hair with a silk veil. The short robe and tunic are decorated with small tassels
Costume of a bride of Lolland, Gotland, Oland, 16th centuryCostume of a bride of Lolland (Denmark), Gotland or Oland (Sweden), 16th century. She wears a crown, cape and long gown trimmed with lace, pearl necklace. Within a decorative frame engraved by H
Costume of a young Spanish woman, 16th century. She covers her entire head and face with her cloak, and wears high sandals like those of the zoccolanti monks. Jeune fille espagnole
English sailor, 16th century. He wears a fur hat, ruff collar, short jacket and wide puffed breeches. Marin Anglais. Within a decorative frame engraved by H. Catenacci and Fellmann