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1667 Collection

Background image1667 Collection: Satan Flies to Earth

Satan Flies to Earth
Satan, foiled in his ambitions in Heaven, descends to Earth to see what he can find to do down here

Background image1667 Collection: SATAN IN COUNCIL

Satan in Council Date: first published 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Nicolaus Copernicus (14731543) Astronomer. Orbes Celeste

Nicolaus Copernicus (14731543) Astronomer. Orbes Celeste
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543). Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who formulated an heliocentric model of the universe which placed the Sun, rather than the Earth, at the center

Background image1667 Collection: Michiel de Ruyter as Lieutenant-Admiral, 1667, by Ferdinand

Michiel de Ruyter as Lieutenant-Admiral, 1667, by Ferdinand
Michiel de Ruyter (1607-1676). Dutch Admiral. Portrait of Michiel de Ruyter as Lieutenant-Admiral, 1667, by Ferdinand Bol (1616-1680). Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland

Background image1667 Collection: Moliere / Tartuffe

Moliere / Tartuffe
LE TARTUFFE - Ah, just because I am devout, I m none the less a man !

Background image1667 Collection: REBEL ANGELS SUMMONED

The rebel angels summoned to the conclave Date: First published: 1667

Background image1667 Collection: MILTON / REBEL ANGELS / DORE

The rebel angels are defeated Date: First published: 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Charles II Infant with his Ancestors, circa 1667

Charles II Infant with his Ancestors, circa 1667
Carlos II (1661-1700). King of Spain. Charles II Infant with his Ancestors, circa 1667. Portrait by Sebastian de Herrera Barnuevo (1619-1671). Lazaro Galdiano Museum. Madrid. Spain

Background image1667 Collection: METSU, Gabriel (1629-1667)

METSU, Gabriel (1629-1667). Dead Cock. Baroque art. Oil on wood

Background image1667 Collection: Dutch Admiral Michiel de Ruyters attack on the fortress, Upnor Castle

Dutch Admiral Michiel de Ruyters attack on the fortress, Upnor Castle, in the Raid on the River Medway, Kent, 19-24 June 1667, during the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-1667). Date: 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Stourbridge Blue Coat School

Stourbridge Blue Coat School
A view of the Blue Coat School, Stourbridge, Worcestershire, also known as Old Swinford Hospital, . It was founded by Thomas Foley in 1667. Date: Date unknown

Background image1667 Collection: 17th century 1667 animal athanasius kircher barroque

17th century 1667 animal athanasius kircher barroque
17th, century, 1667, animal, athanasius, kircher, barroque, botany, china, monumentis, engraving, episcopal, library, europe, german, germany, illustration, jesuit, kirchner, literature, modern, age

Background image1667 Collection: Milton, Paradise Lost

Milton, Paradise Lost
Him the Almighty Power Hurled headlong flaming from the ethereal sky. (Book I, lines 44, 45). Date: First published: 1667

Background image1667 Collection: RACINE / ORESTES

ANDROMAQUE Orestes, the son of Agamemnon Date: first performed 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Satan tempts Eve in the dream. Paradise Lost by John Milton

Satan tempts Eve in the dream. Paradise Lost by John Milton
John Milton (1608-1674). British poet. Paradise Lost. 1658-1667. Satan tempts Eve in the dream. Engraving of John Martin (1789-1854). Colored

Background image1667 Collection: Hendrik Spiegel

Hendrik Spiegel
HENDRIK DIRKSEN SPIEGEL Dutch burgermeester Date: 1598 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Milton / Abdielangels / Dore

Milton / Abdielangels / Dore
Abdiel leads good angels into the fight with Satan

Background image1667 Collection: Eve gives Adam the forbidden fruit. Paradise Lost by John Mi

Eve gives Adam the forbidden fruit. Paradise Lost by John Mi
John Milton (1608-1674). British poet. Paradise Lost. 1658-1667. Eve gives Adam the forbidden fruit. Engraving of John Martin (1789-1854). Colored

Background image1667 Collection: Athanasius Kircher (1601 / 16021680). German Jesuit scholar C

Athanasius Kircher (1601 / 16021680). German Jesuit scholar C
Athanasius Kircher (1601/16021680) (sometimes erroneously spelled Kirchner). German Jesuit scholar. China Monumentis, qua sacris qua profanis, 1667. Tea Plant

Background image1667 Collection: Paradise Lost by John Milton (1608-1674)

Paradise Lost by John Milton (1608-1674)
John Milton (1608-1674). English poet. Paradise Lost, 1667. Title cover of an edition printed in London, 1727. Library of Catalonia. Barcelona. Spain

Background image1667 Collection: Jonathan Swift / Markham

Jonathan Swift / Markham
JONATHAN SWIFT English churchman and writer Date: 1667 - 1745

Background image1667 Collection: Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat

Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat
SIMON FRASER, LORD LOVAT also known as Lord Lovat, 11th Baron, Jacobite intriguer. Date: 1667 - 1747

Background image1667 Collection: HERRERA, Sebastiá® de. Portrait of Charles II

HERRERA, Sebastiᮠde. Portrait of Charles II
HERRERA BARNUEVO, Sebastiᮠ de (1619-1671). Portrait of Charles II as a Child and his Ancestors. ca. 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Gottfried Reiche

Gottfried Reiche
GOTTFRIED REICHE - German trumpet-player who may well have performed Bachs Brandenburg concerto featuring a trumpet : he died of a stroke following a concert. Date: 1667 - 1734

Background image1667 Collection: Rachel Paule

Rachel Paule
RACHEL PAULE widow of William Paule, bishop of Oxford. Date: 1617 - 1667+

Background image1667 Collection: Siege of Lille 1667

Siege of Lille 1667
SIEGE OF LILLE The French army approaches the town across terrain which is more like a Rubens landscape than a battlefield Date: August 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Abraham Cowley - 1

Abraham Cowley - 1
ABRAHAM COWLEY Poet, who wrote that Life is an incurable disease

Background image1667 Collection: Scene from Molieres play, Le Sicilien

Scene from Molieres play, Le Sicilien ou l Amour peintre, first performed in 1667. 17th century

Background image1667 Collection: Alonso Cano (1601-1667). Penitent Saint Jerome in the wilder

Alonso Cano (1601-1667). Penitent Saint Jerome in the wilder
Alonso Cano (1601-1667). Spanish painter. Penitent Saint Jerome in the wilderness. Museo de Bellas Artes. Granada. Andalusia. Spain

Background image1667 Collection: Attack on Chatham, c. 1668, by Willem Schellinks (1627?-1678

Attack on Chatham, c. 1668, by Willem Schellinks (1627?-1678
Willem Schellinks (1627?-1678). Dutch painter. Attack on Chatham, c. 1668. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland

Background image1667 Collection: Captured ordnance. Netherlands and Southeast Asia. 17th-19th

Captured ordnance. Netherlands and Southeast Asia. 17th-19th
Captured ordnance. Netherlands, 1667 and Southeast Asia, c. 1750-1850. Bronze, cane and bamboo. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland

Background image1667 Collection: Athanasius Kircher (1601 / 1602A?i?1680). German Jesuit schol

Athanasius Kircher (1601 / 1602A?i?1680). German Jesuit schol
Athanasius Kircher (1601/1602A?i?1680) (sometimes erroneously spelled Kirchner)

Background image1667 Collection: John Milton (1608-1674). British poet. Paradise lost. Colore

John Milton (1608-1674). British poet. Paradise lost. Colore
John Milton (1608-1674). British poet. Paradise Lost. Epic poem in blank verse. It was originally published in 1667 in ten books

Background image1667 Collection: The Fall of Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon

The Fall of Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, English statesman and historian, who was exiled and impeached after losing favour with Charles II over the Second Anglo-Dutch War. 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Isabella Duchess Grafton

Isabella Duchess Grafton
ISABELLA (nee Bennett) duchess of GRAFTON wife of Henry, first duke, daughter of Henry earl of Arlington. Date: 1667 - 1723

Background image1667 Collection: Maria Gonzague-Cleves

Maria Gonzague-Cleves
MARIA LOUISA GONZAGUE-CLEVES French political intriguer and social leader. Date: 1612 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Balthasar Gerbier

Balthasar Gerbier
BALTHASAR GERBIER Dutch artist, reputed for his miniatures. Date: 1592 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Stefano Durati

Stefano Durati
STEFANO DURATI Italian cardinal Date: ? - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Jeremias Dummel

Jeremias Dummel
JEREMIAS DUMMEL German (probably) gentleman (probably) Date: 1598 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Margaret Denham - 3

Margaret Denham - 3
MARGARET, lady DENHAM (nee Brooke), second wife of sir John Denham, mistress of James II, holding a basket of flowers. Date: 1646 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Margaret Denham - 4

Margaret Denham - 4
MARGARET, lady DENHAM (nee Brooke), second wife of Sir John Denham, mistress of James II. Date: 1646 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Margaret Denham - 2

Margaret Denham - 2
MARGARET, lady DENHAM (nee Brooke), second wife of sir John Denham, mistress of James II. Date: 1646 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Abraham Cowley - 2

Abraham Cowley - 2
ABRAHAM COWLEY Poet, depicted with a recorder. Date: 1618 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Abraham Cowley - 3

Abraham Cowley - 3
ABRAHAM COWLEY Poet, for whom life is an incurable disease. Date: 1618 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Chas. Joachim Colbert

Chas. Joachim Colbert
CHARLES JOACHIM COLBERT French churchman, bishop of Montpellier Date: 1667 - 1738

Background image1667 Collection: French Take Charleroi

French Take Charleroi
The French take Charleroi Date: 2 June 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Edward Marq. Worcester

Edward Marq. Worcester
Edward Somerset, second marquess of WORCESTER, with his wife and child Royalist general in the civil war, later renowned for his inventions Date: 1601 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Abel Boyer & Others

Abel Boyer & Others
ABEL BOYER French writer in England, compiler of a French and English dictionary, depicted with portraits of writers of both nations Date: 1667 - 1729

Background image1667 Collection: Margaret Lady Denham

Margaret Lady Denham
Margaret (nee Brooke) lady DENHAM second wife of sir John Denham, the poet Date: 1646 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Siege of Douai 1667

Siege of Douai 1667
SIEGE OF DOUAI Louis XIV takes part in the campaign against the Spanish- held Netherlands Date: 4 July 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Siege of Oudenarde

Siege of Oudenarde
SIEGE OF OUDENARDE The French besiege and take the Dutch town of Oudenarde which 41 years later will be the scene of a major battle Date: 30 July 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Johann Valerius (2)

Johann Valerius (2)
JOHANN VALERIUS German born without arms, but who taught himself to do amazing things such as firing a musket with his feet Date: 1667 - 1705+

Background image1667 Collection: Alonso Cano / Adlard

Alonso Cano / Adlard
ALONSO CANO Spanish painter, sculptor and architect Date: 1601 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: CENTLIVRE (1667-1723)

CENTLIVRE (1667-1723)
SUSANNAH CENTLIVRE writer and actress Date: 1667-1723

Background image1667 Collection: Johann Valerius

Johann Valerius
JOHANN VALERIUS German born without arms, but who taught himself to do amazing things such as firing a musket with his feet Date: 1667 - 1705+

Background image1667 Collection: Founding of the Paris Observatory

Founding of the Paris Observatory
Scene at the founding of the Paris Observatoire, near the Luxembourg Palace. It was fostered by Colbert and favoured by Louis XIV. Date: 1667

Background image1667 Collection: CANO, Alonso (1601-1667). Stigmatization of St

CANO, Alonso (1601-1667). Stigmatization of St. Francis. 1657 - 1659. Baroque art. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Church of San Francisco el Grande

Background image1667 Collection: BERNOULLI, Johann (1667-1748). Swiss mathematician

BERNOULLI, Johann (1667-1748). Swiss mathematician. Development of infinitesimal calculus. Catenary solution Bernoullis rule. Engraving

Background image1667 Collection: CANO, Alonso (1601-1667). Spanish painter, architect

CANO, Alonso (1601-1667). Spanish painter, architect and sculptor. Engraving

Background image1667 Collection: SWIFT, Jonathan (1667-1745). Irish clergyman

SWIFT, Jonathan (1667-1745). Irish clergyman and satirist writer. Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver, best known as Gullivers Travels (1726)

Background image1667 Collection: Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift
SWIFT, Jonathan (1667-1745). Irish clergyman and satirist writer. Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver, best known as Gullivers Travels (1726)

Background image1667 Collection: Paris, France - Gobelins Factory

Paris, France - Gobelins Factory, founded by Louis XIV. Date: 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Abbaye De Livry

Abbaye De Livry
The abbaye Notre-Dame de Livry was founded in 1197 : among its notable visitors was madame de Sevigne, circa 1667. Date: circa 1800

Background image1667 Collection: George Wither - 2

George Wither - 2
GEORGE WITHER writer Date: 1588 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: George Wither - 1

George Wither - 1
GEORGE WITHER writer Date: 1588 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Edward Ward

Edward Ward
EDWARD ( Ned ) WARD tavern-keeper and writer Date: 1667 - 1731

Background image1667 Collection: Jean Florent Valliere

Jean Florent Valliere
JEAN FLORENT VALLIERE French military, renowned artillery officer who, after the seven years war, served also in Spain and Naples. Date: 1667 - 1759

Background image1667 Collection: Daniel Turner

Daniel Turner
DANIEL TURNER Physician of London Date: 1667 - 1741

Background image1667 Collection: Sir George Stirling

Sir George Stirling
SIR GEORGE STIRLING of Keir Date: 1615 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Georges De Scudery

Georges De Scudery
GEORGES DE SCUDERY French writer of plays and romances; governour of Nostre- Dame de la Gard. Date: 1601 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Joh. And. Ratthward

Joh. And. Ratthward
JOHANN ANDREAS RATTHWARD German gent, but we can t tell you anything more about him. Date: 1625 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Corn. Van Poelenbergh

Corn. Van Poelenbergh
CORNELIS VAN POELENBERGH Dutch artist Date: 1586 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Cornelis Van Poelenburgh

Cornelis Van Poelenburgh
CORNELIS VAN POELENBERGH also known as Brusco and Satyro, Dutch artist from Utrecht. Date: 1586 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: John Christopher Pepusch

John Christopher Pepusch
JOHN CHRISTOPHER PEPUSCH German-born musician in England Date: 1667 - 1752

Background image1667 Collection: Sir Robert Peake

Sir Robert Peake
SIR ROBERT PEAKE printseller of royalist sympathies Date: 1592 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Gabriel Metsu - 3

Gabriel Metsu - 3
GABRIEL METSU Dutch artist and his wife who is wondering how he ll behave when hes finished the glass... Date: 1629 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Gabriel Metsu - 1

Gabriel Metsu - 1
GABRIEL METSU Dutch artist Date: 1629 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Gabriel Metsu - 2

Gabriel Metsu - 2
GABRIEL METSU Dutch artist Date: 1629 - 1667

Background image1667 Collection: Georg Melchior Ludolf

Georg Melchior Ludolf
GEORG MELCHIOR von LUDOLF German judge and statesman Date: 1667 - 1740

Background image1667 Collection: George Baron Lansdowne

George Baron Lansdowne
GEORGE GRANVILLE, baron LANSDOWNE Courtier - Treasurer of the Household, writer. Date: 1667 - 1735

Background image1667 Collection: Pancake Night

Pancake Night (1667). Rombouts, Adriaen fl.1660-1667. Date: 1667

Background image1667 Collection: SON, Joris van (1623-1667)

SON, Joris van (1623-1667). Still Life. Flemish art. Oil on canvas

Background image1667 Collection: THIELEN, Jan Philip Van (1618-1667)

THIELEN, Jan Philip Van (1618-1667). Floral Wreath with Madonna and Child (Marienstatuette. Copy from E. Quellinus

Background image1667 Collection: CANO, ALONSO (1601-1667). JESUS

CANO, ALONSO (1601-1667). JESUS
CANO, Alonso (1601-1667). Jesus and the Samaritan Woman. Baroque art. Oil on canvas

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