Sir John OglanderSIR JOHN OGLANDER deputy-governor of the Isle of Wight, whose royalist sympathies and loyalty to Charles I got him into trouble with the Commonwealth. Date: 1585 - 1655
Ecce Homo, 1655, by Rembrandt (1606-1669)Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669). Dutch painter. Ecce Homo, 1655. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
Mariana of Austria at Prayer by VelazquezMariana of Austria (1634-1696). Queen of Spain. Mariana of Austria at Prayer. 1655. Portrait by Diego Velazquez. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
Francois Nicolas Fagel 1FRANCOIS NICOLAS FAGEL Dutch military commander and statesman. Date: 1655 - 1718
Jacques BoonenJACQUES BOONEN Archbishop of Mechelen (Malines), Belgium. Date: 1573 - 1655
Freak Birth of ZardanaThis half sheep and multi- bodied and headed creature was taken in the mountains of Zardana in Spain Date: 1655
VALPUESTA, Pedro de (1614-1688). Philip IV Swears to defend the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. ca. 1655. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Museo de Historia
Northern Tartar Manchu woman, in a Chinese scolars studio. Calligraphy is on the wall, and she is standing in front of a desk, there is a vase with a landscape painting on it
Church Stile HouseThe old Church Stile House at Cobham, Surrey, England, which was built in 1432 and restored in 1655. Date: 15th & 17th century
Landscape with a river, 1650-1655, by Philip de Koninck (161Philip de Koninck (1619-1688). Dutch painter. Landscape with a river, 1650-1655. Alte Pinakothek. Munich. Germany
Francis GoldsmithFRANCIS GOLDSMITH Translator of Grotius, etc. Date: 1613 - 1655
Andrew Fletcher - 2ANDREW FLETCHER - Scottish statesman, patriot who opposed the union with England yet died in London. Date: 1655 - 1716
Francois Nicolas Fagel 2FRANCOIS NICOLAS FAGEL Dutch military commander and statesman. Date: 1655 - 1718
Johann EbertzJOHANN EBERTZ German statesman Date: 1596 - 1655
Sir William DickSIR WILLIAM DICK Scottish merchant, Provost of Edinburgh, sadly reduced to destitution by his loyalty to Charles I : in prosperity, in chains, in his coffin. Date: 1580 - 1655
Jacques-Nicolas ColbertJACQUES-NICOLAS COLBERT French churchman, archbishop of Rouen. Date: 1655 - 1705
Louis CheronLOUIS CHERON French artist Date: 1655 - 1725
Nicolas Abraham, ScholarNICOLAS ABRAHAM of Frambesarij ? Jesuit scholar Date: 1589 - 1655
Robert Aylett, WriterROBERT AYLETT Religious writer. Date: 1583 - 1655
Regnard (Perlet - Mono)JEAN-FRANCOIS REGNARD French writer Date: 1655 - 1709
Regnard (Perlet)JEAN-FRANCOIS REGNARD French writer Date: 1655 - 1709
Pierre Gassendi / J LubinPIERRE GASSENDI French philosopher Date: 1592 - 1655
Englishman of 1655Puritanism is in fashion - and even the sharp dresser must go with the zeitgeist : collar instead of ruffs, simple hues, and the plainest of hats... Date: circa 1655
Regnard (Rigaud)JEAN-FRANCOIS REGNARD French writer Date: 1655 - 1709
James 1st Duke RichmondJAMES STUART, fourth duke of Lennox and first duke of RICHMOND loyal royalist supporter of Charles I though disapproving his policy Date: 1612 - 1655
James Duke of RichmondJAMES STUART, fourth duke of Lennox and first duke of RICHMOND loyal royalist supporter of Charles I though disapproving his policy Date: 1612 - 1655
Union Pacific goods locomotive 1655, America Date: circa 1910
Scottish Nationalist Andrew FletcherAndrew Fletcher- Scottish nationalist who was opposed to the Union. Date: circa 1700s
Artus de Lionne. French MissionaryLIONNE, Artus de (1655-1713). Bishop of Rosalia and missionary of the Paris Foreign Missions Society in Siam and China. 1847 French original work. Spanish translation published in Barcelona
Rene Aubert VertotRENE AUBERT abbe VERTOT French churchman and historian Date: 1655 - 1735
Philippe De VendomePHILIPPE DE VENDOME French soldier and statesman, Grand Prieur de France. Date: 1655 - 1727
Christian Thomasius - 2CHRISTIAN THOMASIUS German jurist and philosopher who opposed the witchcraft mania. Date: 1655 - 1728
Christian Thomasius - 1CHRISTIAN THOMASIUS German jurist and philosopher who opposed the witchcraft mania. Date: 1655 - 1728
Sigmund Gott. StadenSIGMUND THEOPHILUS STADEN German musician Date: 1607 - 1655
Cornelis Schut - 1CORNELIS SCHUT Flemish artist Date: 1597 - 1655
Cornelis Schut - 2CORNELIS SCHUT Flemish artist Date: 1597 - 1655
Rene PucelleRENE PUCELLE French churchman and statesman Date: 1655 - 1745
Ottavio Piccolomini - 1OTTAVIO PICCOLOMINI Italian military commander in the imperial service Date: 1599 - 1655
Ottavio Piccolomini - 2OTTAVIO PICCOLOMINI Italian military commander in the imperial service Date: 1599 - 1655
Blaise Comte De PaganBLAISE FRANCOIS de PAGAN, comte de Merveilles French traveller, soldier, author of history & geography of the Amazon, and on fortification. Date: 1604 - 1655
Joachim LutkemannJOACHIM LUTKEMANN German Lutheran churchman Date: 1608 - 1655
Louis Legendre, HistorianLOUIS LEGENDRE French churchman, canon at Paris, historiographer. Date: 1655 - 1733
John Lamotte, MerchantJOHN LAMOTTE London merchant Date: 1570 - 1655
Caspar KlockCASPAR KLOCK German jurist and statesman Date: 1583 - 1655
Caspar Klock - 2CASPAR KLOCK German jurist and statesman Date: 1583 - 1655
Daniel HeinsiusDANIEL HEINSIUS Dutch librarian, scholar and statesman Date: 1580 - 1655
LE SUEUR, Eustache (1617-1655). The Mass of St. Officiated by the abbot of Marmoutier, after of Rours. Oil on canvas
Changing nature of Chinese charactersIllustration to show the changing nature of Chinese characters, as imagined by the Dutch
Portrait of Johannes Nieuhof (1618-1672), From: Het gezandtschap der Ne견 andtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegenwoordigen keizer van China Date: 1655
Dutch version of the Viceroy of Canton. The Old viceroy is sitting in front of his officials
Boats in Canton harbour From: An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China Date: 1655
Qing Emperor ShunzhiPortrait of The Great Cham Emperor Qing Emperor, Shunzhi (1638-1661). From: An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China Date: 1655
Chinese men and women labeled Rusticks From: An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China Date: 1655
Buddhist pagodaPagoda by Sinkicien, A Buddhist pagoda, with men, women and a Chinese junk in the foreground, houses and a walled city in the background
Tail-piece of the Dutch edition. From: Het gezandtschap der Ne견 andtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegenwoordigen keizer van China Date: 1655
Old Viceroy of CantonOgilbys version of the Old Viceroy of Canton. From: An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China Date: 1655
A tea plant, and workers harvesting tea - ChinaA tea plant, and workers harvesting tea in China in 1655. From: An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China Date: 1655
Taoist and Buddhists priests, a Jesuit and a Confucian
Chinese women on a street in China From: An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China Date: 1655
Tail-piece of the French edition From: An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China Date: 1655
Inner court of the Imperial palace at Beijing, including figures of the Dutch Embassy, the Mongol embassy, and the Emperor and his guards
Map of China, the route of the embassy is marked. From: An embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham Emperor of China Date: 1655
Frontispiece Qing Emperor, ShunzhiFrontispiece illustration featuring the Emperor of China (Qing Emperor, Shunzhi (1638-1661) and a globe surrounded by courtiers and prisoners
Dutch ships in stormy seas off the coast of China
Tomb of Edward SpencerEDWARD SPENCER The tomb of Edward Spencer in Great Brington Church, Northamptonshire, England. Date: 1594 - 1655
Adrien BourdoiseADRIEN BOURDOISE French churchman and educator. Date: CIRCA 1583 - 1655
James Stuart / RichmondJames Stuart Duke of Richmond 4th Duke of Lennox Date: 1612 - 1655
Cyrano De B / Visits MoonSAVINIEN DE CYRANO DE BERGERAC French writer visiting the moon, in a story combining science fantasy with political satire
Theodore De MayerneSir Theodore Turquet de MAYERNE Swiss/English physician and chemist
Pope Innocens XPOPE INNOCENS X (Giovanni Battista Pamfili)
Pope Alexander VIIPOPE ALEXANDER VII (Fabio Chigi)
Daniel Heinsius / LarmessiDANIEL HEINSIUS Dutch philologist and poet
Pierre Gassendi / Mellan GPIERRE GASSENDI French philosopher
Savinien De Cyrano / 1709SAVINIEN DE CYRANO DE BERGERAC French poet and soldier, famous as a duellist
Ludwig Wilhelm / FurstenLUDWIG WILHELM Margrave of Baden (1677-1707)
Andrada LeitaoFRANCISCO ANDRADA LEITAO Portuguese statesman, diplomat in England and the Netherlands
Jamaica Taken by BritsPenn and Venables take Jamaica from the Spanish
Eustache Le Sueur 17CEUSTACHE LE SUEUR French artist