Remington FamilySIR THOMAS REMINGTON of Lund, Yorkshire, with his wife and their fifteen living children; five deceased infants lie on the floor in their shrouds, poor wee mites
Hollar Panorama - 4section 4 of 4 looking downstream, including the Tower of London
Fairfax and CouncilFairfax and the military council
Whitehall / Hollar 1647Whitehall from the Thames showing possibly the view between White Hall Palace Stairs & Privy Stairs with Inigo Joness Banqueting House in the background
Matthew HopkinsSelf-appointed Witchfinder- General in East Anglia, responsible for many false accusations of witchcraft
Isobel GowdieAt her 1662 trial, Scottish witch ISOBEL GOWDIE tells how since 1647 she and her companions were visited by Black John who chastised disobedient witches
Nicholas Stone & SonNICHOLAS STONE sculptor and architect, with his son, Nicholas Stone the younger Date: 1586 - 1647
Tailor of 1647 / BroadsideA tailor. These tradesman are preachers in the City of London, 1647. A satirical broadside on non- conformist preaching in London
Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat, Rouen, 1647Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat with the Poterat coat of arms, Rouen, 1647. WIth underside and profile. Origins of fabrication. Plat primitif de la Fabrique d'Edme Poterat
Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat, Rouen, 1647Early plate manufactured by Edme Poterat in the Italo-Nivernais style, Rouen, 1647. WIth underside and profile. Origins of fabrication. Plat primitif de la Fabrique d'Edme Poterat
St. Marie Over's church (now Southwark Cathedral), 1647St. Marie Over's church in Southwarke (now Southwark Cathedral), 1647. Norman church rebuilt in the Gothic style in the 13th century. Copperplate engraving by Wenceslas Hollar, London, 1647
Lady Isabel Lister, second wife of Sir Richard Lyster, Lord ChiePortrait of an unknown woman in gable hood with lappets and veil pinned up to one side from the court of King Henry VIII
17th century Dutch hurdy-gurdy man in tall cap and cape. The organ grinder, 1647
Hawker Siddeley HS. 748 ZK-CWJIncident Hawker Siddeley HS.748-242 Srs. 2A ZK-CWJ (msn 1647, line number 131), of Mount Cook Airlines Ltd. at Christchurch on 4 March 1970. Date: 1970
Aerospatiale SE. 318C Alouette II F-ZBAFAerospatiale SE.318C Alouette II F-ZBAF (msn 1647), of Securite Civile, at Toulouse-Francazal Airport on 24 March 1976. Date: 1976
Anselm von UmstadtAnselm Casimir Wombold von Ustadt (? - 1647) German churchman, archbishop of Mainz from 1629 till his death
SIR EDMUND FORTESCUE Royalist military commander, died in exile in Holland after the death of Charles I. Date: 1610 - 1647
SIR JOHN NORRIS military commander who spent his life fighting Englands enemies here, there and everywhere. with his autograph Date: 1647 - 1597
DENIS PAPIN & KETTLE DENIS PAPIN & KETTLEDENIS PAPIN French pioneer of the steam engine, who formulated his theories in just the way Watt did, by watching a kettle steaming in the hearth Date: 1647? - 1712
Eberhard Werner HappelEBERHARD WERNER HAPPEL German writer Date: 1647 - 1690
Salvador Correia attacks Fort San Miguel, Luanda, AngolaThe attack by Salvador Correia de Sa e Benevides (1602-1688) - Portuguese soldier and politician - on the Dutch-held Fort Of San Miguel in Luanda, Angola
Matthias Gallas - 2Graf MATTHIAS GALLAS Austrian military commander, counsellor and chamberlain to the king of Hungary and general in his armies. Date: 1584 - 1647
ISOCRATES (436-338 BC). Ancient Greek rhetorician and one of the ten Attic orators. From the book Pinacotheca imaginum illustrium by Gian Vittorio de Rossi (1577-1647). Engraving. SPAIN
John JefferyJOHN JEFFERY English churchman, archdeacon of Norwich Date: 1647 - 1720
Matthew Hopkins - The Witchfinder GeneralMatthew Hopkins (circa 16201647) - The Witchfinder General - an English witchhunter whose career flourished during the time of the English Civil War. Date: circa 1646
Siege of Lathom HouseLATHOM HOUSE, Lancashire, is heroically defended for 3 months by Charlotte, countess of Derby, but surrenders next year : in this picture, the defenders make a sortie Date: 1646 - 1647
Johann Hein. HottingerJOHANN HEINRICH HOTTINGER Swiss churchman and scholar from Zurich - theologian, philologist and historian. Date: 1620 - 1647
Orazio GentileschiORAZIO GENTILESCHI Italian artist working in England. Date: 1563 - 1647
Jean De GassionJEAN DE GASSION French military commander Date: 1609 - 1647
Matthias Gallas - 1Graf MATTHIAS GALLAS Austrian military commander, counsellor and chamberlain to the king of Hungary and general in his armies. Date: 1584 - 1647
Pierre Bayle (OrnamentedPIERRE BAYLE French-Dutch scholar, philosopher and lexicographer, depicted with the instruments of his scholarship. Date: 1647 - 1706
Pierre Bayle (Francois)PIERRE BAYLE French-Dutch scholar, philosopher and lexicographer. Date: 1647 - 1706
Sir Robert AtkinsSIR ROBERT ATKINS British topographer. Date: 1647 - 1711
Henry AldrichHENRY ALDRICH Divine, theologian, architect and musician. Date: 1647 - 1710
Frances Richmond as MaleFRANCES TERESA STUART, duchess of RICHMOND, mistress of Charles II, third wife of Charles, 3rd duke dressed as a man Date: 1647 - 1702
Pierre BaylePIERRE BAYLE French philosopher and critic Date: 1647 - 1706
Frances Richmond, DianaFRANCES TERESA STUART, duchess of RICHMOND, mistress of Charles II, third wife of Charles, 3rd duke as Diana the huntress Date: 1647 - 1702
Frances Richmond MinervaFRANCES TERESA STUART, duchess of RICHMOND, mistress of Charles II, third wife of Charles, 3rd duke dressed as the goddess Minerva Date: 1647 - 1702
Frances Richmond MezzoFRANCES TERESA STUART, duchess of RICHMOND, mistress of Charles II, third wife of Charles, 3rd duke Date: 1647 - 1702
Bayle (Jacquand)PIERRE BAYLE French philosopher and critic Date: 1647 - 1706
M M Alacoque with JesusSAINT MARGUERITE-MARIE French nun, depicted reposing her head on the heart of Jesus Date: 1647 - 1690
Michel LarcherMICHEL LARCHER French statesman Date: flourished 1647
TORRICELLI, Evangelista (1608-1647). Italian physicist and mathematician, best known for his invention of the barometer. Opera Geom鴲 ica. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE. Paris. National Library
Sir Philip StapletonSIR PHILIP STAPLETON Parliamentary soldier who opposed Cromwell : he died at Calais of fever while fleeing from England. Date: 1603 - 1647
William SlaterWILLIAM SLATER churchman, chaplain to queen Anne of Denmark, scholar and translator of the Psalms. Date: 1587 - 1647
Giovanni RossiGIOVANNI VITTORIO ROSSI known as Erythraeus Italian scholar Date: 1577 - 1647
Herbert PalmerHERBERT PALMER Puritan churchman, resting his arm on a tasseled cushion. Date: 1601 - 1647
John Ogle, GamesterJOHN OGLE gamester and buffoon during the reign of Charles II Date: 1647 - 1685?
Masaniello HaranguingTOMMASO MASANIELLO Patriotic citizen of Naples, Italy, haranguing his fellow- citizens and urging them to rise up against their oppressors.... Date: 1620 - 1647
Masaniello ProfileTOMMASO MASANIELLO Patriotic citizen of Naples, Italy, who urged his fellow- citizens to rise up against their oppressors, but it ended in tears... Date: 1620 - 1647
Giovanni LanfrancoGIOVANNI LANFRANCO Italian artist from Parma Date: 1581 - 1647
Marquise De LambertANNE THERESE de MARGUENART de COURCELLES, marquise de LAMBERT French writer on the subject of education. Date: 1647 - 1733
Isaac JaquelotISaC JAQUELOT French (?) churchman, preacher to the king of Prussia. Date: 1647 - 1708
Pieter Corneliszon HooftPIETER CORNELISZOON HOOFT Dutch poet and scholar, an important figure in Dutch literature : son of burgomaster Cornelis Pieterszoon Hooft. Date: 1581 - 1647
Johann HeermannJOHANN HEERMANN German churchman and writer Date: 1585 - 1647
BAYLE, Pierre (1647-1706). French critic and philosopher. Front page of an edition of Dictionnaire historique et critique
A View of the City Of Zaragoza
Charles Seized at HolmbyKing Charles I is arrested by Joyce at Holmby House Date: 4 June 1647
Claude BroussonCLAUDE BROUSSON French protestant minister, hanged for his views after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Date: 1647 - 1698
George Fox PreachingGEORGE FOX preaching in an inn, 1647 Date: 1624 - 1690
M-M. AlacocoqueSAINT MARGUERITE-MARIE ALACOCQUE French nun and visionary; canonised in 1920 Date: 1647 - 1690
Charles Flees Hampton CtCharles I escapes from Hampton Court to the Isle of Wight
Masaniello BourdetTOMASSO ANIELLO known as MASANIELLO Neapolitan insurrectionist
Pietro CarreraPIETRO CARRERA Italian historian, poet and writer about the game of chess
E Torricelli / TombaEVANGELISTA TORRICELLI Italian mathematician and physicist; he improved the telescope and invented the barometer
Frederik Hendrik SthldrFREDERIK HENDRIK, prince van Oranje, stadhouder, son of Willem I, father of William I of England (holding bedpost) on his deathbed : he raised the power of the stadhouder
Corneille / HeracliusHERACLIUS The character of Phocas, emperor of the East
Rochester / John WilmotJOHN WILMOT 2nd EARL of ROCHESTER English poet
Merian / Maria / LizarsANNA MARIA SIBYLLA MERIAN Swiss painter, engraver and naturalist
Jean Colerus / KoehlerJEAN COLERUS (JOHANN KOEHLER) Lutheran pastor of The Hague, writer of a Life of Spinoza
Satire on Puritans / 1647These tradesmen are preachers in the City of London, 1647. A satirical broadside on non- conformist preaching in London
Stuyvesant Arrives / 1647Peter Stuyvesant arrives as governor of New Amsterdam
E Torricelli / FlammarionEVANGELISTA TORRICELLI Italian mathematician and physicist, inventing the barometer in 1642
A CHICKEN-MAN / 1647A chicken man about to pluck a chicken. These tradesman are preachers in the City of London, 1647
Confectioner / 1647A confectioner stirs a big bowl of mixture. These tradesman are preachers in the City of London, 1647
Saddler / 1647 / BroadsideA saddler holding a pair of stirrups. These tradesman are preachers in the City of London, 1647. A satirical broadside on non-
Meal-Man / 1647 / BroadsideA meal-man with sacks of wheat These tradesman are preachers in the City of London, 1647. A satirical broadside on non- conformist preaching in London
Porter. 1647 / BroadsideA porter carries a heavy load. These tradesman are preachers in the City of London, 1647. A satirical broadside on non- conformist preaching in London
Glover / 1647 / BroadsideA glover. These tradesman are preachers in the City of London, 1647. A satirical broadside on non- conformist preaching in London
Shoemaker / 1647 / BroadsideA shoemaker. These tradesman are preachers in the City of London, 1647. A satirical broadside on non- conformist preaching in London
Broadside / Box MakerA box maker. These tradesman are preachers in the City of London, 1647. A satirical broadside on non- conformist preaching in London
Broadside / Soap BoilerA soap boiler. These tradesman are preachers in the City of London, 1647. A satirical broadside on non- conformist preaching in London
Broadside / BlacksmithA smith. These tradesman are preachers in the City of London, 1647. A satirical broadside on non- conformist preaching in London