Battle of LansdowneBATTLE OF LANSDOWNE The Royalists under Hopton, advancing on Bath, are halted by the Parliament army under Waller : the Royalists win the day, though with heavy Date: 5 July 1645
Hugo De Groot / LarmessinHUGO DE GROOT alias HUGO GROTIUS Dutch scholar, humanist and politician
Battle of NasebyTHE BATTLE OF NASEBY The Royalist army is defeated by the larger Parliamentarian forces at the decisive Battle of Naseby
Atlas Novus, 17th c Map of the CaribbeanBLAEU, Jan (1596-1673). Atlas Novus or Atlas Maior. 1635 - 1665. Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali cum Terris Adiacentibus. Map of the Caribbean islands printed in Amsterdam circa 1645
Balthasar Coymans by Frans HalsBalthasar Coymans (1589-1657) by Frans Hals (c.1580-1666) - painting on canvas Date: 1645
Battle of LangportBATTLE OF LANGPORT, Somerset The Parliament army under Fairfax delivers a crushing defeat to the Royalists under Goring
Sir John MeldrumSIR JOHN MELDRUM Military commander in the Parliamentary army during the English Civil War. Date: ? - 1645
Milton / Poems 1645JOHN MILTON English poet
Sir Thomas Fairfax, Parliamentary General, 1612-1671. Victorious at the battles of Selby and Naseby, commander of the New Model Army. Oval portrait in collar and suit of armour
Portrait of an Old Man, 1645, by Rembrandt (1606-1669)Rembrandt (Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn) (1606-1669). Dutch painter and printmaker. Portrait of an Old Man, 1645. Oil on canvas. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugal
Portrait of an Old Man, 1645, by Rembrandt (1606-1669)Rembrandt (Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn) (1606-1669). Dutch painter and printmaker. Portrait of an Old Man, 1645. Detail. Oil on canvas. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugal
The beheading of St John the Baptist - Matthias StomMatthias Stom (ca.1600-h.1650). Dutch painter. The beheading of St John the Baptist, ca.1645, Oil on canvas. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta
Charge of the Clan Maclean infantry (a Highland Scottish clan) at the Battle of Kilsyth, near Stirling, Scotland, 15 August 1645, during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
Russian Tzars - Alexis I - 1645 - 1676
Saint Lawrence, circa 1640-1645 by Bernardo CavallinoSaint Lawrence. Portrait by Bernardo Cavallino (1616-1654), circa 1640-1645. Lazaro Galdiano Museum. Madrid. Spain
DiaryLeaf from a diary, paper. Dated December (1644) to February 1645. Has a foolscap (jester's head) watermark. Date: 1644 - 1645
Beheading of St John the Baptist, ca. 1645, by Matthias StomMatthias Stom (ca.1600-h.1650). Dutch painter. The beheading of St John the Baptist, ca.1645, Oil on canvas. National Museum of Fine Arts. Valletta. Malta. Date: 2019
The Battle of Naseby, English Civil War, 1645 Date: 1645
Siege of Basing House, HampshireThe Siege of Basing House, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, during the English Civil War. It was a Parliamentary victory. Date: between 1643 - 1645
WLADISLAW IV WEDSWladislaw IV Wasa, one of Poland's most militarily successful rulers, weds (after the death of wife Cecilia) Ludwika Maria Gonzaga de Nevers, a French noblewoman. Date: 25 September 1645
KING CHARLES AT NASEBYThe Battle of Naseby during the first English Civil War The main army of King Charles was defeated by the New Model Army of the Parliamentarians under Sir Thomas Fairfax Date: 14 June 1645
The Battle of Naseby, Northamptonshire, 14 June 1645, a Parliamentarian victory against the Royalists during the English Civil War (1642-1651). Date: 1645
The attack on Montroses cavalry at the Battle of Kilsyth, near Stirling, Scotland, 15 August 1645, during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms
The Siege of Basing House, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, during the English Civil War. It was a Parliamentary victory. Three sieges took place, in 1643, 1644 and 1645. Date: 1643-1645
Map of Africa, 1645 Date: 1645
THE OLD BULL AND BUSHDating back to 1645, when it was a farmhouse, the building received its license to sell ale in 1721. A haunt for literary scholars and artists, including William Hogarth. Date: 1960s
Cuirassier 1645, specimen of Goodrich Court. Date: 1645
Military helmets 1645Military helmets, specimen of Goodrich Court. Date: 1645
English Civil War, 1645 (c). Watercolour by William Barns Wollen, 1900. Associated with English Civil War (1642-1649). Date: circa 1645
Georg WedelGEORG WOLFGANG WEDEL German physician and astrologer Date: 1645 - 1721
St Antoniuskapel in the St Janskerk, Utrech, 1645, by PieterPieter Jansz Saenredam (1597-1665). Dutch painter. St Antoniuskapel in the St Janskerk, Utrech, 1645. Centraal Museum. Utrecht. Netherlands
Atlas Novus, 17th c Map of MexicoBLAEU, Jan (1596-1673). Atlas Novus or Atlas Maior. 1635 - 1665. Nova Hispania et Nova Galicia. Map of the viceroyalty of Spain and New Mexico. Printed in Amsterdam in 1645. Etching. SPAIN
Hugo De Groot - 2HUGO DE GROOT (known as GROTIUS) Dutch scholar, one of the greatest men in Europe as a writer on philosophy, divinity, civil law, and polite literature. Date: 1583 - 1645
Andrea CantelmoANDREA CANTELMO Italian military commander in the Spanish service. Depicted encased in armour. Date: 1598 - 1645
Com. Dell arte TrivelinoTrivelino, playing the mandolin
Madeleine Bavent ExorcisMadeleine Bavent, a young nun at Louviers, France, is exorcised : through her, the demon accuses the priest Boulle of seducing her - he will be burnt on her say-so
Respresentation of Armies of King Charles I and FairfaxA respresentation of the Armies of King Charles I and Sir Thomas Fairfax exhibiting the exact order... preparatory to the Battle of Naseby. Coloured line engraving, contemporary, 1645
Militia Company of District XVIII under the Command of CaptaGovert Flinck (1615-1660). Dutch painter. Militia Company of District XVIII under the Command of Captain Albert Bas, 1645. Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam. Holland
Spain. Canary Islands. 17th centurySpain. Canary Islands. Dutch engraving, 1645
Toledo, Spain. Le Theatre du Monde. 17th centurySpain. Toledo. Panorama. Le Theatre du Monde, by Guillaume et Joan Blaeu. Amsterdam, 1645
Arkhangelsk, Russia. Le Theatre du Monde. 17th centuryRussia. Arkhangelsk. Panorama. Le Theatre du Monde, by Guillaume et Joan Blaeu. Amsterdam, 1645
The Lighthouse of Alexandria. Le Theatre du Monde. 17th centSeven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Lighthouse of Alexandria. 3rd century BC. Le Theatre du Monde, by Guillaume et Joan Blaeu. Amsterdam, 1645
Luis de Go?ngora (1561 1627). Spanish lyric poet. Works oLuis de Go?ngora (1561 1627). Spanish Baroque lyric poet. Works of Don Luis de Gongora Volume II. Cover. Published in Madrid, 1645
Sidney Earl GodolphinSIDNEY, first earl of GODOLPHIN, English statesman, Lord High Treasurer Date: 1645 - 1712
Sidney Earl Godolphin 2SIDNEY, first earl of GODOLPHIN, English statesman, Lord High Treasurer Date: 1645 - 1712
Fabio Capece GaleotaFABIO CAPECE GALEOTA, duca di Regina Neapolitan patrician, head of a distinguished family of that city. Date: 1579 - 1645
Daniel FeatleyDANIEL FEATLEY (orig. Fair- -clough) English churchman, rector of Lambeth, engaged in controversy with Jesuits on one hand, Baptists on other, imprisoned for Royalist views. Date: 1582 - 1645
Johann DunzJOHANN DUNZ Swiss artist in an elaborate surround. Date: 1645 - 1736
Francois De BeauchateauFRANCOIS MATTHIEU CHATELET de BEAUCHATEAU, known as Le petit, French poet, son of actor mother and father, died in a pays etrange. Date: 1645 - ?
Royalist DefenceA Royalist household defend themselves against the Parliamentary forces : the women help by loading the muskets for the men, watched by a King Charles spaniel. Date: circa 1645
French Theatre / La RozeLa Roze ( soldat ) A character from La Comedie de Chansons - Anon. Date: 1640
JOHN DOD, puritan divine who lived to the age of 96 Date: 1549 - 1645
French Theatre / HoraceHorace A character from La Soeur by Rotrou. Date: 1645
Sydenham PoyntzSYDENHAM POYNTZ Parliamentary general during the Civil War, emigrated to Virginia Date: flourished 1645
Sir John HothamSIR JOHN HOTHAM Parliamentary soldier during the Civil War Date: ? - 1645
Sir John Hotham Riding 2SIR JOHN HOTHAM Parliamentary soldier during the Civil War Date: ? - 1645
Battle of ChesterSIEGE OF CHESTER After a three-month siege, the Parliament army finally takes the city of Chester Date: 1645
Rupert at LeicesterSIEGE OF LEICESTER Prince Rupert orders the city to surrender : but the garrison refuses Date: 30 May 1645
Burgess PreachesSatirical illustration of the eccentric Presbyterian preacher Daniel Burgess (1645 - 1713) Date: circa 1690
LA Bruyere (Boilly)JEAN DE LA BRUYERE French writer Date: 1645 - 1696
Jean De LA BruyereJEAN DE LA BRUYERE French writer Date: 1645 - 1696
OLIVARES, Gaspar de Guzmᮬconde-duque de (1587-1645)OLIVARES, Gaspar de Guzmᮬ conde-duque de (1587-1645). Spanish statesman, court favourite of Philip IV (1622-1643). Engraving. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. National Library
HALS, Frans (1580-1666). Portrait of Jasper Schade van Vestrum. ca. 1645. Flemish art. Oil on canvas. CZECH Rep.. Prague. National Gallery in Prague
Atlas Novus, 17th c Le Theatre du MondeBLAEU, Jan (1596-1673). Atlas Novus or Atlas Maior. 1635 - 1665. Volume I. Europe, Germany and Netherlands. Detail of a map of Nuremberg (Territorium Norimbergese). Printed in Amsterdam, 1645
Atlas Novus, 17th c Map of Low CountriesBLAEU, Jan (1596-1673). Atlas Novus or Atlas Maior. 1635 - 1665. Volume I. Europe, Germany and Netherlands. Detail of a map of Bergen op Zoom. Printed in Amsterdam, ca 1645. Etching. SPAIN
Siege of HulstThe siege of Hulst, when after 28 days Frederik Henrik van Nassau wrests it from the Spanish, is the last major siege of the 80 years war. Date: 1645
Robert WhiteROBERT WHITE draughtsman and engraver Date: 1645 - 1703
Ernst Count SuysERNEST COUNT SUYS Dutch soldier in the Imperial service Date: ? - 1645
John Sharp - 1JOHN SHARP Archbishop of York Date: 1645 - 1714
John Sharp - 2JOHN SHARP Archbishop of York Date: 1645 - 1714
Josiah RicraftJOSIAH RICRAFT merchant and writer Date: FL. 1645 - 1679
Francisco QuevedoFRANCISCO GOMEZ de QUEVEDO y Villegas Spanish writer Date: 1580 - 1645
Cornelis Van PijnackerCORNELIS VAN PIJNACKER Dutch diplomat and jurist Date: 1570 - 1645
Gottfried NeubergerGOTTFRIED NEUBERGER German churchman Date: CIRCA 1645
Jane MiddletonJANE MIDDLETON Decorative ornament of the court of Charles II. Date: 1645 - 1692
Michel Van MusscherMICHEL VAN MUSSCHER Dutch artist Date: 1645 - 1705
Cardinal LarochefoucauldFRANCOIS, cardinal de la ROCHEFOUCAULD French churchman Date: 1558 - 1645
LA BRUYEREJEAN DE LA BRUYERE French satirist - with satyrs... Date: 1645 - 1696
Melchior JuniusMELCHIOR JUNIUS German scholar Date: 1645 - 1604
Giovanni ImperialiGIOVANNI VINCENZO IMPERIALI Italian writer Date: 1570 - 1645
William Hunt, ExcisemanWILLIAM HUNT Supervisor of excise and author of Guide for the Practical Gauger, 1673. Date: 1645 - 1673+
Gaspar De GuzmanGASPAR (Caspar) DE GUZMAN conte di Peneranda, cavalier di Alcantara, commendatore di Laymiel, Spanish statesman, prime minister of Felipe IV. Date: 1587 - 1645
Hugo De Groot - 7HUGO DE GROOT (known as GROTIUS) Dutch scholar, imprisoned for his views in 1618 but depicted escaping in a trunk from the castle of Louvestein. Date: 1583 - 1645
Hugo De Groot - 5HUGO DE GROOT (known as GROTIUS) Dutch scholar, one of the greatest men in Europe as a writer on philosophy, divinity, civil law, and polite literature. Date: 1583 - 1645