Officers at Shepton Mallet Prison, SomersetThree uniformed prison officers stand in front of Shepton Mallet Prison, Somerset. The prison was originally established as a House of Correction in 1625
Oliver PlunkettOLIVER PLUNKETT Irish Catholic, archbishop of Armagh and primate of Ireland, falsely accused of conspiracy by Titus Oates and hanged, disembowelled &c in London
St Christopher Carrying the Christ Child (c. 1625 - 30). Jordaens, Jacob 1593-1678. Date: 1625-30 (circa)
Imperial Palace at Shenyang, Liaoning Province, ChinaPart of the Imperial Palace at Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China. Construction began in 1625 under Nurhachi, and was completed in 1636 by his son, Huang Taiji (Emperor Taizong)
Still life of flowersBreugel, Jan, The Elder, called Velvet Bruegel (1568-1625). Still life of flowers. Flemish art. Oil
English ArcheryFour English bowmen: 1) Brigandine archer 1554 2) Brigandine archer 1590 3) Archer of Charles I 1625 4) Archer of 1780
Cromwells WatchPOCKET WATCH with chain, made by John Midnall of Fleet Street, London, and carried by Oliver Cromwell, enabling him to be punctual for battles and other activities
Englishman dueling three Spanish swordsmen, 1625Englishman with quarterstaff fighting three Spanish swordsmen. Richard Peeke from Tavistock defeated three Spaniards in a duel in Xeres, November 15, 1625
Anne Marchss Hamilton Circa 1625 Marchionessanne, marchss, hamilton, circa, 1625, marchioness, nee, cunningham, widow, james, second, marquess, wearing, weeds, death, husband, widow's, history, historical, 10160276
Sir John Crosbys monument in the church of St. Helen, Bishopsgate Street. Sheriff of London, died 1476
James I, lying in state, hearse and decorations desigh=ned by Inigo Jones. Date: 1625
CHARLES I WEDS H. MARIACharles I weds Henrietta Maria, sister of Louis XIII, in Notre Dame, Paris : cardinal Richelieu does the honours (the British people disapprove of the match) Date: 11 May 1625
CHARLES I AMOROUS MOODCHARLES I OF ENGLAND in amorous mood, circa 1625 Date: 1600 - 1649
JAMES I (HUNTING)JAMES I of England James VI of Scotland hunting with his daughter in Greenwich Park Date: 1566 - 1625
Granida and Daifilo, 1625, by Gerard van Honthorst (1592-165Gerard van Honthorst (1592-1656). Dutch painter. Granida and Daifilo, 1625. Detail. Centraal Museum. Utrecht. Netherlands
Jan De Witt - 1JAN DE WITT and his brother CORNELIS : Dutch statesmen : despite their achievements, they were murdered by the populace when France invaded the Netherlands. Date: 1625 - 1672
The Defenders of the Eucharist, ca. 1625, by Peter PaulPeter Paul Rubens (1577-1640). Flemish painter. The Defenders of the Eucharist, ca. 1625
Willem van Heythuysen (1585-1650), by Frans Hals (1580-1666)Frans Hals (1580-1666). Dutch painter. Portrait of Willem van Heythuysen (1585-1650). 1625-1630. Alte Pinakothek. Munich. Germany
Jan De Witt - 4JAN DE WITT Dutch statesman with his daughters : despite his achievements, he will be murdered by the populace when France invades Netherlands. Date: 1625 - 1672
HERRERA, Antonio de (1559-1625). General History of the Deeds of the Castilians on the Islands and Mainland of the Ocean Sea Known As the West Indies. 1601 - 1615
Georg RemusGEORG REMUS German jurist from Nurnberg Date: 1562 - 1625
Stone confirming early Christian missionaries in ChinaStone found at Si-gan-fou (Chang-an, or Hsian-Fu) in 1625, which seemed to confirm that Christian missionaries had been in China in 635, during the Tang Dynasty, when O-lo-pen (Olopun, Alopen)
Giovanni CassiniGIOVANNI DOMENICO CASSINI later Jean-Dominique, French astronomer and first Director of the Paris Observatory, who discovered four of Saturns moons
King James I and his wife, Anne of DenmarkKing James I of England (and VI of Scotland) and his wife, Anne of Denmark (1574-1619)
Hamburg, Germany - Baumwall. The Baumwall was part of the old Hamburg city fortifications built between 1616 and 1625
The Rich Man and the Poor Lazarus, 1625, by Hendrick ter BruHendrick ter Brugghen (1588-1629). Dutch painter. The Rich Man and the Poor Lazarus, 1625. Centraal Museum. Utrecht. Netherlands
The Defense of Cadiz against the English by Francisco ZurbarFrancisco Zurbaran (1598-1664). Spanish painter. The Defense of Cadiz against the English. 1634. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
Map of New Mexico. 17th centuryMap of New Mexico. View of the city in 1625, after an engraving of 1754
Richard GilpinRICHARD GILPIN Physician and nonconformist churchman. Date: 1625 - 1700
Philippe De GamachesPHILIPPE DE GAMACHES French churchman, theologian at Paris. Date: 1568 - 1625
Franz Egan FurstenbergFRANZ EGAN von FURSTENBERG Bishop of Strasbourg Date: 1625 - 1682
John Fell, BishopJOHN FELL English churchman; bishop of Oxford, in 1675. Date: 1625 - 1686
Anne Lady FanshaweANNE, LADY FANSHAWE (nee Harrison) singer, lute-player, French scholar, wife of Sir Richard Fanshawe, diplomat. Date: 1625 - 1680
Johannes EndterusJOHANNES ANDREAS ENDTERUS German statesman and scholar of Nurnberg. Date: 1625 - 1670
Honore DurfeHONORE DURFE French writer Date: 1568 - 1625
Jacques Duc De Duras 1JACQUES HENRI de DURFORT, duc de DURAS, marechal de rance, capitaine des Gardes du corps, bodyguard of Louis XIV. Date: 1625 - 1704
Jacques Duc De Duras 2JACQUES HENRI de DURFORT, duc de DURAS, marechal de France, capitaine des Gardes du corps, bodyguard of Louis XIV. Date: 1625 - 1704
JEAN DOMAT French jurist, avocat at Clermont en Auvergne, author. Date: 1625 - 1696
Jan De Witt - 2JAN DE WITT Dutch statesman : despite his achievements, he and his brother Cornelis were murdered by the populace when France invaded Netherlands. Date: 1625 - 1672
Jan De Witt - 3JAN DE WITT Dutch statesman : despite his achievements, he and his brother Cornelis were murdered by the populace when France invaded Netherlands. Date: 1625 - 1672
Abraham DarcieABRAHAM DARCIE (or Darcy, Darssie etc) Writer, known for his translation of Camdens Annals and for his elegant clothing, including a fine lace collar. Date: CIRCA 1625
Thomas CorneilleTHOMAS CORNEILLE French dramatist, younger brother of Pierre. Date: 1625 - 1709
Jean CommireJEAN COMMIRE French churchman : poet, honest man and Jesuit Date: 1625 - 1702
PAOLO BENI Italian churchman and philologist. Date: 1552 - 1625
William Bates, DivineWILLIAM BATES Presbyterian churchman, professor of theology. Date: 1625 - 1699
Sir John PakingtonSIR JOHN PAKINGTON courtier, a favourite of queen Elizabeth I Date: 1549 - 1625
Vincent de Paul - ButlersSaint Vincent de Paul (1581 - 1660) French priest and founder of the Congregation of the Mission (1625), also known as the Lazarists or Vincentians
John Fletcher / Oval / AnonJOHN FLETCHER English dramatist Date: 1579 - 1625
John Fletcher / TownsendJOHN FLETCHER English dramatist Date: 1579 - 1625
Edward Earl SandwichEDWARD, first earl of SANDWICH Naval commander, fought for the Parliamentary forces during the English Civil War. Date: 1625 - 1672
Giovanni Cassini StatueGIOVANNI DOMENICO CASSINI later Jean-Dominique, French astronomer and first Director of the Paris Observatory, who discovered four of Saturns moons Date: 1625 - 1712
Giovanni Cassini MedalGIOVANNI DOMENICO CASSINI later Jean-Dominique, French astronomer and first Director of the Paris Observatory, who discovered four of Saturns moons Date: 1625 - 1712
Charles Colbert, MarquisCHARLES COLBERT, marquis de Croissy French statesman, brother of Jean-Baptiste Colbert Date: 1625 - 1696
Guillard D anvilleGUILLARD D ANVILLE French member of the Court of Louis XIII and poet (author of La Chastete ) Date: FL. 1625
James Marquis HamiltonJAMES, second marquis of HAMILTON Scottish statesman Date: 1589 - 1625
St Vincent de Paul, French priestSaint Vincent de Paul (1581-1660), French priest and founder of the Congregation of the Mission (1625), also known as the Lazarists or Vincentians
James I (Van Dyk)JAMES I of England James VI of Scotland Date: 1566 - 1625
Groombridge Chapel, Tunbridge Wells, KentGroombridge Chapel (St John s), Tunbridge Wells, Kent -- an inscription over the porch commemorates (in Latin), the return of Prince Charles (later King Charles I)
SOUTMAN, Pieter (1580-1657). NETHERLANDS. The Hague. Mauritshuis. Portrait of a lady holding gloves. circa 1625-1630. Flemish art. Oil on canvas
Wotton, Sir Henry (1568-1639). English author, diplomat and politician who sat in the House of Commons in 1614 and 1625. Engraving
Matthias ZimmermannMATTHIAS ZIMMERMANN German churchman and educator of Leipzig Date: 1625 - 1689
Breda RecapturedBreda is continually taken and re-taken by Spaniards and Dutch in turn : Spinolas Spanish took it in 1625 but now it is retaken by Frederik Henrik after a long siege. Date: 1637
Mary Ctess WarwickMARY (nee Boyle) countess of WARWICK wife of Charles Rich, fourth earl Date: 1625 - 1678
Edward Baron ZoucheEDWARD eleventh baron ZOUCHE statesman Date: 1556 - 1625
Jan SybrechtJAN SYBRECHT Flemish artist Date: 1625 - 1703
Thomas Stanley - 2THOMAS STANLEY classical scholar and poet Date: 1625 - 1678
Thomas Stanley - 1THOMAS STANLEY classical scholar and poet Date: 1625 - 1678
Sir Thomas SmithSIR THOMAS SMITH of Bidborough, Kent : governor of the East India company, ambassador to Russia, holding a book open at a map of Russia. Date: 1558? - 1625
Jan SibrechtsJAN SIBRECHTS Dutch artist Date: 1625 - 1703
Francisco SandovalFRANCISCO ROJAS Y SANDOVAL, duque de Lerma - Spanish cardinal and statesman, favourite of Felipe III, remarkable for his utter incompetence, mismanagement. Date: 1552 - 1625
Jemima Ctss SandwichJEMIMA countess of SANDWICH wife of Edward, first earl. Date: 1625 - 1674?
First Earl SandwichEDWARD MONTAGU, first earl of SANDWICH distinguished naval commander who died by drowning when his ship caught fire while fighting the Dutch, Date: 1625 - 1672
Joh. And. RatthwardJOHANN ANDREAS RATTHWARD German gent, but we can t tell you anything more about him. Date: 1625 - 1667
Camillo ProcacciniCAMILLO PROCACCINI Italian artist brother, presumably, of Giulio Cesare Procaccini. Date: 1540 - 1625
Paul Potter - 2PAUL POTTER Dutch painter of rustic subjects like cows in meadows, as shown in this painting entitled The studio of Paul Potter. Date: 1625 - 1654
Paul Potter - 1PAUL POTTER Dutch painter of rustic subjects like cows in meadows... Date: 1625 - 1654
Johannes PiscatorJOHANNES FISCHER, known as PISCATOR (latin for Fisher) German philologist Date: 1546 - 1625
18th Earl OxfordHENRY DE VERE, eighteenth earl of OXFORD military commander Date: 1593 - 1625
Johann Von ObentrautJOHANN MICHAEL von OBENTRAUT German soldier and statesman Date: 1574 - 1625
Marie LA MeillerayeMARIE de COSSE (or Coiffier) duchesse de LA MEILLERAYE first wife of Charles, duc. Date: CIRCA 1625
Heinrich MaybaumHEINRICH MAYBAUM German poet and historian Date: 1555 - 1625
Gianbattista Marini - 1GIANBATTISTA MARINI Italian writer, crowned with a laurel wreath. Date: 1569 - 1625
Francisco Duque LermaFRANCISCO GOMEZ DE SANDOVAL Y ROJAS, duque di LERMA Spanish statesman Date: 1552 - 1625
Rombout Van HogerbeetsROMBOUT VAN HOGERBEETS Dutch statesman of Leyden Date: 1562 - 1625