Leonardo da Vinci, Italian painter and polymath, 1452-1519
Leonardo da Vinci, Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who was active as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect, 1452-1519. Lionardo da Vinci Florent
Leon Battista Alberti, Italian humanist author, 1404-1472
Leon Battista Alberti, Italian Renaissance humanist author, artist, architect, poet, priest, linguist, philosopher, and cryptographer, 1404-1472. Giovann Battista Alberti Florentin
Military weapons, France and Germany, 15th century. Scimitar, stirrup, battle axe, battle hammer, dagger, poignard, sabre, buckler, shield, club, etc. Armes diverses, No
Swiss male costumes from La Danse des Morts, 15th century
Swiss male costumes, 15th century. Nobleman, abbot, herald, cardinal, canon and bishop. Homme noble, l'abbe, le heraut-d'armes, le cardinal, le chanoine, l'eveque. Suisse, XVe siecle
French costumes from La Danse Macabre, 15th century
French costumes, 15th century. Gaoler, minstrel, fool, bourgeois, beggar, pilgrim and shepherd. Geolier, menestrel, fou, bourgeois, mendiant, pelerin, berger. XVe siecle