Map of St Pauls and areaMap of St. Pauls area, from Agass plan
Minoan art. Crete. Prince of the Lilies. Dated circa 1550 BC. Brings the Minoan belt and headdress made A?a?A?a?of lilies and peacock feathers. Fresco from the palace of Knossos
Teresa Meets Child JesusThough mostly Teresa met Jesus as an adult, on one occasion she was privileged to meet him as a child - the scene depicted in this window
Lady Plays Lute at KnoleAn aristocratic lady plays her lute in a room at Knole, Kent
Gervase BabingtonGERVASE BABINGTON Bishop of Worcester &c Date: 1550 - 1610
John Of God, Saint (1495-1550). Portuguese religious man, founder of the ador de la Order of Charity or of Hospitallers (Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God)
Alonso Perez de Guman, 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia (1550-1615). Grandee of Spain, a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece since 1581. Commander-in-chief of the Spanish Armada. Engraving. Portrait
Guillemette and the WolfA wolf carries young Guillemette to meet its master, Satan : in the forest, it becomes an old hag, who presents the girl to the Devil, assuring him she will serve him all her life
St Camillo De LellisSAINT CAMILLO DE LELLIS Patron saint of the sick
North Walsham, Norfolk: the Market Cross (1550)
Children Playing, KnoleChildren playing games in the Long Gallery at Knole, Kent
Mock suns in the ArcticMock suns (parhelia) observed by Dutch polar bear hunters in the Arctic. Date: circa 1550
TRIUMPH OF DEATHKings and popes, warriors and women with their children - Death remorselessly drives his ox-drawn chariot over us all.. Date: circa 1550
Missionary Francis Xavier in JapanFrancis Xavier brings a dead man to life Date: circa 1550
Brass rubbing, Adrian, grandson of Bartholomew RoelandMonumental brass rubbing, Adrian, grandson of Bartholomew Roeland, Breda, Holland. 1550
General scene at Athelhampton, Dorset. People enjoying each others company. In the background two friends amuse themselves with their swords. Date: Circa 1550
ST JOHN OF GODSAINT JOHN OF GOD bestowing charity on the poor. Below, view of Lisbon. Date: 1495 - 1550
Flute - Viol 1550Two English musicians playing the flute and viol Date: circa 1550
Two Musicians 1550Two musicians play a duet Date: circa 1550
MAP / EASTERN EUROPE 1550A detailed map of Eastern Europe, showing the major regions, cities, rivers and lakes. The map stretches from Constantinople in the East to Strasbourg in the West. Date: 1550
Defensive Galleons 1550Spanish galleons attempt to ward off rivals for the New World Date: circa 1550
HUNGRY SEA MONSTERA sea-monster grabs a victim from the shore, while his cowardly companion runs away instead of tackling the brute Date: 1550
Statue of Ptah. Egyptian GodEgypt. Statue of God Ptah. New Kingdom. XVIII-XX Dynasty. 1550-1070 BC. Egyptian Museum of Turin. Italy
MET DE BLES, Henri. Copper minesMET DE BLES, Henri (1480-1550). Landscape with coppper mines. Detail of the foundry. 16th century. Renaissance art. Oil on wood. CZECH Rep.. Prague. National Gallery in Prague
Georg PentzGEORG PENTZ German artist and engraver Date: 1500 - 1550
Giulia FarneseGIULIA FARNESE wife of Vicino Orsini, duca di Bomarzo, noted for his gardens, and mistress of pope Alessandro VI
Queen Ahmes-Merytamun. EgyptLimestone bust of Queen Ahmes-Merytamun, wife of Amenhotep I. Depicted with Hathor-wig. 1550 BC. New Kingdom. 18th Dynasty. From the temple of Karnak. Thebes. British Museum. London. United Kingdom
Busts of ancestors. EgyptBusts of ancestors. First, polychromed limestone bust, from Thebes. At background, limestone bust of unknown origin. Both dated from 1300-1150 BC
MET DE BLES, Henri (1480-1550). Landscape with coppper mines. Detail of the foundry. 16th century. Renaissance art. Oil on wood. CZECH Rep.. Prague. National Gallery in Prague
Henry SmithHENRY SMITH of Withcote, puritan preacher known as the silver-tongued, lecturer at St Clement s. Date: 1550 - 1591
Map of Europe, 1550Europe, as conceived in 1550
Hendrik BlesHENDRIK BLES Dutch artist
Andrea AlciatiANDREA ALCIATI Italian jurist
Women dialog by Cristobal de Castillejo (ca. 1490-1550). EngrCristobal de Castillejo (ca.1490-1550). Spanish monk and poet. Women dialog. Engraving depicting a gossiper. Printed in Barcelona, 1600. Colored
Tombstone with family Mijnden Van Amstel. Holland. 1550. Museum Catharijneconvent. Utrecht. The Renaissance
Curved swords. From Rorby, Zealand. C. 1550 BC. Bronze AgeCurved swords sacrificed in a bog. C. 1550 BC. Bronze Age. Made in Scandinavia. From Rorby, western Zealand. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen. Denmark
Hippopotamus. Egyptian faience. EgyptRoaring hippopotamus. Egyptian faience. Origin unknown. 12th-17th Dynasties. C. 1990-1550 BC. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Copenhagen, Denmark
Turkish cavalry armour. 1550. Iron and leather. Turban helmet neck protector (iron, gold, silver and damascene). 1450-1475. From Iran. Saber from Persia, 1600. German Historical Museum. Berlin
Terracottas female figure. EgyptTerracottas female figure. Sculpted with an elaborate hairstyle, a necklace and incised points around the navel and buttocks as a tattoo
Ferdinand Gonzaga SeniorFERDINAND GONZAGA (ELDER) Italian ruler of Mantova, viceroy of Sicily. (dates uncertain) Date: CIRCA 1550
Veronica GambaraVERONICA GAMBARA Italian poet from Brescia : widowed at an early age, she divided her time between the writing of poetry and the education of her children. Date: 1485 - 1550
Marcantonio Flaminio 1MARCANTONIO FLAMINIO Italian poet, writing in Latin Date: 1498 - 1550
Marcantonio Flaminio 2MARCANTONIO FLAMINIO Italian poet, writing in Latin Date: 1498 - 1550
Johannes DrusiusJOHANNES DRUSIUS Flemish scholar, professor of language. Date: 1550 - 1616
Cesare CremoniniCESARE CREMONINI Italian philosopher Date: 1550 - 1631
Guillaume De BearreGUILLAUME, comte de BEARRE et de BRANTOME A fine portrait of this French noble - but we can find out nothing about him whatsoever. Date: 1550 - ?
Baccio or Bartolommeo BandinelliBACCIO or BARTOLOMMEO BANDINELLI (1493 - 1560) Florentine sculptor and painter of historical subjects. Date: circa 1550
Henry Hastings (110)HENRY HASTINGS second son of the Earl of Huntingdon, noted animal lover but also keen hunter till in his 80s : his eyesight perfect to the end of his days. Date: 1550 - 1650
Gervase Babington (Bry)GERVASE BABINGTON bishop, writer Date: 1550 - 1610
Guise (Triqueti - Mono)HENRI DE GUISE LE BALAFRE French Catholic leader Date: 1550 - 1588
Andrea Alciati / DellarocaANDREA ALCIATI Italian jurist and restorer of Roman Law Date: 1492 - 1550
Andrea Alciati / MaffeisANDREA ALCIATI Italian jurist and restorer of Roman Law Date: 1492 - 1550
Andrea Alciati / De BrijANDREA ALCIATI Italian jurist and restorer of Roman Law Date: 1492 - 1550
Charles IX (Thevet)CHARLES IX, roi de France, Date: 1550 - 1574
Claude De Lorraine / GuiseCLAUDE DE LORRAINE, premier duc de GUISE French soldier and statesman, grandfather of Mary Queen of Scots : first in dynasty of prominent Catholic leaders. Date: 1496 - 1550
John Bale (1495-1563), Bishop of Ossory, scholar and writer. English prelate (divine) and author of controversial works about the Protestant cause
Nicolas KratzerNICOLAS KRATZER Bavarian born mathematician and astronomer in England Date: 1487 - 1550
Hippopotamus 1550Early depiction of a hippopotamus. Date: 1550
John Napier (Stewart)JOHN NAPIER Laird of Merchiston Scottish mathematician, inventor of logarithms Date: 1550-1617
Edward VI & LatimerEdward VI listens to the preaching of Hugh Latimer, bishop of Worcester, at Westminster, but his successor, Mary, will have him burnt for heresy Date: circa 1550
London / Royal ExchangeThe courtyard of the 1st Royal Exchange. Date: Circa 1550
Reconstruction of village and Brazilian dance for Henry II and Catherine de Medici during his triumphal entry into Rouen, on October 1, 1550. Early Modern Era. Engraving. FRANCE. HAUTE-NORMANDIE
Figure of Woman next to an Oven. ca. 1550 BC - 1100 BC. Mycenaean art. Terra-cotta. FRANCE. ALSACE. BAS-RHIN. Strasbourg. Archaeological Museum. Proc: GREECE. PELOPONNESE. ARCADIA. Mycenae
Ms Y 28. Relation de l entr饠de Henri II, roiMs Y 28. Relation de l entr饠 de Henri II, roi de France, ࠒ ouen, le 1er octobre 1550. (Story of the entry of Henry II, King of France, in Rouen, on October 1, 1550). Folio 70. Detail
CATHERINE de Medicis (1519-1589). Queen of France (1547-1559), wife of Henry II. The astrologer Cosimo Ruggeri, or possibly Nostradamus
ESPINEL, Vicente (1550-1624). Spanish musician and classic poet. Engraving
HOGENBERG, Franz (1535-1590). Wars of Religion in France. Conference of Poissy from 9 to September 26, 1561. Theological debate among Catholic prelates
Egyptian ship. RowersEGYPT. Dayr al-Bahri. Valley of the Kings. Egyptian ship. Rowers and helmsman. Decoration of Sennefers hypogeum at Theban necropolis (TT96). Dynasty XVIII (1550-1292 BC). Egyptian art. New Kingdom
Paris, France - College Louis-le-Grand. Date: circa 1789
Willem De BeukelszoonEmperor Carl V visits the grave of Willem Beukelszoon, a fisherman of Biervlet, who discovered how to preserve herrings by leaving the pancreas inside the fish. Date: circa 1550
Fontainebleau InterThe Galerie de Henri II, early 16th century Date: circa 1550
John Wight - 2JOHN WIGHT printer Date: circa 1550
John Wight - 3JOHN WIGHT printer Date: circa 1550
Giovanni TrissinoGIOVANNI GIORGIO TRISSINO Italian scholar and poet Date: 1478 - 1550
Francesco SfondratiFRANCESCO SFONDRATI Italian churchman, cardinal from Cremona Date: 1493 - 1550
Hendrik Van SteenwyckHENDRIK VAN STEENWYCK Flemish artist Date: 1550 - 1604
Jan SadelerJAN SADELER Flemish artist from Brussels Date: 1550 - 1600
Home of Hans SachsThe home of HANS SACHS, shoemaker and poet, at Nurnberg. Date: circa 1550
Richard RogersRICHARD ROGERS Protestant churchman, theologian at Cambridge. Date: 1550 - 1618
Giulio Pacio De BerigaGIULIO PACIO DE BERIGA Italian jurist Date: 1550 - 1635
James Earl MarlboroughJAMES LEY, earl of MARLBOROUGH Justice of the Kings Bench. Date: 1550 - 1629
John Jegon, BishopJOHN JEGON English churchman, bishop of Norwich Date: 1550 - 1618
Egidius HunniusEGIDIUS HUNNIUS Controversial German protestant churchman who supported the views of Luther but not those of Calvin. Date: 1550 - 1603