Aztecs Warriors 1521Despite the loss of the Fort of Xoloc and the raising to the ground of the Old Palace at Tenochtitlan, the exhausted Aztecs fight furiously on
Reconstruction of the Templo Mayor complex in the city of Mexico-Tenochtitlan, founded in 1325
Spaniards Mass, MexicoAfter their conquest of Mexico, the Spaniards celebrate Mass, giving thanks to God for giving them the victory
Bell X-22AThe Second Prototype X-22A V/Stol Ducted-Fan Experimental Aircraft Flying in 1967 Date: 1967
Spain, Galicia, Santiago de Compostela. Cathedral of Santiago. Mondragon Chapel or Chapel of Piety. Built between 1521 and 1526 by Jacome Garcia
MAGELLANFernao de Magalhaes dies at the hands of Philippine natives, after making an alliance with a treacherous native chieftain Date: 27 April 1521
Frau Jobst Planckfelt by Durer - report in ILNPage from The Illustrated London News reporting on a rare oil painting by Albrecht Durer of Frau Jobst Planckfelt of Antwerp, mentioned in his diary of 1521
Spanish attack Aztec fleet on Lake TexcocoPart of the seige of Tenochtitlan by Cortes and the Tlaxcala army, the Spanish ships are vastly outmatching the Aztec war canoes, both in size and the technology
LUTHER AT DIET OF WORMSAt the Diet of Worms, Luther defends his opinions before the emperor and an assembly of notables from church and state; proscribed, he goes into protective hiding Date: 13- 17 April 1521
Magellans Kiosk, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines. It contains Magellans Cross, brought by the Portuguese explorer in 1521. Date: circa 1925
Xochipilli. Mexica deity of love, games, beauty, dance, flowers, maize, pleasure, arts and songs. Postclassic period (1325-1521). Aztec art. Sculpture on rock. MEXICO. FEDERAL DISTRICT. Mexico City
Johannes WolfJOHANNES WOLF Swiss churchman and theologian Date: 1521 - 1571
Pedro ValderamaPEDRO VALDERAMA - Spanish missionary in the Philippines, where he baptised queen Juana and several hundreds of her subjects, thus bringing the true religion to the region. Date: circa 1521
The Diet of Worms, 1521. The Emperor Charles V presiding. CoThe Diet of Worms, 1521. Imperial diet of the Holy Roman Empire. It is most memorable for the Edict of Worms which addressed Martin Luther and the effects of the Protestant Reformation
MAGELLANOne of the five vessels of his fleet, the caravel Victoria Date: 1519 - 1521
Guillaume de Croy, Lord of ChievresGuillaume de Croy (William II de Croy, Lord of Chievres (1458 - 1521), 1st count of Beaumont, 1st Marquess of Aarschot, Lord of Temse, chief tutor and First Chamberlain to Charles V
Luther at the WartburgDisguised as Junker Georg, bearded and without a tonsure, he hides from the Church and starts to translate the Bible into German
Magellan and his CrewFERDINAND MAGELLAN consults with his navigators whether to attempt to pass through what we now know as the Straits of Magellan, 21 October 1520
Finding of the body of Saint Thomas in IndiaThe Portuguese in India find the body of Saint Thomas at Meliapur (near Madras) and take it to Goa
Ferdinand MagellanFERDINAND MAGELLAN (Fernando Magallanes) Portuguese navigator
Parchment. Drawing city Barcelona and Port of city. 1521. SpParchment. Drawing city Barcelona with twon of Sants, Pedralbes, Creu Coberta, Montjuic and Port of city. 1521. Realized by Nicolau Credenca, son. Capitular Archive. Barcelona. Spain
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564). The Cristo della Minerva, also known as Christ the Redeemer or Christ Carrying the Cross. Marble sculpture, 1521. Located to the left of the main altar
Valentinus ErythraeusVALENTINUS ERYTHRAEUS German philologist Date: 1521 - 1576
Rudolph AgricolaRUDOLPH AGRICOLA German humanist, professor at Heidelberg. Date: 1491 - 1521
Martin Luther concealed in WartburgExcommunicated by the pope, Luther is concealed for safety by Friedrich von Sachsen in a castle at Wartburg where he translates the New Testament Date: 1521
Portrait of Magalhaes. Spanish anonymousMAGELLAND, Ferdinand (1480-1521). Portuguese navigator and discoverer. Oil on canvas
Pontus De ThiardPONTUS DE THIARD French poet Date: 1521 - 1605
Sebastian OchsenkuhnSEBASTIAN OCHSENKUHN German musician, playing a lute. Date: 1521 - 1574
Avions Max Holste MH-1521 Broussard F-WGIUAvions Max Holste MH-1521 Broussard, F-WGIU
CARON, Antoine (1521-1599). The Massacre of the Triumvirate. First triumvirate. The fights for the power that confront Pompeius
Silver piece of John III of Portugal (1521). Obverse. Coin
Luther at WormsLUTHER is condemned at the Diet of Worms Date: 1521
Piero Di CosimoPIERO DI COSIMO Florentine artist
Ulrich ZasiusULRICH ZASIUS German jurist
POPE LEO X (Giovanni di Medici)
LUTHER KIDNAPPEDCondemned as a heretic by the Church, he is kidnapped by sympathisers and taken to a safe house, the Wartburg, under the protection of the Elector of Saxony
Peter CanisiusPETER CANISIUS Dutch Jesuit and educator
Lincolns Inn GateChancery Lane : one of the principal entries to Lincolns Inn
Guillaume De Croy / LarmesGUILLAUME DE CROY Flemish military
Philippe De MontePHILIPPE DE MONTE Flemish musician, wrote masses and motets, visited Austria and England
Sebastian Brant (De BrijSEBASTIAN BRANT German humanist
PONCE DE LEON / 1460-1521JUAN PONCE DE LEON Spanish explorer. Went to America with Columbus second voyage. Founded San Juan and discovered Florida
Luther Travels to WormsThreatened with excommunication by the pope, Luther travels to Worms where he will be condemned as a heretic for refusing to retract his views
Luther TranslatingMARTIN LUTHER depicted while translating the Bible, during his seclusion at the Wartburg : the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, inspires his labour
Luther at Diet of WormsAt the Diet of Worms, Luther defends his opinions before the emperor and an assembly of notables from church and state; proscribed, he goes into protective hiding
Luther FestivalA bible stand at the Luther Festival at Worms (scene of his defiant stand before emperor Carl V at the Diet of Worms, 1521)
Luther - Wartburg ChapelLuthers chapel in the castle of the Wartburg where he was taken for safety in 1521 by the elector of Sachsen (Saxony)
Luther, Wartburg DoorThe doorway into Das Lutherzelle, his study in the castle of the Wartburg where he was taken for safety in 1521 by the elector of Sachsen (Saxony)
Luther, Wartburg StudyDas Lutherzelle : his study in the castle of the Wartburg where he was taken for safety in 1521 by the elector of Sachsen (Saxony). He stayed there for ten months
Luther, Wartburg RoomLUTHERs room in the castle of the Wartburg where he was taken for safety in 1521 by the elector of Sachsen (Saxony). He stayed there for ten months
Luther and Karl VMARTIN LUTHER defends his views at the Diet of Worms, before the (Catholic) emperor Karl V. Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders, Gott helfe mir
Magellan in BorneoMagelhaes visits the king of Sebu, Borneo
MAGELLAN (1480 - 1521)FERDINAND MAGELLAN Portuguese navigator depicted allegorically during his voyage to South America
Cortes on Mexican LakeCortes brigantines rout the Aztec vessels on Mexico lake
Baptism of Humabon in the PhilippinesHumabon, King of Cebu in the Philippines, is baptised when Magelhaes (Magellan) visits his island