The Garden of Earthly Delights. Left side of the central panBosch, Hieronymus Van Aeken, called (1450-1516). The Garden of Earthly Delights. Left side of the central panel
Cabbala Tree of LifeTHE TREE OF LIFE of the Jewish Caballa (variously spelt). An old Israelite holds in his hand the SEPHIROTIC TREE; an arrangement of ten sephirot and twenty-two letters
Mary Tudor / EgletonMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England, in a somewhat idealised, Victorian depiction
The Transfiguration of Christ, 1516-1520, by Raphael (1483-1Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino) (1483-1520). Italian painter. The Transfiguration of Christ, 1516-1520. Pinacoteca Vaticana. Vatican City
Sultan Selim I conquering EgyptSultan Selim I, nicknamed Yavuz " the Stern", " the Steadfast" or " the Grim" (1465?-1520) - Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1512 to 1520
The Garden of Earthly Delights. Central panel of the triptycBosch, Hieronymus Van Aeken, called (1450-1516). The Garden of Earthly Delights. Central panel of the triptych
Edwin Sandys, ArchbishopEDWIN SANDYS Archbishop of York Date: 1516 - 1588
Birth of AntichristThe birth of Antichrist Date: 1516
Sheffield Manor Lodge, also known as Sheffield Manor or locally as Manor Castle, is a lodge built about 1516 in what then was a large deer park southeast of Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
TOMB/FERNANDO & ISABELAThe tombs of Fernando V of Spain (died 1516) and his wife Isabela (died 1504) Date: 1516/1504
Sultan Selim the Grim at The Battle of Marj Dabiq in 1516 (or 932 of the Islamic Calendar). The battle was part of the OttomanMamluk War (151617) between the Ottoman Empire and the Mamluk Sultanate
The Garden of Earthly Delights. Right panel of the triptychBosch, Hieronymus Van Aeken, called (1450-1516). The Garden of Earthly Delights. Right panel of the triptych
Ludovico Ariosto (1474 1533) Italian poet. Orlando FurioLudovico Ariosto (1474 1533) was an Italian poet. He is best known as the author of the romance epic Orlando Furioso (1516). Book cover Orlando Furioso, edited in Lyon (Lugdunum), 1556
Doble Excelente (Double Excellent) coined in Seville. 1480. Obverse of gold coin with the representation of the Catholic Monarchs. Coin
CATHERINE of Aragon (1485-1536). Queen of England (1509-1536), first wife of Henry VIII (1509).; Isabella I the Catholic (1451-1504)
The Garden of Earthly DelightsBosch, Hieronymus Van Aeken, called (1450-1516). The Garden of Earthly Delights. Central panel of the triptych
Hieronymus WolfHIERONYMUS WOLF German humanist Date: 1516 - 1580
King Henry VIII with three children and jesterKing Henry VIII with his three children, Edward (VI), Mary (I) and Elizabeth (I), with the court jester Will Sommers lurking in the background. Date: 1491 - 1547
The Flight to Egypt illumination from Book of HoursEarly Book of Hours printed in Paris for Germain Hardouyn: Heures, a l usage de Paris tout au long sans rien requerir, with printed text and images and ornaments illuminated by hand
The Angel appears to the Shepherds Book of HoursEarly Book of Hours printed in Paris for Germain Hardouyn: Heures, a l usage de Paris tout au long sans rien requerir, with printed text and images and ornaments illuminated by hand
The Annunciation illustration: Parisian Book of HoursEarly Book of Hours printed in Paris for Germain Hardouyn: Heures, a l usage de Paris tout au long sans rien requerir, with printed text and images and ornaments illuminated by hand
A Glenariff Fall, W. G. 1516A Glenariff Fall, W.G. 1516 - a view of a waterfall. (Location: Northern Ireland: County Antrim: Glenariff). Date: circa early 1900s
Utopia, 1516, by Thomas More (1478-1535). Tittle cover. FrenThomas More (1478-1535). English politician and humanist. Utopia, 1516. Tittle cover. French edition. Printed in Amsterdam by Jean Blaeu, 1642. Colored engraving
Pierre Gaultier-ChabatPIERRE GAULTIER-CHABAT French philologist Date: 1516 - 1597
Nicolaus GallusNICOLAUS GALLUS German Lutheran churchman and theologian Date: 1516 - 1570
John Foxe - 3JOHN FOXE English protestant churchman and martyrologist, accompanied with appropriately lugubrious embellishments. Date: 1516 - 1587
John Foxe - 2JOHN FOXE English protestant churchman and martyrologist. Date: 1516 - 1587
Hartmann BeyerHARTMANN BEYER German scholar and theologian. Date: 1516 - 1577
Carl V / Hre / Anon C1600CARL V / KARL V Holy Roman Emperor (1519-56), and King of Spain as Charles I (1516-56) Date: 1500 - 1558
Conrad GesnerCONRAD GESNER The inventor of the lead pencil, was also a naturalist and noted scholar on Greek, Latin and the sciences. Date: 1516 - 1565
Hans Jakob Fugger / FurHANS JAKOB FUGGER Member of the famous German family of financiers and merchants. Bavarian chancellor; art patron and family chronicler. Date: 1516 - 1575
GESNER (1516 - 1565)CONRAD GESNER Swiss naturalist, medic, scholar, bibliographer and writer on Greek and Latin, zoology, the sciences and mountaineering. Date: 1516 - 1565
James Hamilton, 2nd Earl of Arran, Duke of Chatellerault, Scottish nobleman and heir presumptive to the Scottish throne. Date: c1516 - 1575
COLONIA, Francisco de ( -1542). PellejerdoorCOLONIA, Francisco de ( -1542). Pellejeric door. 1516. SPAIN. Burgos. Cathedral of St. Mary. Tribute of the bishop to the Virgin. Gothic art. Relief
BELLINI, Giovanni (1430-1516). Crucifixion. ca. 1455. Renaissance art. Quattrocento. Venetian school. Tempera on wood. ITALY. VENETO. Venice. Museo Correr. Proc: ITALY. VENETO. VENICE. Venice
GESSNER, Conrad (1516-1565). Swiss naturalist and bibliographer. His five-volume Historiae animalium is considered the beginning of modern zoology
CHARLES V (1500-1558). Holy Roman Emperor (1519-1556) and King of Spain (1516-1556), as Charles I. Anonymous author. Charles the Fifth. 16th c. Oil on wood. FRANCE. PICARDY. OISE. Chantilly
Battista Mantuan Spagnoli - Italian Latin Poet Date: 1444-1516
Hieronymus Zanchi - 2HIERONYMUS ZANCHI (Zanchius) Italian- German churchman and reformer Date: 1516 - 1590
Hieronymus Zanchi - 1HIERONYMUS ZANCHI (Zanchius) Italian- German churchman and reformer Date: 1516 - 1590
Johannes TritheimJOHANNES TRITHEIM (TRITHEMIUS) German humanist abbot Date: 1462 - 1516
Giovanni SpagnolaGIOVANNI BATTISTA MANTUANUS CARMELITA SPAGNOLA - Italian churchman from Mantova, general of the Carmelites, also a poet (writing in Latin) depicted crowned with laurels. Date: 1444 - 1516
Francesco RobortelloFRANCESCO ROBORTELLO Italian philologist Date: 1516 - 1567
Modestinus PistorisMODESTINUS PISTORIS German jurist Date: 1516 - 1565
Amsterdam, Montelbaanstoren, The NetherlandsThe Montelbaanstoren - a tower on bank of the Oudeschans Canal in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Date: circa 1920s
BELLINI, Giovanni (1430-1516). Pieta. Christ hold by the Virgin and Saint John. Renaissance art. Quattrocento
FERDINAND II the Catholic (1452-1516). King of Aragon (1479-1516) and Castile (1474-1504). Illustration from the book Ritratti
Isabella I the Catholic (1451-1504); FERDINAND II the Catholic (1452-1516); Catholic Monarchs (15-16th century). Queen of
Catholic Monarchs (15-16th century). Isabella I of Castile (1451-1504) and Ferdinand II of Aragon (1452-1516). Wedding of the Catholic
GESSNER, Conrad (1516-1565). Swiss lecturer of medicine and philosophy in the School of Tiguriana. Historiae Animalium
ARIOSTO, Ludovico (1474-1533). Italian Renaissance poet. Orlando Furioso. Canto one. Edition made in Ferrara (1516)
The paradise, the purgatory and the hell
The Ship of FoolsBosch, Hieronymus Van Aeken, called (1450-1516). The Ship of Fools. Flemish art. Oil on wood
The Hay CartBosch, Hieronymus Van Aeken, called (1450-1516). The Hay Cart. Central panel depicting an haywain. Work inspired
Thomas More / RyallSIR THOMAS MORE English statesman and author, well known for his opposition to Henry VIII and for his book Utopia (1516) Date: 1478 - 1535
German Emperor Charles VCARL V Holy Roman Emperor (1519-56) and King of Spain as Charles I (1516-56). The last Emperor crowned by a Pope (1530)
FABIANs CHRONICLE / 1516An author presents a copy of his book to his patron - illustration to Richard Pynsons Fabians Chronicle (1516) - but this is not Fabian
Mary I of EnglandMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England, reigned 1553-1558
Queen Mary IMARY TUDOR queen of England, wife of Felipe II of Spain. Date: 1516 - 1558
FOXE (1516 - 1587)JOHN FOXE - English martyrologist and priest
Cannibalism of North AmericaFranciscans eaten by the Caribs of North America
Heidenberg / TrithemiusJOHANNES HEIDENBERG known as JOHANNES TRITHEIM or TRITHEMIUS German abbot and historian
Mary Tudor / MiniatureMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England
Mary Tudor / Jules DavidMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England
Mary Tudor / HerbertMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England
Mary Tudor / VertueMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England
Mary Tudor / Roberts / WaleMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England in full regalia
Mary Tudor / Rogers / VertueMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England
Mary Tudor / KellyMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England, with courtiers guarding her below
Mary Tudor / BenoistMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England
Mary Tudor / Oval EngMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England
Mary Tudor / RyallMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England
Mary Tudor / HallMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England as Princess Mary, daughter of Henry VIII
Mary Tudor / Felipe IIMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England, with her husband Philip II of Spain
Mary Tudor / VanderbanckMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England
Mary Tudor / ChapmanMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England
Mary Tudor / KilianMARY TUDOR Catholic Queen of England, with a scene from her coronation
Mary Tudor / GreatbatchMARY TUDOR Queen of England
Mary Tudor / Wills CigMARY TUDOR Queen of England
Fernando Ii / De LorguesKING FERDINAND II OF SPAIN Ruled with his wife Isabella I
Ariosto / Title PageAriosto/Title Page
Luther Sent to MeissenMARTIN LUTHER is sent by Staupitz to the Augustinian monastery at Meissen, in Thuringen
Mary 1 QueenMARY TUDOR wife of Felipe II of Spain, somewhat bloody-minded when it came to matters of religion, with her autograph
Mary Tudor / BrownMARY TUDOR QUEEN OF ENGLAND Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon