Vasco da Gama in IndiaPortuguese Colonial History Series - Vasco da Gama has an audience with The King of Calicut (Kozhikode), the Samudiri (Zamorin) in May 1498
Italian Friar and Preacher Girolamo SavonarolaGirolamo Maria Francesco Matteo Savonarola- Italian Dominican reformer and martyr Date: circa 1470s
Vasco di Gamas Fort, built 1498. The lady dressed in a Leso is carrying a kerosene tin of water on her head. This is the regular method of water supply in Zanzibar. 1935
Vasco Da Gama at CalicutVASCO DA GAMA received by ZAMORIN, ruler of Calicut
Anne of Brittany (1477-1514). Duchess of Brittany and Queen consort of France (1491-1498, 1499-1514). She died on 8 January 1514 at the Chateau de Blois
Anne of Brittany (1477-1514). Duchess of Brittany and Queen consort of France (1491-1498, 1499-1514)
Alcala de Henares. University or College of San IldefonsoSpain, Communisty of Madrid, Alcala de Henares. University or College of San Ildefonso (Old University). Founded by Cardinal Cisneros in 1498
SAMPIERO CORSO Corsican soldier Date: 1498 - 1567
DURER / SELF / HOLLAR / 1498ALBRECHT DURER German artist and engraver, with a landscape in the background Date: 1471 - 1528
The Colossus of Rhodes. Engraving by Philip Galle (1537-1612Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Colossus of Rhodes. Engraving by Philip Galle (1537-1612) after Martin van Heemskerck (1498-1574). 16th century. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Kansas City
Prayer of the Garden (1498-1500) by Sandro Botticelli (1445Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510). Italian painter. Prayer of the Garden (1498-1500). Royal Chapel. Granada. Spain
Vasco da Gama erects a column in MozambiquePortuguese Colonial History Series - Vasco da Gama erects a column in Mozambique during his sea voyage to India -1498. Date: 1498
Lighthouse of Alexandria. Engraving by Philip Galle (1537-16Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Lighthouse of Alexandria. Engraving by Philip Galle (1537-1612) after Martin van Heemskerck (1498-1574). 16th century. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Charles VIII being presented with a Book. Miniature from The Great Chronicles of France, 15th century. Gothic art. Miniature Painting. ITALY. PIEDMONT. Turin. National Library of the Turin University
CATHERINE of Aragon (1485-1536). Queen of England (1509-1536), first wife of Henry VIII (1509).; Isabella I the Catholic (1451-1504)
DURER, Albrecht. The Apocalypse of St. JohnDURER, Albrecht (1471-1528). Apocalypse of St. John. 1496-1498. The Angel shuts again the Evil in Hell. Detail. Flemish art. Xylography. ITALY. VENETO. Venice. Correr Museum Library
Vasco Da Gama and KingVASCO DA GAMA On his return to Portugal, he is honoured by a visit from king Manoel I
Domenico GhirlandaioDOMENICO GHIRLANDAIO Italian artist from Florence Date: 1449 - 1498
Marcantonio Flaminio 1MARCANTONIO FLAMINIO Italian poet, writing in Latin Date: 1498 - 1550
Marcantonio Flaminio 2MARCANTONIO FLAMINIO Italian poet, writing in Latin Date: 1498 - 1550
Giov. Battista GelliGIOVANNI BATTISTA GELLI Italian writer and moralist Date: 1498 - 1563
Charles Viii / France / AnonCHARLES VIII (known as The Affable ) King of France 1483-1498, son of Louis XI Date: 1470 - 1498
Siege of a city. Illustration in the Roman d Ogier le Danois (Romance of Ogier the Dane), printed in Paris by Antoine V鲡 rd (1498). Gothic art. Miniature Painting. ITALY. PIEDMONT. Turin
CHARLES VIII of France (1470-1498). French king from the Valois dynasty (1483 - 1498). Marriage of Charles VIII to Anne of Brittany at Langeais, France, 2 December 1491
Pier Paolo VergerioPIER PAOLO VERGERIO Italian jurist, antiquary, bishop, protestant convert etc Do not confuse with the historian of the same name Date: 1498 - 1565
Alessandro MorettoALESSANDRO BUONVICINO, known as IL MORETTO Italian artist from Brescia Date: 1498? - 1554
Giulio Pomponio LetoGIULIO POMPONIO LETO Italian scholar Date: 1425 - 1498
POLLAIOLO, Antonio Benci, called Antonio del (1431-1498). Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza. During the 15th century
TORQUEMADA, Fray Toms de (1420-1498). Litography
Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-1498)
Johannes Brenz, ChurchJOHANNES BRENZ (Brentius) German Lutheran churchman. Date: 1498 - 1570
Luther at EisenachAs a young boy, Martin is an object of commiseration by a well-to-do lady of Eisenach Date: 1498
Louis XII & MinistersSucceeding his father Charles VIII, Louis XII shows what a considerate fellow he is by forgiving his fathers ministers their sins and shortcomings
Cannanore, India(or Kananur) Seaport on Malabar coast, SW India, visited by Vasco da Gama 1498, Portuguese fort built here in 1505
Savonarola SupportedTo begin with, Savonarolas attempts to impose reform on his fellow-citizens is widely supported : a procession of children passes through the streets to set an example
Charles Viii / ChasselatCHARLES VIII (known as The Affable ) King of France 1483-1498, son of Louis XI
Crucifixion WqoodcutA soldier pierces Jesuss side to put him out of his torment while his two fellow-crucifees writhe in agony : illustration in Wynkyn de Wordes 1498 printing of the Golden Legend
Jeanne De ValoisJEANNE DE VALOIS 1st queen of Louis XII, daughter of Louis XI, marriage annulled 1498, became nun and saint
Eleonore D autricheELEONORE D AUTRICHE (Eleanor of Austria) second wife of Francois I
Sacre of Louis XIILOUIS XII His sacre at Reims, 1498
Savonarola / Anon WoodcutGIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO SAVONAROLA Italian reformer, preaching to a large congregation
Savonarola / BoulonoisGirolamo Maria Francesco Savonarola Italian Reformer
Maerten Van Heemskerk / EsMAERTEN VAN HEEMSKERK Dutch painter
Giovanni Battista GelliGIOVANNI BATTISTA GELLI Italian poet and moralist
Ulrich / Wurttemberg / FurstULRICH, DUKE OF WURTTEMBERG reigned 1498-1550
Knight / DurerA knight
Lorgues / Usa Mainland MapA map showing the travels of Columbus off the American mainland
Reynard the Fox 1498Reynard the Fox (Reynke de Vos) with other animals
Le Morte D arthurKnights in battle on foot and horseback watched by a king and queen from the battlements of a city
Vasco Da GamaVASCO DA GAMA - Portuguese navigator who rounds Africa to reach Calicut, India, in May 1498, the first European to set foot in India
Antonio PollaiuoloANTONIO POLLAIUOLO Florentine artist
Savonarola / RacinetGIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO SAVONAROLA in his cell, from a painting by Fra Bartolomeo
Vasco Da Gama and CrewVASCO DA GAMA on his way to the East, he refuses his crews pleas to return to Portugal
CABOT (1450 - 1498)John Cabot, navigator
Girolamo Savonarola arrestedThe arrest of Girolamo Savonarola which led to his being burnt at the stake