Seventh Crusade (248-1254). Led by Louis IX of France (1214-1270). Conquest of Damietta. Disembarkation of the Crusaders at Damietta (Nile Delta) on 5 June 1249
Costume of a French Crusader knight, 1249. In chainmail hauberk, tunic with cross, with sword and helm. Armorial shield with cross and rampant lions. Chevalier Croise
Chance Vought F-8E Crusader 32Aeronavale - Chance Vought F-8E Crusader 32 (msn 1249), at Greenham Common for the international Air Tattoo on 29 June 1981. (Aeronavale - Aeronautique Navale - French Naval Aviation) Date: 1981
History of Crusades. Seventh Crusade. Siege of Damietta (June 7, 1249) by Louis IX of France (1226-1270). The city was taken with little resistance from the Egyptians. Miniature.15th century
Pietro GradenigoPIETRO GRADENIGO Doge of Venice 1289 - 1311
The Trial of the PyxThe first part of the proceedings of the Trial of the Pyx, held in the Board room of the Treasury; this ancient ceremony is connected with the Mint for testing the purity of its work. Date: 1870
King of Scotland Alexander II on HorsebackAlexander II King of Scotland on horseback Reigned 1214 - 1249 Date: circa 1220s
University CollegeThe Large Quadrangle of University College, Oxford, England, founded by William of Durham in 1249. Date: founded 1249
Enzio of SardiniaEnzio, king of Sardinia and a natural son of emperor Friedrich I, is imprisoned with his wife Adelasia by the Bolognese for more than 20 years
King Alexander II of Scotland (1198-1249) (reigned from 1214)
Sigfrid III Von EppsteinSIGFRID III VON EPPSTEIN Archbishop of Mainz (Mayence); flanked by the German kings Heinrich Raspe and Wilhelm of Holland
King Alexander III of Scotland (1241-1286) (reigned from 1249)