Genghis KhanGENGHIS KHAN (variously spelt) on his deathbed, he urges his sons to unite, showing how single arrows are easily broken, but four together are unbreakable
Genghis KhanGENGHIS KHAN (variously spelt) (orig. Temujin) Mongol Conqueror He is fatally shot during a campaign against the Tangut kingdom of Hsi Hsia
GENGIS KHAN (1162-1227). Emperor founder of the first Mongol Empire in 1206. Fol. 44v. Mongols tributing to Genghis Khan. Illustration of the first section with the history of the Mongols
bn Zuhr (ca. 1092-ca. 1162). Andalusi physicianIbn Zuhr (ca. 1092-ca. 1162). Andalusi physician, philosopher and poet born in Penaflor (Seville, Andalusia, Spain). Known in medieval Europe by the name of Avenzoar. Portrait
Gulfstream C-20F 91-0108United States Army - Gulfstream C-20F 91-0108 (msn 1162, ex-N478GA, G-IV) Date: circa 2000
FRENCH ATTACK ACRE 1162Between the 2nd/3rd Crusades a truce exists between Crusaders and Saracens, but a quarrel leads to an attack on Acre by Amaury I, king of Jerusalem, who dies fighting in 1173 Date: 1162
ORDER OF AVIS A knight of this Portuguese order, created in 1162 to oppose the infidel Moors currently invading the peninsula
Milan DestroyedThe emperor FRIEDRICH I invades Italy, takes Milano with great destruction of the city Date: 1162
Thomas a BecketTHOMAS A BECKET English prelate Archbishop of Canterbury 1162