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47 Fine Art Prints
Adverts Collection51 Fine Art Prints
Posters Collection33 Fine Art Prints
Posters of Aviation Collection9 Fine Art Prints
War Posters Collection61 Fine Art Prints
Normandie PosterPoster emphasising the great size of the French transatlantic liner at Le Havre - dwarfing even the New York skyline
Fireworks PosterBoy with an armful of fireworks
Advert / Pirelli TyresA striking advertisement for Pirelli tyres
Advert / Press Morning JPoster for the Morning Journal, New York - a modern newspaper at a modern price
Deserve Victory 1940Winston Churchill says we Deserve Victory
Beggars Opera PosterPoster for production at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith (London)
Art Exhibition GlasgowPoster for an exhibition at the Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts - a striking example of the characteristic style which makes this one of the most advanced schools of art
Ww1 Kitchener RecruitingKITCHENER POSTER Recruitment poster featuring Kitchener : " You are the man I want"
Puccini / TurandotPortrait of Princess Turandot
Advertisement for Patersons Camp Coffee, which is claimed to be the best
Barnum & Bailey PosterPoster for Barnum and Baileys Circus
Advert / Gaiety Girl 1896Poster for A Gaiety Girl
Forward! Enlist NowFORWARD ! Forward to victory - enlist now. A soldier charges on a black horse
Hats / Three Girls 1935Three girls of the Ginger Rogers era who use SNOWFIRE FACE POWDER
Advert / Exhib Pre-RaphaelShow of Pre-Raphaelite art at the Goupil Gallery, London : but the style of the poster is post-pre-Raphaelite even while paying homage to the pre- Raphaelite subject-matter
Le SillonPoster for Le Sillon, Belgium
Advert / Art Belgium 1897Poster for La Libre Esthetique, Brussels
Kitchener Poster C. 1915Your Country Needs You This direct and graphic recruitment poster featuring Lord Kitchener, aimed to command and inspire
Absinthe PosterAbsinthe Robette (Belgium)
Gillette Razor AdvertBegin early... shave yourself - the Gillette Safety Razor lives up to its name
Advert / Gay ParisiennePoster for The Gay Parisienne
Advert / Press Frou-FrouPoster for Le Frou-Frou, humorous magazine
Advert / Verdi Opera 1953Verdi Festival at Verona, in the course of which we shall watch performances of Aida, Il Trovatore and La Forza del Destino
British Empire Exhibition, 1924A poster which declares that Britains past and present beckon you to Wembley, the north London venue of this exhibition
Frys Cocoa Ad. / VictoriaAn advertisement for Frys Cocoa to celebrate Queen Victorias Diamond Jubilee
Cod Liver OilThis advertisement for Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil features a codfish weighing 70.76 kg caught off the Norwegian coast
German Glider MeetingPoster for a German gliding meeting
Monaco Grand Prix 1930Poster for the 1930 Monaco Grand Prix
Advert / Goodyear TyresShowcard for GOODYEAR Straight Side Tyres
Keens Mustard AdvertAdvertisement for Keens mustard which feature two sailors carrying a giant tin
Advert / Brighton CarnivalPoster for the Brighton Carnival 24 June to 1 July
Advert / Cinderella 1896Cinderella arrives at the ball, the footmen bow deferentially, the major-domo waves her in
Traffic Exposition 1934Poster for the EXPOSITION DE LA CIRCULATION held at Liege, Belgium
Poster for Bat TheatreRussian poster for the Bat Theatre
Palais De Glace Skate AdPoster for the fashionable Palais de Glace in the Champs Elysees, Paris
Advert / Manders InksManders Inks for Artistic Posters
Advert / Press To-Day 1896Poster for To-Day, London, a weekly magazine edited by Jerome K Jerome Date: circa 1896
First World War PosterAmerican World War One poster promoting the Salvation Army lassie
Dunlop Tyre AdvertIn a class by itself
Milk AdvertisementTwo children on skis carry cartons of Mont Blanc milk - with added sugar or without, according to taste
Poster by a R GiffordPoster for the Womens Edition of the Buffalo Courier
Furniture ExhibitionPoster for an Exhibition of Textiles and Furniture designed by students of Bradford School of Arts & Crafts (1 of 2)
Ww1 / 1917 / Us Navy PosterUS Navy recruitment poster