207 Items
VIRGINIA COUNTRY STOREA Virginia country store Date: 1882
NEW YORK NEWSTAND / 1951Men and women browse through an array of newspapers and magazines on sale at the Garfield News Company stand at New York port authority bus terminal Date: 1951
WASHINGTON XMAS DINNERGeorge Washington, at Christmas dinner at his home at Mount Vernon, proposes a toast To all our friends Date: circa 1790
TRIGONOMETRIC SURVEYA Trigonometric survey in North America. Date: circa 1900
GIRL SEWS / NEW YORK / 1872A girl sews by candlelight in her apartment while a man drinks at the table and another person lies (ill?) in bed in the same room. Date: 1872
THUMB PLAY BILLA theatrical announcement for the final European performance at Ryde Town Hall of General Tom Thumb (aged 14) before he returns to America
CHILIAN REVOLUTIONRevolutionary rebels attack Valparaiso. Date: 1891
AMERICAN CHILDREN SALUTESchoolchildren in an American Industrial School salute the flag, a daily ritual to remind them that whatever their racial origin, their first allegiance is to the USA Date: 1892
MEXICAN TEMPLEThe great Temple of Vitsliputsli in the city of Mexico Date: 1726
RALEIGH IN VIRGINIAWalter Raleigh depicted landing in Virginia (although in fact he did not) Date: 1584
PURITANISM IN COLONIESThe Puritan governor interrupting the Christmas sports Date: 1621
INTERVENTION IN CUBARoosevelt keeping a close eye on insurrection and revolution in Cuba: if the pot boils over, America will intervene Date: 1906
New York, Crystal Palace 1853Construction of the crystal palace for the New York exhibition. Date: 1853
HENRY LEE (CHAPPEL)HENRY LEE known as Light Horse Harry American Revolutionary general and statesman, noted for eulogy of Washington (First in war etc) Date: 1756 - 1818
Two America hoboes risking life and limbTwo Hoboes risk life and limb by riding on a carriage truck in America. Date: 1893
COMMUNITY / CHARITY / HOBOEAn American Hobo Riding on the Bumpers. Date: 1894
COMMUNITY / CHARITY / HOBOESAmerican Hoboes and a Railroad employee come to blows. Date: circa 1888
MAPS / AMERICAS / W. INDIESAn illustrated map of the West Indies and the islands of the Antilles. Date: 1590s
Rotary boat at Woodwards Garden, San Francisco 1886Woodwards Garden, San Francisco, California, was a combination amusement park, museum, art gallery, zoo and aquarium operating from 1866 to 1891
CHICAGO EXHIBITION - 6A Fete Night on Wooded Island Date: Summer 1893
CHICAGO EXHIBITION - 7The Yerkes telescope Date: Summer 1893
REPLICA AT CHICAGOA replica of Columbuss Santa Maria is a feature of the Chicago exhibition Date: Summer 1893
Chicago Worlds Fair 1893A replica of Columbuss Santa Maria is a feature of the exhibition Date: Summer 1893
CHICAGO EXHIBITION - 4The Liberty Bell is brought to the Exhibition from Philadelphia, crack and all Date: Summer 1893
CHICAGO EXHIBITION - 3Cairo Street Date: summer 1893
CHICAGO EXHIBITION - 2The gilded entrance to the Transportation Building Date: Summer 1893
CHICAGO EXHIBITION - 1Foreign Buildings, beside the lake Date: July 1893
FLORIDA GOLD, C16Indigenous natives of Florida collecting gold from river mud Date: 16th century
STARUCCA VIADUCT, USAThe Starucca viaduct on the Erie Railroad Date: C.1850
LORGUES / RABIDA CONVENTColumbus retires to the convent of La Rabida. Date: 1490
LORGUES / MARCHENA WORKSAntonio de Marchena, friar and astronomer, who advised Columbus
GRASS VALLEY DIGGINGSThe gold mine town of Grass Valley Date: 1850s
FOLKLORE / MANTIGERThe Mantyger of South America was described as being the size of a dog, with olive and brown hair and a head resembling that of a horse. Date: 1763
MAP / NORTH AMERICA C1800A fascinating map of North America, from the Russian settlements in the NW via the territory of the Long-Hair Indians to New Albion and Tecas (sic) Date: circa 1800
SHOOTING WILD TURKEYShooting wild turkey to celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November Date: 1859
Irish emigrants leaving home 1870Morning of departure, the Irish emigrants saying goodbye to love ones, to leave for America. Date: 1870
USA Olympic swimming team in ParisThe USA Olympic swimming team; photo by AN Paris. Date: 1924
NEW YORK ATTACKEDAmerica should not think she is immune from attack : as technology advances, Germany will be able to destroy New York by 1930 Date: 1918
Travel - Emigration - USAEmigrants leaving Liverpool for America. Date: 1875
Black nannies in America, 1886A relaxed looking group of black nurses with their charges sit on the verandah somewhere in America Date: 1886
THE TOMBS PRISONTHE TOMBS, NEW YORK a prison mainly reserved for prisoners awaiting trial Date: circa 1830
GENESSEE FALLS, NYThe GENESSEE FALLS near Rochester, New York state, where the river enters Lake Ontario Date: circa 1830
GRAIN ELEVATORA grain-elevator, Minneapolis Date: 1893
EVICTED IN NEW YORKA mother and children find themselves on the pavement in New York, having been evicted from their home Date: 1892
WEAVING LOUISIANAWorking at a primitive loom in Louisiana, USA Date: 1887
CLAMBAKEGentlemen enjoy a clam bake on the coast of America Date: 1883
LOADING LUGGAGE / FORTUNELoading luggage onto the roof of a bus in America Date: 1933
PICNIC / WATERMELON, 1886A watermelon party in America Date: 1886
Gold in California 1852A saloon scene in Sacramento Date: 1852
GOLD PROSPECTORSGold prospectors in California Date: 1849
Gold in California, Sutters Mill. Date: circa 1848
EXHIBITION / CHICAGO 1893The Golden Doorway into Sullivans Transportation building Date: 1893
CHRISTMAS / AMERICAIn the USA Santa arrives by plane Date: 1932
NATIVE AMERICANS INTRUDENative Americans interrupt a Puritan church service Date: circa 1700
GOLD MINING / HYDRAULIC / USHydraulic mining for gold in Colorado Date: circa 1870
GOLD PROSPECTOR / COLORADOGold prospectors at Leadville, Colorado Date: 1881
GOLD MINING / COLORADOMules loaded with winter supplies in the mining districts of Colorado Date: 1880
DUTCH WAREHOUSEDutch warehouse in Middelburg Date: 1699
BATTLE OF ITAPIRUPARAGUAY-BRAZIL WAR The Brazilian general field- marshal Osorio defeats the Paraguayans at the battle of Itapiru Date: 17 April 1866
NAVAL BATTLEPARAGUAY-BRAZIL WAR Naval action : Brazilian monitors force a passage past the Paraguayan batteries at Tebicuary Date: 1868
APACHE REVOLTThe Apache people are exhorted to revolt against the United States Government Date: summer 1907
WAITBORNE & MERMAID WAITBORNE & MERMAIDRichard Waitborne/Whitbourne at St.Johns Harbour visited by blue-haired sea monster Date: 1618
UFOs, OBannon, Winona, 195750 km east of Winona, Missouri, Tom OBannon sees a flying saucer; when it returns two days later, he obtains this impressive photograph. Date: 20th October 1957
Cadillac lands in DetroitThe landing of Cadillac. Date: 1701
KLONDIKE GOLD RUSHProspectors buying stores at Victoria, British Columbia, before setting out for the Klondike Date: 1898
WILLIAMS MEETING HOUSEThe Abbott House - Roger Williams meeting-house, at Providence, Rhode Island Date: 1636
Brazilian squidSEA SERPENT LOOK-ALIKE Cuttle fish, or calamary Date: 1802
Native American Hunting Buffalo on Horseback. Date: circa 1830
Woolworth Building by night, New York, USA. Date: 1913
American soldiers with dogs in the PhilippinesAmerican soldiers fighting in the Philippines during the Philippine-American War (1899-1902) let loose the dogs of war against native rebels. Date: 1899
Niagara Falls between Canada and the USAView of the Niagara Falls between Canada and the United States of America -- the American Fall on the left, the Horseshoe Fall on the right. Date: circa 1870
Woman reading a book in her bedroomA woman sits on a chair beside her bed reading a book by lamplight. Date: 1878
Kempelins Automaton Chess PlayerWolfgang von Kempelins Automaton Chess Player. It was created in Germany, was widely exhibited, and eventually reappeared in New York in 1845. Date: 1769
Wun-nes-tou, Medicine Man of the Blackfeet tribeWun-nes-tou, Medicine Man of the Blackfeet (Blackfoot) tribe of American Natives. Date: circa 1830
Emancipated women of America, satire 1851Emancipated women of America, as depicted by the illustrator of Alice. Date: 1851
End of Prohibition in AmericaAmericans celebrate the end of Prohibition Date: 1933
Tobacco PlantationVirginia, USA : clearing ground preparatory to planting tobacco on a plantation Date: 1874
American Tobacco IndustryNorth Carolina, USA : tobacco market selling tobacco leaves Date: 1895
Hogshead of TobaccoVirginia, USA : getting a hogshead of tobacco ready for market Date: 1874
General Burgoyne addresses the Indians at their War Feast in Canada Date: 1777
Native Americans bringing hides to a traders hut Date: 1876
Stockbrokers in New York 1864Kerbstone brokers, New York, 1864 Date: 1864