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Sabbath Collection

Background imageSabbath Collection: Rules to be Observed by a Victorian Family

Rules to be Observed by a Victorian Family -- a typical summary of Victorian values, with advice including: Waste Not, Want Not; Do everything at its proper time; Be punctual, be regular

Background imageSabbath Collection: Healing on Sunday

Healing on Sunday
The priests aren t best pleased when Jesus heals on Sunday, but he explains that the sabbath was made for man and not vice versa

Background imageSabbath Collection: Witches Sabbath by Francisco de Goya

Witches Sabbath by Francisco de Goya
Francisco de Goya (1746-1828). Spanish romantic painter. Witches Sabbath, 1821-1823. Detail. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain

Background imageSabbath Collection: Stanton Drew Stones

Stanton Drew Stones
Stanton Drew Stone Circle, ancient standing stones in Somerset, England, said to be a wedding party, turned into stone by the Devil for dancing on the Sabbath. Date: BC

Background imageSabbath Collection: Lighting the Lamps, Jewish Sabbath Eve

Lighting the Lamps, Jewish Sabbath Eve - The Family Friend magazine March 1874 Date: 1874

Background imageSabbath Collection: The Witches Sabbath or The Witches, 1797-1798, by Goya

The Witches Sabbath or The Witches, 1797-1798, by Goya
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828). Spanish painter. The Witches Sabbath or The Witches, 1797-1798. Lazaro Galdiano Museum. Madrid. Spain

Background imageSabbath Collection: The Witches Sabbath, 1797-1798, by Goya

The Witches Sabbath, 1797-1798, by Goya
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828). Spanish painter. The Witches Sabbath, 1797-1798. Lazaro Galdiano Museum. Madrid. Spain

Background imageSabbath Collection: Music cover, Sabbath Recreations No. 4

Music cover, Sabbath Recreations No. 4, a Collection of Sacred Airs for the Pianoforte, arranged by J Pridham, with a view of St Paul's Cathedral, London Date: 19th century

Background imageSabbath Collection: SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON

DIE SCHWEIZERISCHE ROBINSON Mr & Mrs Robinson and their four sons sit down for the Sabbath Lecture. Date: First published 1812

Background imageSabbath Collection: EVIL-DOERS PUNISHED

A man who took the name of God in vain, and another who violated the Sabbath by plucking a few straws in the fields, are stoned to death - such is God's Law !

Background imageSabbath Collection: Music cover, Sabbath Recreations, J Pridham

Music cover, Sabbath Recreations, J Pridham
Music cover, Sabbath Recreations, A Collection of Sacred Airs for the pianoforte arranged by J Pridham, with a view of Rochester Cathedral, Kent. 1880s

Background imageSabbath Collection: Keepeth the Sabbath from polluting 1856

Keepeth the Sabbath from polluting 1856
Our only day, the Sabbath is the workingmans chapter. Date: 1856

Background imageSabbath Collection: Stanton Drew Stones

Stanton Drew Stones
Stanton Drew Stone circle is celebrated in folklore as the members of a wedding party lured by the devil to celebrate on the sabbath and thus becoming petrified!

Background imageSabbath Collection: Sabbatarians stop delivery of post on Sunday

Sabbatarians stop delivery of post on Sunday
Sabbatarians achieve a short lived victory, having stopped the delivery of post on Sundays. Though pleasing to Post Office workers, it infuriated the public. Date: 1850

Background imageSabbath Collection: The Witches Sabbath (Sabbatical scene)

The Witches Sabbath (Sabbatical scene)
GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco de (1746-1828). The Witches Sabbath (Sabbatical scene). Mural painting mounted on canvas

Background imageSabbath Collection: William Benn, Puritan

William Benn, Puritan
WILLIAM BENN Puritan churchman and theologian, defending the Christian sabbath against the Jewish one. Date: 1600 - 1680

Background imageSabbath Collection: Churches of Christ Mission, Namiwawa, Nyasaland

Churches of Christ Mission, Namiwawa, Nyasaland
Miss Bannister at work, Churches of Christ Mission, Namiwawa, Nyasaland, British Central Africa (now Malawi). Date: circa 1910

Background imageSabbath Collection: The Pharisees told the man not to transport the bed on the S

The Pharisees told the man not to transport the bed on the Sabbath. Codex of Predis (1476). Royal Library. Turin. Italy

Background imageSabbath Collection: James Grahame

James Grahame
JAMES GRAHAME Scottish churchman and writer, author of The Sabbath. Date: 1765 - 1811

Background imageSabbath Collection: Cruikshank, The Gin Shop, plate 11

Cruikshank, The Gin Shop, plate 11
This is the text which the good pastor chose, And the light on the soul of the drunkard arose, As he sat in the church, to which one Sabbath-day, Along with his wife he had taken his way

Background imageSabbath Collection: Young boy admonished for fishin on the Sabbath

Young boy admonished for fishin on the Sabbath
Clergyman - " My Boy, do you know its wicked to fish on the Sabbath?" Youngster - " I isn t fishing; I m teachin this ere wurm ter swim." Date: 1895

Background imageSabbath Collection: Beginning of the sabbath

Beginning of the sabbath. Date c1868

Background imageSabbath Collection: The sabbath day

The sabbath day. Date 1877

Background imageSabbath Collection: The Emigration of Russian Jews. Sketches on Board

The Emigration of Russian Jews. Sketches on Board
Engraving of a group playing cards on deck. Ladies in headscarves watching. The point behind the drawing is that Jews do not observe Sunday as their sabbath, Christians would not play cards on Sunday

Background imageSabbath Collection: Jewish Voter at the Polling Station, London, 1910

Jewish Voter at the Polling Station, London, 1910
Illustration showing an elderly orthodox Jew, at a polling station, London, 1910. This gentleman is shown indicating, to the presiding officer

Background imageSabbath Collection: Drink Restriction Satire

Drink Restriction Satire
The lamentable complaints....concerning the restraint set forth against drinking, potting and piping on the Sabbath day

Background imageSabbath Collection: Settlers in Canada observing the Sabbath

Settlers in Canada observing the Sabbath
Settlers in the backwoods of Canada observing the Sabbath

Background imageSabbath Collection: Quiet London Sunday

Quiet London Sunday

Background imageSabbath Collection: The Habdalah

The Habdalah
The Jews in New York THE HABDALAH - the prayer of separation, which divides the Sabbath from the workdays of the week

Background imageSabbath Collection: David Rice Atchison

David Rice Atchison
DAVID RICE ATCHISON American judge and senator, who by virtue of Zachary Polks refusal to be inaugur- -ated on the Sabbath, was nominally President for a day

Background imageSabbath Collection: Pyne - Parish Beadle

Pyne - Parish Beadle
THE PARISH BEADLE A kind of policeman, whose job is to make sure everyone behaves properly in church and enforce the proper observation of the Sabbath

Background imageSabbath Collection: Puritan Revolution

Puritan Revolution - complaint about restrictions against drinking and selling meat on the Sabbath

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